Friday, June 29, 2012

Looking Back

This past week was a busy one.  I had so many things I planned to
accomplish but did not.

The days all slipped by so fast.  Work projects, errands, finding products, 
chores around the house ...
etc, etc, etc.

While I am thankful it is Friday and looking forward to the weekend,
I am stopping to think how it has arrived so quickly.

Remember when life moved more slowly?  When summers seemed 
like endless days filled with wonderful memories?  

How I long for those days once again.

I plan to slow down a bit this weekend.  Sit on the porch with a glass
of iced tea.  Watch Bentley chase squirrels.  Enjoy the moment.

Be sure to sign up for my giveaway on the previous post.  I'll be
announcing the winner on July 5th.  Have a happy day!

Bentley ~ I promise to spend more time with you today.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Take some time to relax & enjoy this weekend! I don't know where the time goes, but it certainly does fly by.

  2. Oh I do remember those long, lazy days of summer and wouldn't mind of few of them right now myself. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. That first photograph is heavenly. Love the plate. I think it is best to learn to say "No" sometimes and enjoy life. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Deb

  4. relaxing is exactly what I'll be doing this weekend also.. my body is fine but my brain needs a rest as I have several important decisions to make next week and I'd like to do that with a clear mind if possible.

    your photos are beautiful..

  5. ps~ I often think dogs can communicate with each other thru the ethers so would you ask Bentley to please send my Buffy Marie, healing thoughts please.

    thanks in advance Bentley..

  6. Time really does fly, too quickly, I can't believe the year is half over.....yikes! xo

  7. I miss those long lazy days of summer, too, but it is too hot to sit outside much right now. I guess I will gaze longingly out the window. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I know exactly what you mean, Susan. I remember growing up in North Carolina and how the summer days were endless, and lazy. We always had a pitcher of sweet tea with a little dish of sliced lemons to cool of as we sat on the front porch. I miss those wonderful days! Have a lovely weekend, Sharon

  9. Oh, your pictures are so yummy! I want one of those pin cushions! I hope you get some rest this weekend. I know Bentley will enjoy it with you!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. Hi Susan! I know, time does seem to fly by so fast! Happy 4th of July to you and your snaps are always so pretty.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Happy Pink Saturday!! What a beautiful blog post. Grace

  12. What a sweet pink post, Susan! I love the china and the linens. We have the same RA teacup and I LOVE your pretty teapot! Thanks for sharing your pretties and Happy Pink Saturday weekend. Hope you get out on the porch with Bentley and enjoy that iced tea!


  13. Everything is so sweet--I sit here drinking ice tea as I enjoy your post. Sweet music too:) The china and linens are gorgeous--I am really loving that little pin cushion!

  14. That wee pink pin cushion is so fine Susan. I am completely slowed down by the heat.

  15. Hi Susan, Enjoy your glass of tea! I'm having mine right now and starting the weekend early. Happy Fourth of July and Pink Saturday too. ~Marti

  16. I've had one of those types of weeks too! Enjoy your slow moments this weekend.

  17. Beautiful posies all over this post! I hope you DO get to sit down and enjoy a few moments this weekend.
    Have a happy one!

  18. Oh I love the teapot and the pincushion. I do hope you get some time to relax this weekend. Happy 4th of July!

  19. It's so true - the summers of long ago that seemed to go on forever now fly by in a flurry of work, gardening and just coping with life. I love the peaceful images on this post.

  20. Time really is flying by! Half a year gone in a flash. Mimi

  21. Love your teapot. Time goes so fast, here it is the end of June already. I plan to spend the weekend on my porch but know it will be gone before I know. Something to do with old age?

  22. OOO, the summertime of my youth passed sooo many memories made. Then, dang it, we have to grow up! Peter Pan had it right.:))
    xo bj

  23. What a delightful and pretty pink post. Love such simple pleasures.
    Bentley is adorable. Reminds me of our Boon.
    Happy pinks.
    Much love,

  24. That is how I try to take life: a moment at a time. All of it so precious. Beautiful pics!

  25. Love your pinks....especially the sweet pin cushion....lovely pictures! Hope you find time to relax. Happy 4th of July.

  26. Hi Susan, thank you for your nice comments. I love the calming nature to your blog and great photos. I am your newest follower.

  27. Lovely post and love the music.

  28. I love your Pink stuffs, so beautiful..

    Visiting for Pink Saturday- hope you can stop by..

  29. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan. I know just what you mean about where does the time goes. I need some time to rest and relax - and enjoy. Thank you for always sharing your beauty.♥


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.