Monday, May 14, 2012

Let's Have Dinner on the Deck Tonight!

The weather here is gorgeous!  I want to spend every minute I can outside!!
So ~ I am serving dinner on the deck tonight on these festive California
Poppy dinner plates by Franciscan.  Lots of pops of happy color!

I have not decided for sure what to serve, but I am thinking that
grilled chicken caesar salad might be good.  Oh and lots of tea and lemonade ~
an Arnie Palmer.  

I wish you all could join us.  Bentley will be entertaining us
with his nightly dinner show.  He is such a little ham.  I really have
to film his antics so that you can all have a giggle.

Well, I better run.  I have several errands to run before dinner.
I hope that y'all are having great weather where you live.

Don't forget to visit 

Bentley ~ make sure that you pay extra attention to your Daddy
when he comes home this evening.  He texted me earlier and he is
having a frustrating day.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan and Bentley, Love your table setting-it looks so summery. I am sitting drinking Arne Palmer(love it); your chicken caesar sounds wonderful but we will be having Bison Burgers tonight. Enjoy the sunshine.
    Hugs, Noreen & Hunter

  2. I wish I could join you for dinner. Your table looks so bright and summery. Our weather is wonderful here too. Mr. V. and I are having hamburgers, mac salad and fresh sweet corn ~ yum. Bentley, treat your daddy to an extra special show tonight. Make him laugh ;-)

  3. Your table is very sweet and fun.
    the weather here has been on and off rain. A good weekend though.

  4. Lovely table and a perfect evening in sunny California for outside dining.
    I love chicken caesar salad....

  5. Hi Susan,
    What a beautiful sunny setting! Love those dishes. It's a pattern I never saw before,Hmmm. I use the APPLE as one of my everyday dishes, BUT YOURS are so summery! I saw a new set "CLOSE but not the same as yours" at one of our thrift stores last month...I was "TEMPTED" but it was more than my BUDGET and I decided to WAIT(and they were gone)...You know the saying "You Snooze, You Loose"! I felt bad BUT we MUST share and some other lucky lady took them home!
    Oh Yes, you MUST,MUST,MUST video Bentley!!!!
    Have a wonderful week,

  6. Lovely table and glad you are eating on the deck. We have just started eating on our and love to enjoy the sunshine.

  7. What a beautiful table setting.....just perfect for dinner! The weather was beautiful here today but we were both so tired we decided to have dinner in front of the tv catching up on previously recorded shows. LOL
    Have a great week :o)

  8. Any minute Bentley will be jumping up on the chair ready for dinner like at Grandmas house! Weather is wonderful here too...had some work to do so I just took the computer outside and sat on the porch by the fountatin!

  9. What a lovely relaxing dinner you will have.
    The colors are so pretty.
    Have a great eve ~
    TTFN ~

  10. Love your idea!! Your table looks so refreshing and inviting. Be sure to set a place for me. I love Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad :-)

    Jocelyn @

  11. Bentley, you and Mele are sooo spoiled. The difference is that Mele LIVES at Grandma's house. :) And...she and Grandma have to watch their weight! You betcha!

    Sara, I'm like you, I am definitely on the hunt for those. I found some at Roger's Gardens In Orange County, but they were larger...and these are the perfect size!
    I'm glad you liked them!

  12. What a pretty table for an outdoor meal, Susan! Love the yellow you brought in. I'm sure having a meal at a pretty table like that would help cheer anyone up after a bad day!

  13. What a lovely setting. Pretty dishes too. Bentley is adorable and I bet he does put on a show. I am now following.

  14. Hope your dinner outside is delightful. Give Bentley a kiss for me.


  15. Oh so pretty. Love the yellow, so cheerful and the little bird is perfect. Beautifully done. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  16. That is so bright and cheery, Susan! I'd love sharing a meal at your table!

  17. I love to eat dinner outside when it is nice out. I like your dishes!

  18. Hope your evening was delightful ... that table setting is so inviting!

  19. Thanks for stopping by for a visit and leaving such a sweet ccomment. I love that you can have dinner outside. Here in Texas we are always fighting bugs and heat.Happy to be a follower.

  20. Actually we are having rain here, but for us Texans, rain is beautiful. ;-)

  21. How I wish I could bring my girls for a visit. They love Arnold Palmer's and would adore Bentley! Enjoy the weather!


  22. How beautiful, Susan! I'd love to sit out there with you and Bentley!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.