Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Thrill of the Hunt

I never tire of hunting for vintage treasures.  It's always so much fun
because I never know what I might find.

While some girls love to spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon at 
a mall, I would much rather be in an antique, thrift or consignment shop.

While I love shops like Pottery Barn, I have never wanted my house
to have a cookie cutter appearance. 

I like to have every corner of my cottage filled with unique things 
that I love.  I am taking three of these very large pine cones
home with me.

What a sweet carriage.  Couldn't you just see it filled with
dried hydrangeas?

It's a pretty harmless addiction as long as I don't spend too
much money.

I guess that's why I became an interior designer.  It gives me an
excuse to shop!  I think I will use those pine cones in my freshly
painted tool box.  I'll show it to you soon.

Linking to ~

Bentley is napping with his Daddy.  I wonder if I should wake them
up for dinner or just let them sleep a while longer?

Susan and Bentley


  1. You and me both , I much prefer antique and thrift shops to any modern stores . Papa and I just love antiquing , I told Papa a while back we need a bigger house for our finds and for more lol ! Great stuff there you have . I like antiques because of the history and story's they must hold . Have a wonderful day !

  2. I also agree I have my second hand stores, antique stores and flea markets I check out weekly.
    In the summer time garage sales are added to the mix.
    I love your look I'm now a follower and look forward to my next visit.

  3. I would much rather spend the day at a flea market or antique mall than the mall. In fact, tomorrow is our local large flea market and I can't wait. It's been two long months. I hope there are still some good deals by the time I get there!!

  4. Beautiful finds and so much fun in the hunt.

  5. I'm with you Susan. I'd much rather be at a garage sale, flea market or junk store than a mall. It gives me such a feeling of discovering something fantastic rather than something mass produced. So much fun.


  6. Feel the same way, I'm much rather be shopping in an antique shop or thrift store than shopping for clothes and shoes.

  7. You "KNOW" I feel the same way about the malls! I'll take a thrift shop, etc "ANY DAY"!!! LOVE the pictures of goodies you've given us today! I'm in "LOVE" with the grinder in the first picture!!!
    There are SO MANY Huge flea markets going on now for fall! SO MUCH FUN!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  8. Hi Susan: Great way to spend down time, I say. Neighbors had again the on-going estate sale. That woman was a hoarder for sure but lucky for me and others. I keep picking up little things like doilies to adorn my pumpkins etc. Such fun..Happy Weekend..Judy

  9. It is fun to see everyone's "different" tastes in decor and style. But, like YOU, I want mine to be just "outside the box"

  10. I am so with you! The mall or a thrift shop--I would pick a thrift shop everytime--even if I won the lottery!

  11. I never frequent the malls either Susan. I love that nothing in our house is easily duplicated or can be found at a department store. That included my vintage rattan 1960's living room furniture. Thanks so much for your comment yesterday. hugs, Olive

  12. Yes, a antique mall over a shopping mall anytime!

  13. I would rather be in a thrift shop or antique shop any time! I love vintage and unique! Love those big pine cones!! hugs, Linda

  14. Love the mixer Susan, that's really cool! Happy Sunday:@)

  15. I love the thrill of the hunt, too, Susan. It never fails to amaze me all the wonderful things I can find :)

  16. I totally get you. I am the same way. It's so much more fun to try to find something in a vintage or thrift store than to go to a mall and just pick something off the rack/showroom. My problem is I want to simplify so I have scaled down my shopping a great deal. I also only buy things that I will actually use, like dishes, clothing, furniture, etc. Love the giant pine cones. When I visited Colorado many years ago I had ones similar, and kept them until they fell apart. I forgot all about them and you reminded me. Now I want them!!!!

  17. Susan~ I love the thrill of the hunt too! I've been on "the hunt" for a bench for my porch of my potting shed~ it has to be smallish, of course I'm find lots of other things along the way :)

  18. I like unique interiors that reflect the owners. I agree with you...I don't like cookie cutter anything!

  19. There is nothing like the thrill of the hunt. I agree, that as much as I like Pottery Barn, I like individual creativity better. Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.