Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Special Message From Bentley to You

I am a lucky dog.  My Momma and Daddy love me.

I go everywhere with my Momma and I get to bring my toys along too!

I live in a happy cottage where I get yummy food every day.  I have a 
cozy little bed to sleep in (although I always cuddle up with Momma and
Daddy at night in their bed).  I can run around in my yard and bark at the squirrels or 
the cats who stop by.  I love the postman who comes to visit me!  I am one
of his favorites on his route.

I am an important member of my family.
But ... life is not always happy for other dogs.  Many are abused and neglected.
For these dogs and yes cats too, life is very sad.  My Momma told me about an
organization that helps these helpless and unwanted pets

Best Friends Animal Society  is a grassroots organization dedicated to caring
for pets that are unwanted or neglected.  Their mission is to reduce and hopefully
one day eliminate the huge number of dogs and cats destroyed each year in
our nation's animal shelters.  They have spent over 20 years working toward
this goal.

They are first responders in times of peril for animals like the time
hurricane Katrina left so many homeless dogs and cats alone, frightened 
and hungry.  

They have a wonderful sanctuary at Angel Canyon in southern Utah where
they care for lots of best friends in these special areas:

Cat World
Bunny House
Horse Haven
Parrot Garden
Piggy Paradise
Wild Friends 
The Clinic

   Here is a little pot bellied pig who is getting special care
at Piggy Paradise.   This should be of special interest to my friend

Thank you for reading my special message from me to you.  Momma 
says that you humans are to care for the animals because Our Lord says,

"For every animal in the forest is mine and the cattle on a 
thousand hills".  (Psalm 50:10)

By the way ~ Boo Boo bear is doing great and is climbing trees at the
sanctuary in McCall, Idaho and will be released into the forest very soon now!

Okay Momma, I'm all done now.  Can I go help Daddy drive the truck?

Not yet Bentley, you still have to tell everyone that you are joining these
fun parties ~

Okay Bentley, now you are finished!

Susan and Bentley


  1. A good reminder, thank you, Bentley!

  2. Awwww, thanks for this post, Bentley, you did a great job and this is an important topic. xo

  3. I love Bentley's public service announcement, Duke agrees too!

  4. Well done, Bentley! Very important that we should be caring for animals and not destroying them. My little Princess, MIna, was adopted from a no kill shelter in our town called Friends For Life. It's important work that all these shelters perform.

  5. great reminder Bentley, thanks..
    we have 4 adopted pom girls and they love it here

  6. Good job, Bentley! You should be in TV commercials.

  7. Bentley you are not only adorable but a very good blogger. I know your mommy loves you very much!

  8. Adopt a pet, everyone! It's contagious!


  9. Thanks Bentley. I am a rescue of a Springer Spaniel (my second SS rescue) and a kitty. They are very spoiled as well.

  10. Thanks, Bentley for this great post! I will look into the organization. Aunt Robin is a long time member of the ASPCA, as they do good work, too. They put animal abusers and neglectful pet owners in jail. I support that whole heartedly!
    Please tell Mom and Dad to wear their seat belts while you are driving, lol

  11. Thanks for the reminder Bentley~ You're very lucky to have such a wonderful mom and home!

  12. Bentley is such a doll--I wish all animals had a home like his!

  13. Bentley I'm so pleased you are spreading the message that there are less fortunate pets out there needing help. x

  14. Aw, Bentley! I love how civic minded you are....
    Thanks so much for sharing with us!
    You're the sweetest!!!


  15. Bentley~ I agree with you and your mommy and daddy. There are so many animals out in the world today who are neglected and they can't speak. I am so glad that you are speaking for them. Stop by and meet Sophia when you get a chance. We rescued her.


  16. Hey Bentley, you rock, little dude. Wonderful topic for your announcement.
    I'm pretty darned sure our dog came from one of those places in Utah. He'd been in 3 shelters in UT until he was brought by PetFinders to Grand Junction, CO for a PetSmart adoption fair. Whomever brought him to GJ we're so glad. We adopted him in early Nov. 3 yrs ago. His fur was all dull, he was skinny and very afraid of many things. He needed a set of parents that would love him forever and we sure do.
    We'd lost our cocker spaniel we'd had for 14 yrs. and it took me a few months before I was ready to adopt another dog. We got her at the animal shelter in Helena, MT when she was 4 months old and we cherished her so much. She'd had an immune system problem for years from which we'd nursed her several times back to life. It finally was too much for her.
    We were on our way to G.J. to look for a small dog at PetSmart when our granddaughter called to tell us she'd found our dog for us. We weren't exactly looking for a big dog but we got our Tommy. He's a black lab/border collie and he's so smart, loving, sweet, good. I tease my hubs when we argue that we can't get divorced as we'd have a fight for custody over Tommy and our cat Monte. Our cat showed up in our yard in KY one Saturday and since I love orange kitties he seemed to want to be our little boy.
    When our kids (4) were young I was the one that would bring puppies and kittens home from the grocery stores.

  17. Your home is gorgeous and what a serene setting. Thanks for sharing and having Bentley let us know about the places that help pets.

  18. Bentley, thanks for sharing this heartfelt message. I'm glad you have a happy home filled with love. Our little Sadie is in a loving home now too. Rescue pets can fill a home with special love indeed! ~ Sarah

  19. Our previous dog, Bella, came from a no kill animal shelter. She has been one of the highlights of our life.

    Thanks Bentley for letting people know about this organization!


  20. And to Bentley from Trixie and Chewy......we have a wonderful loving home too and we own 2 people who give us a nice place to live, food and treats....yes, treats. Our mom buys us toys and we make sure they are dead because they squeak and we have to make sure they won't hurt anyone. We take our toys outside and then later bring them back in the house. You are so right, some of our cousins are not as lucky as we are. People need to remember this.
    Trixie & Chewy ♥

  21. Hi Bentley!
    You are the best Spokespup they could ask for!


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