Saturday, May 19, 2012

From The Desk of Susan and Bentley ~ Weathering the Storms

We all experience the storms of life.  No one gets a free pass.  Some storms are
quick and fleeting.  The car breaks down.  The water heater needs to be replaced.
Annoyances that come at inappropriate times yet can be handled.

Sometimes those annoyances come marching into our lives one after
another.  That's the moment when we may raise our hands up to the heavens
and ask ...
Why Me???

Yet, we still live through those moments and they are quickly forgotten by most
of us, yet some of us hang onto them like badges of valor.  

Larger storms may loom over the horizon.  The loss of a home to fire or flood.

These storms may bring seemingly unbearable heartache.  The loss of 
a loved one.  The worst of which I believe is the loss of a child.

Yet no matter how devastating that storm may be, we live on even
when we wish we could not.  How do we face a new day after the

We reach out to others.  We realize that the trials we live through are
universal.   We step out of our egos and reach out a hand to one in need.
A kind word to someone who is lonely or depressed.  A home cooked meal
delivered to an elderly shut in.  Mentoring a troubled child.  There is always
someone else who is weathering a storm too. Trust me on this and give it a
try when the storms become too violent.  You may very well see that ray of
sunshine that will give you the courage to face a new day.

Wishing you all clear sailing and a lovely day ahead.

From the Desk of Susan and Bentley will now be a weekly feature.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Yes, Susan, we all have those storms we weather. It is somewhat a comfort to know we are not alone. Wishing you, David and Bentley and wonderful weekend. Dan and I are off to the camper.

    1. Robin ~ you have brought real joy into my life and have become the sister I never had! Now if we could just be over the fence neighbors too!
      xo Susan and Bentley too

  2. Such true words. Have a blessed week-end.

    1. Thank you Debby! Wishing you a sunshine weekend filled with laughter and good times!
      xo Susan and Bentley

  3. Susan, you and I both know that we cannot let the hardships define who we are. Though we have walked a most difficult path, we have to realize that, through faith and belief, we shall be with our loved ones again. Until then, they are always with us and only want us to be happy with the life that we are living and to not let our loss define our days. I believe that they only want us to remember all of the wonderful times with them and to cherish the blessing of having them in our life.

    Your photos are so sweet and so pretty. You have a wonderful way of putting your heart into words. Give Bentley a hug,


    1. Dearest Becky ~ you have been my spiritual mentor and dear friend. Your strength of faith is an example for us all. Now give those darling pups a big hug from me!
      xo Susan and Bentley too

  4. We must go through little storms to be ready for some big ones. I knew a woman once who was as they say "never sick at day in her life". When she became diabetic she became bitter and angry at God. She became very unproductive. I watched her and thought "I need to learn something here".

    Thank you reminding us to embrace learning in all the developments around us!

    1. I feel sad for that dear woman. She is making herself miserable when she could choose to be happy despite her illness. I am glad to know that her negativity was turned into a positive message for you. Thank you for stopping by my cottage so often. I always look forward to hearing from you.
      xo Susan and Bentley

  5. This is one of the most beautiful posts I've ever read, and the photos are just gorgeous too!
    Happy Weekend!

  6. Thank you Carol. Have a great weekend!
    xo Susan and Bentley

  7. As the Mother of a wee angel son, yes we do weather much. Despite our loss it has also brought us many blessings in life that would not have probably occurred. So many benefit from our efforts on our sons behalf, to bring them joy & love.
    God works in mysterious way ... our path may have a bend, but He straightens it out with us.

    Beautiful share today ... much wisdom & love tucked in there, Susan. Thank you.
    Have a wonderful weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  8. What a blessing you are dear Marydon. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
    xo Susan and Bentley

  9. Oh do I know about weathering storms....had a few, but weathering is the operative them and continue on, braver, stronger and more self assured the next time one comes along. Love your garden photos...I would like to come and sit a spell to help in weathering the latest storm

    1. That is the silver lining in the clouds that storms bring ~ one does emerge stronger and more self assured. You are right about that! Would love to have you sit in the garden with me this afternoon.
      xo Susan and Bentley

  10. What a beautiful post. I think the last 12 months have brought me many "showers" but I am still so very blessed. Thank you for sharing!!!

  11. Me too ~ showers but many blessings. I try to look on the bright side. After all, what can it hurt?
    xo Susan and Bentley

  12. All true words and very inspiring.
    It's important to enjoy the good days and take them one day at a time!

    1. Enjoy the good days and pay if forward!
      xo Susan and Bentley

  13. Wise words Susan. I appreciate them and will heed them. Too often I go silent and never give others the opportunity to comfort me or offer help and thus I have lost out on a lot of caring I would have loved to have and at times have desperately needed.. I think I've finally learned its ok to share both my Joy and my Sorrow and accept the comfort others have to offer.

    1. We are so alike dear Sonny! I too don't let people close when I am suffering. I bear my pain alone. Yet I am always willing to lend an ear to someone else. I am not sure why, but it's always been like that for me. I guess I am a slow learner when it comes to emotional intelligence. Here's something else we have in common ~ "Sonny" is my Mom's nickname! I guess that makes us buddies.
      xo Susan and Bentley

  14. Thanks for sharing these lovely words of wisdom Susan.


    1. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. When I was a student my teachers always said I talked too much and asked too many questions lol. I'm still talking away!
      xo Susan and Bentley

  15. Beautiful words, Susan. I'm going to save this one off for my files if you don't mind. These are wise words written most eloquently. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with all of us.
    ~ Sarah

  16. Dear Susan and Bentley. I have always liked you from the very first time we met in our blogging world..but I know now I love you dearly. Can you love someone you don't know, will never meet? Yes. For me the answer is a resounding YES!

    1. Thank you dear Mona. You always make me laugh. You are delightful. I treasure and value your friendship.
      xo Susan and David

  17. Susan, what beautiful words you have written and oh, so true! Thank you for spreading words from your heart!

  18. Sweet words and beautiful photography! I am loving that fence with the wildflowers. I hope you and Bentley have a wonderful day:)

    1. Isn't that a pretty segment of pickets? It belongs to a neighbor. I love to walk by that cottage.
      xo Susan and Bentley

  19. It is true we never truly know what someone else may be going through. If we could remember to be a little kinder than necessary what a difference that would make. Thanks for this sweet reminder to do just that.

    Love the beautiful piano music here!!

    1. I love that music too. It's by Brian Crain.
      xo Susan and Bentley

  20. Lovely post and gorgeous pictures!! I hope you have a beautiful Sunday!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  21. Love that post, thank you for that and looking forward to the next.....cleo

    1. Thank you. It is my hope that this "from the desk of" series helps us to get to know each other better.
      xo Susan and Bentley

  22. You are so right Susan and Bentley. It is hard to focus on oneself if you are busy helping others.

    1. Focusing on someone else's needs is therapeutic.
      xo Susan and Bentley

  23. Lovely post. Thank you for the inspiration.

  24. Beautiful post. Yes, so inspiring and your words and images are just lovely.

  25. Such a beautiful post and so true. Last week I was so upset at work but cutting remarks made by someone at work who was trying to be funny. Little did he know that the person feeling the effects of those sharp words was dealing with an unseen burden.

    We all need to be reminded that sometimes those storms are there, whether we see them or not. The world needs more love, patience, kindness, joy and understanding.

    Thank you for stopping by today. It's a pleasure to meet up with you.

  26. Susan and Bentley,

    A beautiful and uplifting post.


  27. I needed to read this today. Thank you for your lovely photos but especially your words.

  28. Every time I have calm and peace in my life, I try to be so thankful, because I have lived long enough to know that the storms will reappear. Love this new feature! Thank you for reminding us of something very important.

  29. So true. We all weather storms and your post is a good reminder to try to lend a hand to others that are going through such times.

    - The Tablescaper

  30. Beautiful pictures and great wisdom.

  31. Hello Susan and Bentley,
    What a lovely post and absolutely gorgeous photos! I hope you both have a wonderful week!
    Hugs, Cindy

  32. Susan - something to brighten your day! I just nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award - just visit my blog to read all about it.


  33. What a pretty post Susan! Everything is just lovely.

  34. Your words are heartfelt Diane. Such lovely photos and music to read uplifting thoughts.

    From a grateful heart………
    The French Hutch

  35. What a beautiful message!! I hope you also have a clear sailing ahead!


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