Friday, October 5, 2012

Welcome to My Cozy Little Corner

Burrr ... it was really cold out this morning.  Although I know that it
will be warming up to the mid 60's with lots of sunshine, this morning
I want to sit in my cozy corner with a cup of hot tea and throw a
quilt over my lap!

This is my favorite spot to read.  This wing back chair has a slip cover and two
quilts always at the ready.  It is backed by a library stack full of little treasures
and books.  There is not a room in my little cottage that does not have a book
or two or more!  Here is that Sadler teapot that I love so dearly.

I made that little red and white wing back chair.  It was my maiden voyage into the
world of miniature chair making.  It is far from perfect, but I have a soft spot for it.
Look at that crafty fox all dressed for the hunt.  Love him!  There is that vintage
biscuit barrel and a smaller Sadler teapot that is perfect for one.

This pitcher I know you have all seen before.  It belonged to my grandmother.
She brought it back home from Williamsburg, Virginia.  Williamsburg is one of
my favorite spots on earth!

You no doubt notice all of the horses.  Well, I am and always will be a 

Oh and I like vintage books too.  

See that horse's head?  I made that in art class when I was 9 or 10 ~ can't 
remember for sure.  Our family Book of Common prayer is sitting under the teapot.

This darling embroidered piece has matching ones for the arm rests too.  Some
dear person spent happy hours creating this.  I wish that my embroidery was
so perfect.  Ah well, maybe one day.

I found this sweet Ralph Lauren pillow at a consignment shop 
recently.  Y'all know how much I love Ralph!  Well, I must run.  I have
a very busy day ahead and then the weekend!  So, if you are wanting to
see more decorating, fluffing, vintage finds and favorites don't forget 
to visit ~

Yeah Bentley ~ the weekend starts this evening.  Hope you have lots
of fun planned!  I know he does.  He is always dreaming up some
game that we can play with him!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Lovely! I probably told you already that I have been an equestrian since the third grade! Lovely photos - so cozy. Keep blogging!


  2. I love your cozy corner! I definitely need a cozy and quiet corner myself

  3. Love your cozy corner ! I have been looking for a wing back chair for ages but here they are hard to come by even in antique shops ! Have a good day !

  4. Hi Susan, Thank you so much for stopping by today. I too love that the mornings are chilly. Your book nook is something I would so enjoy, especially with tea. I think your comment about your Ralph pillow is too funny. My son travels to California as a techie for his fashion shows, he is very exacting and insists the crew wear his RL button down shirts. Mind you they are usually in all black! Have a lovely weekend! Elizabeth

  5. Nothing like a warm cozy corner on a cool day. My way of enjoying time.

  6. Oh what a sweet, sweet corner to relax and enjoy part of your day! Your quilt is so lovely and such a wonderful find. All your precious treasures are so special. Thank you for letting us see a little corner of your world!

  7. I have a tea pot very nearly like your cream and miniature rose one. It is one of my faves.

    I really like those little miniatures stuck hither and yon on the book shelf. I believe I like that even better than having them in a little house.

  8. I've enjoyed reading about your treasures and the photo's just warmed everything right up,so cozy indeed!!

  9. What a lovely little corner. It looks so warm, cozy and inviting. I could sit in that little corner with a quilt on my lap, a cup of tea and a good read. Love everything ~ Have a happy weekend.

  10. What a beautiful corner of the world you have! Love the quilt and who wouldn't want to curl up there on a frosty morning? Love all your books, too.

  11. I bet Bentley really enjoys that chair, quilt and pillow. It looks so cozy and inviting. Love your library with all of the neat, old books. Your teapots are so pretty. Love your little fox.


  12. I love your little corner where every piece has a story behind it. The red & white quilt and pitcher are my favorites.

  13. Susan - and Bentley - your home is so cozy and so beautiful. You really made that horse when you were a child? It looks perfectly made! If I had a corner like yours, I would certainly curl up in that chair and read a good book. My momma had a corner similar to yours where I would sit and read my science books while in college. So calming and comforting.

    Happy fall weekend!


  14. Visiting from My Favorite Thing. Those sweet miniatures bring back memories of 'The Borrowers', my favorite book from elementary school! And the quilt is so precious; you might enjoy, which features barns with quilt squares!

  15. Hi Susan, There are just so many wonderful treasures in this one spot. Your home must be so inviting! Where do I start choosing a favorite? Your horse and your early chair are extremely special, and I love teapots for one. They are so hard to find! And your fox should come and meet mine--I'll have to post him this fall. He's one of my favorite characters. I'm sure you treasure your Williamsburg pitcher. It is also one of my favorite places to vacation. Have a nice weekend with Bentley. We are supposed to have one nice day and one rainy. Linda

  16. Hi Susan,
    I'm visiting from Claudia's party. Love your little corner, especially the red and white quilt and the little fox all done up for the hunt! I Had horses till I was in my 30's, really miss riding alot!

  17. I'm visiting from Mockingbird Hill Cottage: Your spot is lovely. I love having books all around. :-)

  18. How nice to have such a spot to cozy
    up in.... love the pink touches. Enjoy
    your weekend.

  19. What a nice cozy spot for relaxing and having tea. I love that you are surrounded by so many of your favorite things. Vey nice post & very nicely photographed!

  20. You've created a wonderfully cozy corner, Susan, full of things that mean a great deal to you.
    I'm snuggled up in a quilt this morning, too! Thanks for joining in this week.


  21. cold here this am too! Greta is too big for my lap so Boots is keeping me warm. What a beautiful cozy spot you have. Love the quilts.

  22. Happy Pink Saturday. I like the image that cozy little corner conjures up and your cozy corner is really cozy. The horse you made is really neat. Love the books and knick-knacks. I'm wondering if I could create myself a cozy corner - my house is small and we have lots of stuff and big stuff to boot. Probably can't figure out how to do that! So, I'll enjoy yours all the more!
    I stopped over on your other post, the most clicked on from Beverly's. Just love it! Congrats - that's another cozy little corner in my mind! Happy Pink Saturday - enjoy some cozy little corner time w/Bentley! He'll love it!

  23. Very cute and well designed display! Love the mini grandfather clock!

  24. Love your reading corner, Susan and all your pretty treasures. In the 50s and sunny here today. A perfect fall day :)


  25. That would be my favorite spot too ~ I love everything there. We should all be so blessed as to have a place in our home where we can read and think, and enjoy the beauty of the things that have special meaning for us.

  26. Oh how I would love to curl up in that cozy chair with a good book and some coffee! I love all of the treasures in your shelves. That fox is one of the cutest things I have seen! Life to the full, Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  27. Oh, I do love that spot, too. Aren't we blessed to have our own little comfort nooks..with our teas and books and warm, pretty quilts...and a wonderful chair...yes, ma'am...we are indeed, blessed.
    Cold here today and tonight...brrr, think I'll get in bed under soft covers and read. :))

  28. I am in love with that fox! Lovely treasures all but he's something! :)

  29. What a cozy space to curl up and spend time. I love all your things so many memories attached. I really like the horse head too. How cool to have saved it for so long.

  30. I am also a fan of a cozy little corner filled with things that warm my heart. Love the pitcher your grandmother brought back from Williamsburg. It reminds me of the transferware pattern I collect. stopping by from A Favorite Thing Saturday and am your newest follower!
    Blessing from Still Woods Farmhouse

  31. Susan, your cozy corner is cozy indeed! Love seeing all your treasures on the bookshelves. That crafty little fox can come live at my house if your ever want to part with him. ;-) Is he a Limoges box? I missed one very much like this on eBay. ;-(
    Enjoy your cozy corner.........Sarah


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