Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We Are Baking at Ash Tree Cottage

I have never been much of a baker.  While I love to cook and am
constantly reading and tweaking recipes, I have never done much baking.
The last couple of weeks have been very stressful and sad around here.
A friend and co~worker who reads my blog asked me today if I planned
to post something fun.  I thought about it and decided we need to have
a bit of fun around here after all of the sadness.  So I decided to bake some
cookies.  Trust me, David will be both shocked and pleased when he
gets home this evening!  

The last time I baked cookies they were walnut chocolate chip.  This time
I decided to make raspberry jam thumbprints.  Oh look ~ that cookie in the
center looks like it has a raspberry heart!  Now that is kismet and was
not planned.  These cookies are like a shortbread recipe rolled in walnuts
(I had some left over from the last time I baked cookies) and the  raspberry
jam goes on the top after the cookie has cooled.

We will have cookies for dessert tonight, or rather David will.
I tasted two already just to see if they were fit to serve.
Two is my limit!

I am joining ~

It's a Wow Bentley when Momma bakes anything!  

Susan and Bentley


  1. These sweet cookies look delicious! I'd like one now with some milk!

  2. Those look so good! I haven't had thumbprint cookies in years, love that the one in the center is a heart!

    Sorry that another one that you are close to has passed on and so close together...so difficult. I will remember you all in my prayers.

    Your kitchen with the stove pipe looks so warm and cozy, I'm sure everything you cook at the stove tastes extra good! xo

  3. I love those cookies! My Mom use to make them when I was a young girl and I thought they were so amazing....and I still do! Hugs, Linda

  4. Since I do not cook much anymore, I would love having a few of these hot and a cup of coffee.

  5. I used to make those cookies....we called them birds nests. I LOVE THEM. I hardly EVER bake anymore, because it is just me and my hubby and I certainly do not need to sit down to a dozen or more cookies.
    I liked baking when the grandkids were close, because they loved their treats.......but now, I am 800 miles away.

  6. Susan they look YUMMY ! I do love your photos here ! I was raised on a hobby farm living off the land and am slowly getting back into it going back to some of my roots ! I to am not much of a baker but am in the process of creating and putting together a Country Kitchen Recipe book of my own from some of my mums recipes may she (RIP) ! Have a great evening !

  7. Now that's a comfort food cookie. Reminds me of some my grandmother used to make. Lucky David.
    I love your little baking center. Maybe sometime you could show us more of the beautiful pottery. Hugs, Den

  8. Lucky David! Those cookies look very tempting, and sitting beside your plaid plate and cookie tin makes them all the more inviting. ;-)

  9. I am a cookie for breakfast kind of person...but I would not mind eating a few for dessert! looks yummy!

  10. What a coincidence,I just pulled a recipe from pinterest almost identical and bought the ingredients this morning to bake them. They just don't have the walnuts. I hope David likes them. x

  11. Those cookies look delish and like some serious comfort food.

    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of another family member. You all have really been through enough of that lately.

  12. These look sooo good, Susan. They bring to mind a cookie recipe that I've not made in several years. I must find my recipe...right after I try making THESE. :)

  13. Those look so good. I am ready for cooler weather to make soup and bake cookies. Can't wait for fall.
    Sometimes our lives are sad and that's okay. It's had to post something happy when things aren't that way in real life.

  14. I've never liked to cook, but baking is my thing! Love your cookies! Happy Rednesday :)

  15. Baking always made me feel better. It was a type of therapy for me. Sounds like it may have worked that way for you too and now your hubby gets to enjoy the cookie, 'fruits' of your labor! lol

  16. Yummy! Just love those bright red nanny dots in the middle!


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