Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things ~ Part One

I love vintage homes.  Homes with character and charm.  Homes
with nooks and crannies.  Homes with floors that creak and growth charts
on the walls displaying the heights of the kids who grew up there.

I love kitchen sinks with skirts.  Always have, always will.  Whenever I
see a skirt on a kitchen sink it makes me smile.

I love a cottage style bath ~ no pretentious bathroom for me.

I  love quilts.   No wait, love is not the appropriate term ~
I ADORE quilts like this one from Susan Branch's Blog.  Isn't it precious?

I have been working on a quilt in this same pattern ~

I hope to finish it one day soon, but at the rate I am going that could
be a long way off!

Source: via Susan on Pinterest

I love vintage table cloths ~ so cheerful!

And charming cottage windows like this one!

Bentley and I are staying inside just dreaming of our favorite
things.  Still to hot and too smokey outside from all of the 
fires to do much else.  Later on this evening I will pour a glass
of my favorite wine and give Bentley a treat while we visit some of
our favorite blogs.  Right Bentley?  Yep, he's in favor of a treat!

Susan and Bentley


  1. You know how I love this style, too! Every picture wonderful! I love you quilt!!! Bentley, I think that would make a nice doggie quilt!

  2. Susan and Bentley: Be sure to enjoy your lazy time tonight with your wine and your treats. I guess they would both be treats! Love all the cottage pictures. Remember that one with the red checked sink skirt when you FINALLY get to see my kitchen redo. It will ring a bell, I think..Happy Thursday..Judy

  3. Susan, I must fess up. I was so smitten with your blue and white background (that I simply won't shut up about) that I changed mine to a darker blue. I started a Grandmother' Flower Garden quilt a long time ago doing it with little pieces of typing paper inside it and you sewed around the perimeter. Never finished it. One of the few I never finished. Wonder what happened to that? This post was delightful, because it showed all my favorite things as well.

  4. Lovely inspiration that exudes home, comfort, and love!
    Mary Alice

  5. I love vintage table cloths too and also vintage drapery panels. I want to make some purses from them but just have to find t i m e.....

    Cute post!

  6. Sounds like a perfect evening to me! Just to relax! Love all the same things as you, I guess! Enjoy your evening!

  7. Lovely list of favorites, Susan! :D That sweet window is so charming!

  8. You shared some of my favorite things too. Keep stitching. You'll finish that beauty of a quilt. Grandmother's Flower Garden is a wonderful pattern, but not an easy one to piece with all those hexagons. ;-) Love your choice of fabrics. Enjoy your evening........Sarah

  9. I love all those things, too. Loved the pictures.

  10. I love all of those things also! My husbands cousin is making us a lighthouse quilt for our cottage in Maine, I can't wait to see it, especially since I had a hand in some of the embroidery !

    Keep cool, and enjoy the lazy hazy days of summer!

  11. Great minds....I could have written this post! Lovely, Susan.


  12. Lovely inspiration pictures! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Romantic Home. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  13. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.