Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Gardening Tea for Mom's Day

When I asked my Mom what she would like to do for Mother's Day
she said she would like to spend time planning the new garden in 
her side yard.  So instead of going out for a Mother's Day brunch ...

we will be visiting nurseries, garden shops, pouring over garden
books and magazines and maybe even getting our hands dirty.  
But we have to have some festivity too, so I have planned a tea party
and we will have a garden salad, some little rolls and of course tea.

We both like to work in the garden, so it should be a fun day.

The weather has been so beautiful that it is hard to stay inside.

I hope that you are enjoying beautiful weather too!

Bentley and I are joining ~


  1. Dear Susan, I'm so happy you get to plan a garden with your mom on Mother's Day! Enjoy! xo

  2. Beautiful and what a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day! Love the teapot and china!

  3. I would love to have you link this to my Tea in the Garden! A wonderful post with great ideas for spending time with Mom!

  4. A very nice way to celebrate this special day as a family.

  5. It sounds like you and your mother are going to have a lovely day! That's great!
    Tell Bentley "Hi" for us...Mele and I, that is! :)

  6. That sounds like a lovely day! I hope you really get to enjoy the time with your mother this year!

    HaPpY vInTaGe ThInGiE tHuRsDaY!

  7. Oh this sounds like a perfect Mother's day to me, if i were the mother or the daughter. My mother is dead, and mother's day is still a bittersweet day for me, but what a lovely day you have planned. I love the pictures too, they inspire me to consider gardens I am in the midst of re-designing and working.Happy Mother's day!

  8. What a great way to spend mother's day! My MD is garden inspired too -- my far away daughter sent me THREE yellow knock out roses for MD -- love them!

  9. So beautiful! Love all things cottage as well as all things aqua, so you know, I HAVE to follow back. :)

  10. What a very delightful way to spend Mother's Day. Love your beautiful teacup and tea pot.

    Jocelyn @

  11. It sounds like the perfect way for the two of you to spend Mother's Day! Enjoy your tea break!

  12. Sounds like a fantastic Mothers day plan! Thank you for linking up to Fishtail Cottage's garden party this week! xoxo, tracie

  13. Love all of your pink - I am besotted with china with pink flowers. :) Such a sweet post, wishing you a lovely day with your mom! My mom and I used to love going to nurseries and garden shows together too.

  14. Sounds like a wonderful time!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. This sounds like the perfect day for your mother, I know I'd like to do this for Mother's Day.

  16. Hello,
    Spending Mothers Day like this sounds like so much fun. Such a beautiful tea for your Mom. Thanks for sharing.

  17. What a lovely plan you have with your mother for Mother's Day! I love the idea, so enjoy your garden planing! The tea is gorgeous, I love the teacups. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

  18. Sounds like such fun. Enjoy and take many pictures for the memories. Love your music also.

  19. I'm sure you'll have a lovely time :) Your cottage style is just beautiful and so is your blog...I've just added myself as a new follower. If you have a moment I would be delighted if you dropped by my blog too :)
    Cas x

  20. I love your Mother's day plans! Your flowers and china are beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Susan, as always, your photos are so beautifully styled. Love all of the florals. I know your mother will enjoy her day with all of this special treatment she will be getting. I hope Bentley has something very special for you on Mother's Day too! Have a great weekend. laurie

  22. Sooo very beautiful! Thank you for linking up to THT!!

  23. This is one of my favorite kinds of soft and lovely..
    You and Bentley are just the sweetest and the setting goes so perfect with you.

  24. Everything is lovely! Our weather should be nice this weekend! Enjoy yours, too!

  25. Sounds like a fabulous day! Enjoy every minute. Love the teapot and cup and saucer, they are very beautiful. xo

  26. Happy Pink Mother's Day weekend, Susan! I knew I would find pretty here! Love your teapot and cups! We have the same RA Old English Rose teacup! Enjoy the day with your mom. Lovely post and thanks for sharing.


  27. Hi Susan and Bentley...what a lovely Mother's day celebration.
    Thank you for the visit today.
    xo Tami

  28. I love your table and accoutrements! Love the soft green and pink colors together--very pretty. Have fun with your Mom!

  29. What a wonderful idea. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the follow. Happy Mother's Day.

  30. such a pretty tea party for Mum...
    do wash your hands before you sit down to tea.
    dirt would not look nice on the shortbread for heavens sake.

  31. Just lovely! I'm sure she'd enjoy nothing more than spending time with you!
    (and Bentley, of course!)
    Enjoy your weekend.

  32. What a fun thing to do for Mothers Day, I will have to remember that one. You two should have lots of fun deciding which plants, colors and design. Top it all off with a great tea time. Happy Mothers Day and Pink Sat.

  33. Hi Susan,
    What a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day...with your Mom in the garden center and enjoying tea and goodies together over some beautiful gardening magazines. You can't beat that. Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mom :)

  34. What a sweet mothersday that will be. Having a lovely tea and spending time in the garden. I love your photo's and your teaservice is beautiful.

  35. Hello Susan! Thank you for visiting and becoming a follower. From what I've seen here it looks to be a bit of country cottage, how pretty. I see you have a Yorkie too, aren't they the sweetest little dogs, I have two. I will be sure to come back when I have more time. Your plans on how to spend Mother's Day with your mom sounds perfect.

  36. Oh, Bentley is a cutie pie! We have an almost 2 year old Yorkie named Bella. She is going to have babies soon, so we are SOOOOO excited.


  37. Sounds like a beautiful day! I love visiting gardening shops and getting inspiration from gardening mags and books. Beautiful table too!

  38. A perfection of a day, with lots of sunshine and good company and a tea party, and then all the fruits of your labors to delight you all Summer.


  39. What a beautiful setting! I have a similar teapot and you have inspired me!

    I have a praise in that our home has officially sold. I now have just 32 to days to find a home, pack and move. A little pressure? :) We put a bid on a home yesterday that will give "The Money Pit" a run for it's money.
    I wanted to let you know that I so appreciate all of your support and kind comments and if I am absent the next few weeks from your blog please know I will return soon.

    For whomever you nurture, have a happy and blessed Mother's Day.

  40. Thanks, Susan for stopping by my corner of the blog world and have such a lovely spot here...cottage design is my absolute favorite, it is so warm & cozy. Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  41. What a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day and right up my alley! Enjoy and Happy Mother's Day :)

  42. Sounds like a perfect day Susan! Have fun in the garden-enjoy:@)

  43. The tea sounds wonderful. Happy Mother's Day!

  44. What a fun way to spend Mother's Day...out in the beauty of nature!

  45. Sounds like the PERFECT mother's day to me. As long as Bentley doesn't dig up whatever you have planted ;-)

  46. Sounds like the perfect gift for your Mother.
    Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great day tomorrow!

  47. Beautiful tea for your mom. Hope she is doing well.

  48. Adore!!!
    perfect day if you ask me!!
    Cherish and Enjoy!!

  49. How beautiful! What a lovely idea! Your teapot is beautiful by the way :) Happy Mother's day!

  50. Wish i lived. Loser to my mom, cuz that would be exactly what id be doing!
    Be blessed, Lorena

  51. This is a wonderful way to celebrate the day with your mother. My husband has always, instead of just buying me a bunch of flowers, planted a garden of some kind for me. He says, "That way, you have flowers all the time!" Smart guy, don't you think?

  52. Looks like a beautiful day. Happy Mother's Day to both of you.

  53. So soft and beautiful, love your images.

  54. Hello, I love this. I always ask for roses or flowers that I can plant and visit each year! I am so glad you were able to spend this special time with your Mother - your setting is just too beautiful. I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday

  55. Planning a garden must be the most wonderful way to spend a Mother's Day. Thanks so much for being a part of my 100th Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  56. So pretty! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


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