Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weekend at Home

David and I lead hectic lives, as do many of you.  So many obligations and
so many deadlines.  I have been focusing on ways to bring more relaxation
to our lives.  The weekend is our time to refresh and restore from a 
busy week.  

I love it when I can serve a simple dinner.  Something light and tasty.  Maybe 
some homemade soup or a tasty salad.  A comfy and cozy meal at home when we
can wear easy fitting clothes and cuddle up oh the sofa to read or maybe
watch a movie.

It's okay if one or both of us fall asleep early.  We have reached the stage
in our lives where we don't need too much excitement or drama.  We did all
of that when we were younger.

Now we are just happy to kick back at home with Bentley.

We are happy and comfortable just the way we are.

Just two little love birds in our own little love nest.
Corny ~ but we love it!


Bentley ~ are you asleep too?  Daddy is asleep on the couch.  I 
guess I am the only one still awake and it's only 9:30 pm.

Susan and Bentley


  1. As a teacher, I have been off all summer, but during the school year I feel just like you. I look forward to weekends when we can do exactly what we feel like. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. Susan,
    I think your vignette is just lovely...sometimes it's nice to just slow down and keep things simple.
    I hope you have a wonderful evening! Give Bentley a pat for me :)


  3. Weekends at home are the best!!
    Love the pretty blue and white plate with the corks on it.

  4. Like "Art & Sand" I'm also a teacher, come the end of the month I'll be in bed @ 9:30 too! It's nice to be comfortable with someone you love!

  5. Same here. My kind of weekend is when I know I don't have to pull the car out of the drive except for maybe breakfast out with the hubby.

  6. Sounds like the perfect evening to me!

  7. Loving the blue and white, and it sounds like the perfect evening to me too!! xxoo

  8. I am so with you on this! I feel this way even about vacation. I would rather do a Stacation anymore. When the boys were young, we always went on vacation all over some times 2-3 times a year. I remember coming out of work in the morning, going home and the car would be all packed and away we would go. I would sleep in the car on the way there. Then the day we would come home, I would have to go to work that night. I always felt like I needed a vacation after that vacation because i would be exhausted! Now the the boys are out on there own, I don't have to do that anymore so a nice relaxing vacation at home, getting things done that we can not get done when we are working is just fine with us now.


  9. Dan and I held out till 8 pm last night, called it quits and went to bed! lol Grand! I love your blues!!! Bentley, even Cocoa and Theo were ready for bed, too!

  10. Susan, each one of your lovely vignettes is magazine worthy. Makes me want to jump right in to these cozy settings. Love the Cafe Paris tureen. Is that vintage? Blue and white, cooking with Julia, and a good bottle of wine ~ perfection!

  11. Susan, I love everything you expressed in this post and your pictures were the perfect compliment. I may just curl up for a little nap myself right now. Ann

  12. Lovely, pretty and cozy vignettes, they express exactly the weekend life you describe. Yes, we love to spend our weekends home, cooking, watching the Olimpica and later on a movie...I also love the simple cozy life as tomorrow is MONDAY!! Thanks for your sweet and kind visit. Have a less hectic week, my friend.

  13. Say hi to darling Bentley too!

  14. Nothing better than relaxing at home. Works for me :)

  15. Hi Susan, I sure don't remember writhing this! Well, I didn't but I could. Sure sounds like us. So much to be thankful for. I'm so happy you liked my recipe. Hope you'll let me know what you thought. Great photos, love the blue and white and that Paris sugar bowl is a favorite of mine. Best to Bentley ( did I ever tell you my springer was Bentley too)?

    The French Hutch

  16. I love this sweet post, Susan. You have the right idea.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.