Friday, May 4, 2012

Hot Pink Jazz

These flowers are called "Hot Pink Jazz".  Aren't they sweet?
I just love them in this little tin bucket.  It is embossed with dragon flies
but they don't show up very well in this pic.

It is a beautiful sunny morning.  Don't know how long it will last because there
is more rain in the forecast.  After a cup of tea on the porch, Bentley and I will
head out to the garden to get some more work done.  Right now there are no squirrels
out and about.  Bentley is standing on top of the bench on our deck barking as he
is looking up at the big tree that covers the deck.  It is as though he is saying ~
"come out and play with me"!

Well that's the morning news from Ash Tree Cottage.  Have a lovely 
Friday everyone and don't forget to visit Beverly.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Love your dragonfly pot. Nice little accents pieces. Smiles, Susie

  2. Susan your pot is so pretty, your flowers just gorgeous & that TEACUP so inviting.
    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  3. Beautiful photos Susan.. love your sign too.

  4. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    I love this share today. Your little pot is so darn cute, but I really love this wicker chair with the floral cushion. How inviting it is.
    I can see Bentley curled up in this chair.

    A beautiful share dear friend. Lovin the flowers. Everything is waking up. Don't you just love it?

    Have a glorious weekend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  5. Love your pretty flowers! Happy Pink Saturday!


  6. Hi Susan, Isn't it wonderful that Spring is here! I bought a basket of flowers yesterday and there was one in it that looked like yours. Your little tin bucket is adorable. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  7. Happy Pink Saturday.....your posts always have me visualizing everything. Give Bentley a pat from me.

  8. I Love your HOT PINK JAZZ ~ how sweet. Love the pot and I love your vignettes ~ Susan you have made me smile today. Something I really needed. Thank you ;-)


    Give Bentley a hug too!~

  9. Love the Hot Pink Jazz flowers...they are *perfect* for Pink Saturday! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Made my day a little brighter...thanks for sharing!

  11. I love white wicker,flowers and tin buckets. They make a lovely combination. xx

  12. Hi Susan and bentley! I love this! Pretty sweet pink touches.

    Happy pink Saturday, Happy Derby Day and ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

    Please stop by and enter my celebrate spring/moms giveaway.

  13. I'm lovin this Hot Pink Jazz--just lovely in this pot. All the pink touches are perfect for Pink Sat.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.