Thursday, September 13, 2012

Little Niceties and a Boo Boo Bear Update

With all the problems there are in this world we must remember how very 
fragile and precious life is.  One never knows what lies ahead.  Each day is a
special gift.  

My favorite things are the ones that money can't buy.
A good friend, a happy family, a beautiful sunset.

In spite of all the bad news in the world, I read a very happy story
today.  Remember when I told you about little Boo Boo the bear cub whose
paws were badly burned in a fire and was found without his mamma and
clinging to a tree?  Well Boo Boo is doing very well.  He has been living
at the Idaho Humane Society.  Numerous donations have poured in to pay
for his care.   Boo Boo's paws are healing nicely and new skin is growing
to replace the injured skin.  He has a very healthy appetite and the Humane
Society received so many apples when they reported that apples are
Boo Boo's favorite food, that they are now requesting berries.  They 
have enough apples to bake Boo Boo a pie every day!  He is feeling very
feisty and charges the cage when anyone approaches, so he
is acting the way a bear should.  Now that makes me happy!

I am linking up to these parties ~

Isn't that a sweet story about Boo Boo Bentley?  It sounds like
he will be able to be released into the forest again soon.  Let's just
hope we never run into him!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Nice to hear about Boo Boo Bear. Love your pretty rose teacup and the all the lovely crochet. Hugs to you and Bentley.

  2. i was wondering about that little bear today....glad he is doing well...and glad to hear that folks still care about our wildlife :)

  3. I hope Boo Boo recovers fully and can released in to the wild.

  4. happy to hear Boo Boo is improving and living where he's safe..

  5. Thanks for the good news update on Boo Boo.......Sarah

  6. Good news about Boo Boo! Lovely chest full of vintage linens! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  7. So glad to hear that Boo Boo is doing well and improving with each day.

  8. Good to hear about Boo Boo!! Lovely images :)

    Inviting you to enter in a giveaway on my blog

  9. Wonderful update on Boo Boo Bear. Such pretty pictures too. HAve a great weekend.

  10. So glad to hear Boo-Boo is getting better ... so sad a story. Love your pictures, Susan.
    have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  11. So glad little Bo Boo is doing well! Love your pretty teacups. I have one of them and will feature it next week for my tea party. Thanks for sharing and have a scrumptious pink weekend. Hapy Pink Saturday!


  12. Nice to hear a happy story. Love your photos .. happy Pink Saturday to you and Bentley

  13. I agree with your thinking completely. I live each day the best I can and enjoy it. There may not be a tomorrow. Out world is standing on shattered glass.

  14. Such a sweet story! It makes my heart glad to know Boo Boo is doing so well and now acting like a bear!
    We were in the US Forest Service and manned a lookout tower in N. Arizona to pay for college. It was not uncommon to rescue an animal that had been burned, but sadly, the outcome was not always what you hoped for. We had a tiny baby bunny that somehow survived a fire started by a lightening strike and lived in the cabin with us until he was well enough to be put out into the forest. I remember how I cried and how I followed him for a bit, but hubby reminded me he had to learn to care for himself before winter set in....I only hoped a big ole hungry timber rattler did not get my little sweetie!
    ♥ Jil

  15. You have the best 'favourite things' but I do love those vintage crocheted bits, a heartwarming Boo Boo story, and that Bentley could be everyone's favourite! :)

  16. Love your pretty blog and this post! I am a new follower from Mockingbird Hill link party :-)

  17. I needed that great story about Boo Boo! And I love the hope chest filled with all the pretty treasures! Love, Linda

  18. Such great news about Boo Boo, Susan! I love hearing something positive and heartwarming.

    My, those teacups are pretty! Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  19. I love the teacups and the pretty potholders. What a sweet story about Boo Boo Bear.

  20. Beautifier tea cups,and so good to hear the good news on Boo Boo, Bugs,Tee

  21. That is good news about Boo Boo! Don't wish 'the news' would set aside one evening a week to only tell us about the good stuff? You're crochet items are wonderful and remind me of my childhood when my grandmothers would make these things by the dozen!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  22. Ooh ... I love the tea cups, and Boo Boo's good news.

  23. I'm so happy to hear the good news about Boo Boo bear. Hope he continues to improve. I see that you are an interior designer. My daughter has just started her graduate program in interior design and it sounds so interesting! Your crocheted items are so pretty. I have a few like those from my grandmother. Linda

  24. Você tem toda a razão. O importante nesta vida são as coisas que não se compra e que não tem preço. A notícia sobre Boo Boo certamente é algo a celebrar!

  25. Very pretty! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  26. Susan, I love this post! Yes, there are terrible things in this world, but such wonderful things that bring us great happiness too. So happy about Boo Boo. I'm sure that Bentley was so happy to hear the news too! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. Hope to see you often.

  27. That's a heart-lifting story, Susan. Thank you so much for sharing it. And I agree: the simple things in life are my favorite, too. I love the images in your photos. Those old-fashioned pot holders remind me of ones my grandmother had and passed down to me.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.