Thursday, August 23, 2012

Make Mine a Double!

It's been a tough couple of days around here.  As many of you know,
my husband's cousin was shot and killed by an intruder into his home
just after midnight on Tuesday.  We are still in shock and feeling such
a loss and so much sadness for his wife, children, grandchild, parents 
and siblings.

We need a bit of comforting during tragic moments like this.
Nothing like a cozy quilt and a dish of ice cream.  I am wondering ...
should I serve up a dish of ice cream in this size bowl?

Or this bigger bowl?

One scoop or two?

Better make it a double.  It's been a rough few days.

If you ever come to Idaho, be sure to pick up some Clover Leaf Creamery
ice cream.  It comes in strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and the best ever
butter pecan.  It's yummo isn't it Bentley?

Linking to ~

Susan and Bentley


  1. I hope you feel better after some rest and ice cream. I am so sorry to hear of your loss...Prayers coming your way!

  2. Oh, Susan, I'm so sad to hear this news. What a tragedy! Will be thinking of you and your family during this time of loss.
    ~ Sarah

  3. Pretty little bowls, Susan. Hope you are feeling better soon..Judy

  4. I am sorry for your loss I would fill up that bowl I am a stress eater for sure.

  5. Praying for your family dear Susan. Eat the whole bowl full.

  6. After what you've been through I would take a spoon to the carton! Keeping your families in my prayers.

  7. Go for the big bowl, Susan! :) Still keeping your family in my prayers.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. I am so sorry that your family has experienced such a senseless tragedy. Please know that we are thinking of you.

  9. I am so very, very sorry for your loss and that of your family. Eat all the ice cream you want.

  10. Thinking of you all Susan, Have a big bowl of icecream,looks yummy,and love the bowls. xxoo

  11. Thinking of you & your family, Susan. What a terrible tragedy. Sorry for your loss. Prayers of peace coming your way! Enjoy your ice cream.

  12. So very sorry to hear about your husband's cousin. Such a tragedy! If the ice cream won't help nothing will. Mimi

  13. Susan,
    What a truly senseless act of violence. I am so very sorry for your family's loss.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of terrible tragedy.

    Many Hugs,

  14. So sorry to hear about your cousin. WHat a terrible loss. I think you should definitely make it a double. My thoughts are with you.

  15. I'm shocked, and so sorry to hear about this tragedy in your family, Susan. Your beautiful pictures belie such an awful event. But the comfort and beauty you share here is exactly what I come to the blog community for. I admire your will to keep sharing the beautiful side of life while you deal with such pain. My blog is my refuge too. I see we chose almost the same topic today! I love your pretty quilt and dishes and painted picnic hamper with all the other lovely details. It's the perfect time of year for it. Surely it helps soothe your soul. I hope so. Blessings to you and your family.

  16. Hi Susan

    Soo sorry to hear about the tragedy. Gentle prayers and hugs for you and your entire family.


  17. So sorry to hear of this tragedy in your life. Sometimes ice cream and pretty dishes do help. Sending good thoughts your way today.

  18. Oh, Susan, what a terrible tragedy! I'm so sorry! Ice cream always helps one feel better. Love the pretty bowls! Hugs to you and your family. Take care and Happy Pinks!


  19. Sending some prayers and thoughts your way. I have never had this ice cream before. I bet a couple of scoops might make you feel just a little bit better.

  20. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. This kind of tragedy is double hard to take as you can never understand how anyone could be so selfish as to take the life of another so senselessly. My prayers go out to your family as you work through your grief. Peace be with you this weekend and in the coming weeks, Nan

  21. Seems this week has been nothing bad news. I had two different calls today that were not good. Trust in time you and family will find peace.

  22. Never mind a double, I think you need a triple and a stiff brandy. Sending all positive thoughts your way. So sorry for your sad news.

  23. Susan, hope things are getting better. Such a difficult time for you. I love the bowl and think you should FILL it with strawberry ice cream!

  24. I'm so sorry to hear this, Susan. Hang in there. The ice cream looks delicious, go for it.


  25. I know this has been a bad week for you, Susan. I would say two scoops in a large bowl are definitely the order of the day.


  26. What a very sad week, Susan. I am so sorry for your loss and for his family. You most definately need two scoops of ice cream. Prayers be with you!

  27. Hi, you have a lovely blog and found you off of OZ pinterest list. Sorry to hear about your husband's cousin being so tragically killed. Love the ice cream post and two or three scoops are in order.

  28. Susan ~ I am so sorry that you and your family have had to go through this. My prayers are going up now. Tell David the Lord's arms are wrapped around him and his family. Just listen and wait. There will be some healing ~ it may take some time. I cannot imagine going through anything like this. Prayers are definitely going up for the children ~ such innocent babes. No words my friend ~ no words ~
    Have four scoops and I'll have two for you and David. ~ take care and rest in him ~

  29. What a sad event! Unfortunately all too common these days. Sometimes it helps to concentrate on the everyday.

  30. Susan, I am so sorry to read about this! I will go down and read your other post. Life is so precious and we just have to take one day at a time and love those we cherish in life.
    As for your ice cream, I say fill the pretty bowl to the rim! (I have that same pattern!)

    much love and prayers for you and your family,


  31. Just seeing the previous post. I am so very sorry for your family's loss. ((hugs))

  32. Absolutely gorgeous! Hopping a little late from Pink Saturday.

    My PINK, come and see when you get a chance.
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  33. OH so sorry for your family's loss! I would have had THREE Scoops! :(

  34. I am so sorry for your loss Susan! Take care! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


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