Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Did You Do On Your Summer Vacation?

Did you visit your local farmer's market?

Did you fill your planters full of your favorite flowers?

Did you sit out on the porch?

Did you bring home treasures from yard sales?

Did you run barefoot through a fountain?

And remember to celebrate the 4th in style?

Did you drink tea in your garden?

And visit your local garden center ... more than once?

I hung out my laundry on the line did you?

And I made a little garden for the fairies ...

and a camp site for them too.   And ...

One for Bentley and me too.  We had a fun summer doing some of
our favorite things.

As we all say goodbye to the last official weekend of summer,
Bentley and I hope that yours was filled with fun!  We are looking
forward to fall with it's crisp cool days, apple picking and nature hikes.
We will be taking the weekend off to have some fun and do some re-decorating.
See you in September!

Please join me in visiting

Bentley ~ Momma is home with you for 4 days!  Whoopee!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Yes, I visited our local farmer's market and they have some thrift shop items there too. I did plant some flowers and bought some inside to enjoy too. My sister and I went to the Endless Yard Sale. I spend the 4th of July with my grandkids and I'm spending this holiday weekend with my hubby celebrating our 33rd anniversary.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Such wonderful photos, Susan! I did some of the things you mentioned this summer....I wish I had a porch to sit on but my UK home doesn't have one! I had lots of flowers around me this year, such a joy. Your farmer's market flowers are just gorgeous!
    Wishing you a happy weekend.
    Helen x

  3. I did many of those things, but the best thing I did was meet my newest granddaughter. Hugging all my grandchildren was the best summer treat of all. See you in September:

  4. What wonderful pictures and memories. I did some of those things...Can't believe the summer has flown. Seems to go faster every year I get older. Love your fairy garden. I have one too. Very special place you made for your garden fairies. If that is your front porch, you are a very, very lucky woman!
    Ruthie from:

  5. Yes, I did fill my pots with beautiful flowers AND my window boxes. I visited my garden center MANY time. I also TRIED yo sell this darn house but it has not happened yet. It has been a LONG summer of praying and waiting. BUT we also are building a NEW home and moving on 9/28. XO, Pinky

  6. It looks like you had a lovely summer. I did many of those things, too. Stopping by from Pink Saturday. Come visit if you get a chance. :)

  7. Lovely photos Susan and I did a lot of those things. I love your front porch by the way...

  8. Local farmers markets are my favourite. Great photography.

  9. Looks like you had a great Summer. I love zinnias, don't you?

  10. That is the second fairy garden I've seen, looks like I've got to git to gittin!

    Popped in from Pink Saturday.

  11. What a great summer you and Bentley had! I did some of these things and would love to have a garden fairy. I'll have to think about doing one after it cools down here. Any suggestions on where to start? HPS and a safe and happy Labor Day.

    The French Hutch

  12. Gardening is a big part of my summer. Lovely photos.

    Visiting from Pink Saturday.

    My PINK
    Have a great weekend.

  13. Susan, it looks like you and Bentley had a great summer full of fun times. Enjoy the holiday weekend........sarah

  14. What a lovely garden and home. I am so in love with the tea cup, but as a collector, its what I look for first! I hope your fall is just as eventful as your summer. Hope you have a great Pink Saturday!
    Michelle @ Bear Thread Designs

  15. Great post! I so love summer as there are so much things to do and to enjoy:)

    Visiting from PS- hope you can stop by..

  16. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Susan and Bentley, too, of course. It looks like you had a wonderful summer filled with beauty and fun things shared.

    Thank you for always making Pink Saturday so very special. It means so much to me.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.