Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Loss of a Dear Friend

I received a phone call this morning.  It was a call I was dreading.
A very dear friend had passed away.  I knew that Jim was very ill
and that his time here was short, but I was praying for a miracle.
 I never had any brothers or sisters and Jim was like a big brother
 to me.  This comes on the heels of another Jim's death less than two
 two weeks ago when we received the call that my husband's cousin
 passed away.  

I have reached the age where I have become accustomed to hearing of the
passing of parents and aunts and uncles.  When a friend passes it reminds one yet
 again that life is so short and time so very precious.  My prayers are with Jim's family.

Treasure your family and friends.  None of us knows how much longer we
have and each and every moment is a gift.  Be kind and loving and always 

Susan and Bentley


  1. Hugs to you Susan. So sorry for your loss. The older we get, the shorter our time becomes. Wishing you well. Hugs to Bentley, too.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, Susan. It seems every time I turn around, I am heading to a visitation :(
    Love and hugs,
    Xo, Bentley

  3. I am so sorry for your loss Susan. And you are right....time is so short and should be spent treasuring our friends and family.

  4. Hi Susan,

    I'm very sorry to read of both your recent losses. Your post is very sweet and has such an important message. Thank you for reminding us.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  5. Oh God love you, I am so sorry that you've suffered another loss. Sending a big hug for you, Mary

  6. Oh Susan,

    I am So Sorry for your loss.
    I am sure that both of these special men are looking down at you with a smile.
    Sending you prayers and hugs...

  7. I'm so sorry Susan and you're in my prayers. You're so right, our time on this earth is short. One of my dear friends passed away yesterday morning. But I know I'll see her again one day.
    Shelia ;)

  8. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Praying for you dear.

  9. How sad to lose your two Jims; yes we of a certain age are bound to lose loved ones as we all age.

  10. Sorry to hear about your loss Susan. It happens more and more as we get older. Sending special hugs your way today and prayers. xxoo

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Remember good and happy thoughts and times and try to celebrate his life. Sad.
    Ruthie from:

  12. So sorry for your loss it is never easy.

  13. So sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure you have many happy memories to focus on. Take care.

  14. I'm so very sorry, Susan. It's true. As we get older the chances of losing a dear loved one are higher. I know it's inevitable. But that doesn't make it any easier or less painful.


  15. Hi Susan - thanks for the visit. I'm sorry about the news of your friend. Although death is a part of life, we never get used to it do we. I appreciate your reminder to treasure our family and friends. Think I'm going to give my hubby a hug right now (:

  16. Susan I am so sorry for you loss. It is sad to loose a friend and reminds us to treasure each and every moment with our loved one's! hugs, Linda

  17. I am so sorry. Our sermon @ church today was about CHrist's command that we forgive others. Maybe the Holy Spirit is trying to tell me something!

    sending you {{{{{hugs}}}}} from Alabama,
    Ricki Jill

  18. Dear Susan, I'm sorry for your loss; words can never bring the comfort we want but know many are thinking of you. You are right to say we should cherish every day-we never know just how long we have. It is hard when our friends start leaving this earth-shows how vulnerable we are.
    Hugs, Noreen

  19. So sorry to hear you had another loss-sometimes it doesn't seem fair to have so much loss at one time. Sending well wishes.

  20. (((((HUGS)))))) It is true we never know. Time goes too quickly. So sorry for your losses.

  21. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I agree, that we need to use our time wisely and enjoy each moment.

  22. I'm very sorry for your loss, Susan...he sounds like a wonderful friend, and I know you will miss him greatly...

  23. Susan - Prayers and blessings of peace to you and your friend's family. We just never know what today or tomorrow brings. Thanks for the reminder to live each day to its fullest.


  24. Susan, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy to let go with a final goodbye. Take care and know that you are in my thoughts.

  25. I'm so sorry to hear of this. My prayers for everyone.
    One of my dear friends is fighting colon cancer as we speak and I am heartbroken for her and her family. I, too, pray for complete healing.
    xo bj

  26. So Sorry to hear of your second loss. God will help you with all your sadness. Please know more prayers will be said for you.

  27. I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
    I lost a very dear friend last December and it affected me more than I thought it would....



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