Friday, September 21, 2012

You Can Judge a Book by It's Cover

When I am not decorating, thrifting, cooking, crafting or playing
with Bentley, I love to make a pot of tea, find a cozy spot and curl up
with a good book.  

And if I don't like the book cover ~ I change it!  I cover it with a fabric fabric or
felt or pretty paper.  I covered one of those inexpensive memo books with felt
and inside it's pages I keep lists of the books I have read.

I do this for two reasons.  Firstly, it's a wonderful resource when I want to
refer a friend to a book I have really enjoyed.  Secondly, sometimes I forget
what I have read and will pick up a book that I have already read, so it's
nice to have a list.  Although I like to keep up with current authors, my
favorites are those from the Victorian Era.  I am always re-reading the Bronte
sisters, Elizabeth Gaskell and more.  A great resource for me is ~

The Victorian Web

So check out your library or a local bookshop.  Find a book that interests you,
enjoy a cup of tea, cocoa or coffee and turn off that TV for a bit.
I highly recommend it.  It's one of my favorite things to do!

I am linking up with these great parties ~

Pink Saturday
Favorite Thing Friday

Bentley loves it when I curl up to read a book.  He snuggles up
close to me and takes a nap.  Well, that is until he hears a squirrel or a
cat in the yard ~ then he is off like a flash!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan,
    Thank you for your lovely inspiration! I love to read, also, so I'm gong to cover my books with some beautiful paper. Keep blogging and inspiring us.


  2. Hi Susan,

    What a lovely way to keep up with the books you read. Love your pretty pink book covers. I think they would feel good while holding the book.
    Have a great weekend Susan and Happy Pink Saturday.

    The French Hutch

  3. Susan - Cute books. Nothing like a dog all snuggled up next to you when you're reading!


  4. That is the way I enjoy spending a day. Except, I have no pet. Love to read.

  5. Your book cover is so cute! My Mom likes to read to--I just can't sit still that long. My Mom says I should listen to books. I may try that sometime:)

  6. what a great idea to keep a list of books that you have read. I do the same thing and pick up and book only to find "oops" I've read that. I love Bronte, Gone with the Wind I can read again and again. If you haven't read them, try the trilogy of Eugene Price books. They are a historical fiction series set in the south and I just love them. I am sure you would too~
    I have to confess, I haven't watched T.V. in just about a year. I have tried to live without it and now I just watch the weather in the morning. I love reading ;-) Happy reading Susan and Bentley. Bentley, don't lay on the pages when mommy wants to read and you want to play ~

  7. Yes, I too have been enjoying a good book (when I could be doing 100 other things!)

    Popped in from HSTS Pink Saturday.

  8. Wow, you are a bookworm! Wish I could find time to read again.

  9. I love to read, too, Susan. You are so smart to have kept a list of all the books you've read. A prolific reading friend of mine always kept a list of every book he read. I always meant to do the same, but never got around to it. Darn.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week, my friend.


  10. Hi Susan & Bentley...snuggling with a good book is just the best. I love your book cover too.
    Have a wonderful Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  11. What a great idea. It makes snuggling with a book even better. :> I would love for you to link this up to my Feature Friday Linky Party.

    Danielle @ Blissful and Domestic

  12. What a wonderful idea, keeping a list of the books you've read. Now you've got me wanting to go book hunting. :) I love the covers you've designed, too. How nifty.

    Visiting from MHC today.

  13. What a great idea for keeping track of your books! When I moved a few years back and was packing up my books, I found I had multiples of the same books that I kept buying over and over again. I also have a number of note books which could use a nice handmade cover.

    Visiting from Claudia's Favorite Thing Saturday.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for the great tip!

    Cassandra from Renaissance Women

  14. What pretty book covers. Reading is so enjoyable and with a cover, as pretty as these, even more so.

  15. What a delightful decor idea. Would really make all those paperbacks look better! Great idea.

  16. Such a pretty post and a great idea. Good thing you've got Bentley there to protect you from marauding squirrels and cats! :)

  17. That's a great idea. I don't read enough books - I watch too much TV. Gotta turn it off!

  18. I read constantly. The library is my best friend. I need to start a book to write down what I have read and to remember authors I have enjoyed. I often forget their names :)

  19. Reading is good.. I'm glad my five year old girl likes to read:)

    Visiting from PS- hope you can stop by..

  20. Lovely book cover!!

    Thanks for sharing your info on authors of the Victorian Era. You know I have a Victorian Soul ....


  21. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan - and little Bentley, too. I hope Bentley is feeling better. I am so glad you joined us today, and I appreciate you always making Pink Saturday special.

    Judging a book with such a pretty cover would produce five stars. I keep a list on my blog sidebar of the books I read for the very same reason, Susan.

  22. What a lovely idea! I also love to read, but I've never thought of covering my books. Thank you for the inspiration!

  23. I love your idea with the list, but I must admit I am too lazy. If I don't like a cover the blurb must be very convincing that I read the book. I have coverd books with paper ...

  24. Love your blog! I love to read too, my favorites are English Country House Mysteries - Dorothy Gillman, Niago Marsh, etc. I love dogs and horses too, but I don't have any horses! I would love to curl up in your pink bedroom and read the day away! Now following, Love, Linda

  25. I'm here from Pink Saturday ... I love the book covers! Where was this idea when I was in college? Chemistry books are so boring ...Everything is absolutely beautiful!

  26. Reading is my favorite thing, too, Susan, and we seem to like the same authors. Have you ever read anything by Angela Thirkell? I think you'd enjoy her books. Take care!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.