Saturday, November 24, 2012

Buy Local Or Bye Bye Local

There is a saying ~ "Buy local or bye bye local"
So true.  Today was Small Business Saturday.  I always 
support my local shops, like this one ~ 
Blooms.  I have shown you this shop before and I love it.
Beautiful and creative flower arrangements and charming, 
charming gifts.

Precious Christmas decorations have been coming in.

Sweet and magical things ...

like this adorable little bird that just happened to follow
me home.

And now I am off to Antique World Mall.  Isn't this a wonderful

This cute little doll cabinet is on my Christmas list.  I know, you
don't have to tell me ... I have never grown up and never will.

Here is a very cute pie safe with more chicken wire.
Chickens and chicken wire ~ love it all!

I am loving furniture painted black!

Here I am at my friend DeDe's shop.  Another one of my friends, Glenda
who has an adorable pink and white Victorian a couple of streets away
from me is here at DeDe's shop too with her dog Daisy.  Dogs are always
welcome at small neighborhood shops.  They are NOT welcome at the
MALL.  Just one more reason to support small business ~ it's 

No pushing or shoving or violence over bargains ...
just joyful browsing.

What sweet sheet music!


More love.  

Candy canes made from woven red and white ticking ...

Wreak the Halls ~ isn't what we bloggers are always 
doing?  We remodel, restore and repurpose.

I hope y'all enjoyed this little shopping trip as much
as I did.

Let's move along and visit ~

Bentley ~ there are two Maltese terriers named Daisy.
Both of them are cuties too.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Wreck the Halls, I like that title. The florist shop has some cute treasures like that little bird that came to stay in your house. I shopped local today too and bought 2 picture frames for Christmas gifts that I put family heirloom posters in.

  2. I always try to buy fm my local merchant, the are friendly & thy take the time to get to know you!

  3. Thanks for taking us along with you on this fun shopping trip at local shops.


  4. I so agree. We always go to our local hardware store. We pay more but they are so helpful and no lines to check out. I will pay more for the convenience and added pleasure of a smaller store with good help. Great post!!

  5. There seem to be some interesting places to shop in your town! I like to shop locally, and we are lucky to live in a place with a vibrant downtown.

  6. I hope the doll cabinet winds up under your tree!


  7. Lovely things here,it's nice to browse local shops, They always have different stuff. x

  8. Wreck The Halls -- YeeHaw!!! Love going on shopping trips with you. Three cheers for LOCALs!!! Hugs to you and Bentley.

  9. I have one blog, please, follow here
    Yo soy brasileño, y tengo un blog, muy simple.
    Estoy lhe invitando a visitar-me, y se posible, seguimos juntos por ellos.
    Fuerza, Alegría y Amizad.
    Ven para acá, y deja un comentário, para YO, seguí en su blog con facilidad.

    Abrazos, del Brazil.

  10. I total agree buy local. We shop locally all the time. Coming from the small Town of Harrow (4,000) people, we do support our local businesses. You hit it on the nail, no pushing, shoving and chaos, just joyful browsing and great conversation. It's just like visiting good friends. Love the cabinets and the candy canes (how cute are they?) I would have had a wonderful time shopping these local shops. Thanks for taking us along ;-)

  11. I have been eyeing doll cabinets for a long time now! They are so charming! Did you buy it?


  12. I really enjoyed your shop tours! I am doing a different kind of Christmas this year, and I love seeing all these ideas. One of the best things about the season is visiting the small shops, I think.

  13. I am a big believer in shopping local if you possibly can. They have so much more flare and personality anyway. When I travel...I do not search out Chili's or those chains...I try and find a resturant that is unique to the place I am at. It is fun.
    I want a bucket of those candy cute are those. !!!

  14. Hi Susan,

    Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful tour. Love the pie safe and the musical ornaments! The store front window with the frosted reindeer is simply charming! A truly cozy day out with your sweet Bentley!


  15. I hate the mall and big box stores. All my shopping was done locally at small businesses. Love those cute candy canes.


  16. I love little shops too. Thanks for the tour. The John Schaum Christmas Album caught my eye! I remember his piano books from my childhood.

    You have inspired me to get out and see the little shops in our area.

  17. So many beautiful treasures! A cute Shop! Thank so much for your lovely comment! Happy Thanksgiving!!! with love

  18. It seems like we had the same idea on Saturday. Shop local and stay away from the big box stores. Isn't it fun to see what treasures you can find in the local shops!? ~Delores

  19. Hi Susan~ Buying local is so important! What a delightful, dog-friendly place to shop :) I love those candy canes!

  20. Everything is wonderful! I love all the pretties in the Bloom shop! I hope Santa brings your doll cupboard!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.