Saturday, October 13, 2012

Serving Up a Simple Seasonal Supper

We had rain this morning!!!  That may not be exciting for many for you, but here
it is needed.  The rain has stopped and the temps are lovely, so we are having
a simple seasonal supper outside to appreciate this splendid fall evening.

I'm serving butternut squash soup in a hollowed out pie pumpkin.

And we are toasting the evening with some Pumpkin Ale.
Isn't that a great label?  It's a blogger's delight!

More big dark clouds are in the sky and we are expecting more rain.
I could not be happier!!

And of course I am joining ~


How about a walkie later with your momma and papa, Bentley?
Maybe we will walk over and have some ice cream.  I know
there are always other dogs at the ice cream parlor and they
have treaties too.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Looks delicious Susan! We love Butternut Squash Soup made even more appetizing served in your pumpkin bowls!

  2. Gosh, a lovely tabletop and I'm glayou got some rain. So did we!

  3. yummmm it looks so good. I have seen the pumpkin ale in the grocery store.but since I am not a big beer drinker I didn't bother.

  4. Gorgeous pics Susan! Dinner looks great and I'd love to try one of those brews too:@)

  5. So pretty, Susan. You made squash soup and I made pumpkin soup tonight. Who woulda thunk it??? lol
    Arf, Bentley

  6. Susan, the soup looks delicious and so inviting in those cute pie pumpkins. I spotted the pumpkin ale display and had to take some photos. Yep.....a blogger's delight. LOL We are having some much needed rain here tonight. Yipee!

  7. I think you need to set another place--I am so coming over :) Looks so fall like and inviting :)

  8. Your table is beautiful! Keep blogging!


  9. You fall place setting os love! Congrats on the rain. In some ways it is beautiful to enjoy the autumn overcast sky. It makes me wish for pecan pie!

  10. This looks simply delightful. I love butternut squash soup and although I am not a huge beer drinker, I do look forward to the fall and the season of pumpkin ale!

  11. The soup looks lovely served up like that!

  12. Hi dear Susan (and Bentley),

    The pumpkins over the door are pretty much a New England tradition in the old houses that have the shelf over the doorway. Yes, I think Sue does too.

    Loved seeing all this and reading your words. I don't ever tire of autumn.



  13. Oh wow ... sooo pretty!!! Looks like the perfect place to dine =)

  14. oh, beautiful setting! I can almost feel your soup :)
    thanks for visiting me, I am following you also!
    I looove cottage style. I think I'll steal some ideas from you!
    many greetings from Croatia,

  15. Everything looks wonderful. Thanks for the visiting my site today. It is raining here as well, damp and dreary.

  16. Hi Susan, I love your Fall display on your plaid cloth. The soup looks delish, especially served from the pumpkins. Hope Bentley enjoyed his walk and treats.

  17. Beautiful Fall tablescape, Susan! Everything looks wonderful. I love to give the seasonal beers a try-I'll have to look for this one!
    I'm now a follower and look forward to reading your blog! Bentley is adorable :)

  18. Very lovely - festive and wonderful soup!

  19. How pretty! I've never had the soup or the ale...I bet I'm missing something good! We are having a lot of rain here, too.


  20. Wouldn't I love to be at that al fresco table!?
    Up here the rain has continued - through the night and into today. We are still in the 'relieved and happy stage' as we will soon be allowed to light a fire in our stove - til now forbidden because of the extreme danger of fire. I'm loving the cosiness!

  21. Hi Susan and Bentley, Lovely fall tablescape. The soup is great for a fall day and so festive serving in the pumpkins. Love the ale label too..........

    The French Hutch

  22. Your soup looks delicious and so beautifully presented! That Pumpkin Ale IS a bloggers delight! Go get that ice cream:):) XO, Pinky

  23. Looks delicious. Storms are headed our way and it is really blowing outside. I whipped up salmon, fresh broccoli, acorn squash, and baked potatoes for Sunday dinner. I am now lying on the couch groaning :)


  24. Hi Susan (and Bentley)

    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment and following too. I am following you right back. Looking forward to reading backward into your posts. Your tablescape is a delight.

  25. I have never had squash soup and never had any soup served in a pumpkin. Very fun table. Great plaid tablecloth.

  26. Your table looks so festive! It just wouldn't be Autumn without butternut squash soup and pumpkin ale! Everything looks so good...and beautifully photographed!

  27. That soup looks terrific in the pumpkin! So beautiful.

    - The Tablescaper

  28. What a lovely and colorful post. The butternut squash soup look delicious. I will have to try some myself. I like how you serve it up in the pumpkin, very cute! Thanks again for visiting my blog and I am now one of your followers.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.