Sunday, November 18, 2012

Don't Go to the Grocery Store Hungry

I took my mom grocery shopping this afternoon.  It was one of her
"let's really stock up on the specials"  kind of afternoon.  Ever since we
put a freezer in her garage, she has been loading up on everything.  It's
really kind of funny because she is a very petite little lady, but she wants 
to make sure that she has the fixin's to feed an army.

By the time we got to the cashier, her cart was completely overflowing.
Then we loaded it up in the back of my pick-up and went to her house 
to unload.  Then I headed back home.

I stopped at our new Whole Foods Market.  It's quite the 
attraction because Boise never had one before.  The parking lot
was jammed packed, but since it was on my way home I decided 
to pick up a few things.  

 I was tired and hungry.  I had not eaten since breakfast and it
was now 4:45 PM.  The first thing I spotted was Black Box Cabernet
Sauvignon on sale.  Into my cart it went.  Oh, and then, veggie pizza
right out of the oven.  I'll just grab a couple of slices for an appetizer
before dinner.

Got home.  Threw two small Idaho spuds into the oven.  Thank
goodness I thought to marinade a flank steak earlier in the day.
I poured myself a big glass of wine and  brought out a platter
 of pizza bites to share with David, who was in his chair
watching football.

Ah ...

Just a few moments to relax before I toss a salad and start 
grilling the flank steak.  Gee that pizza was good.  Too bad I 
didn't buy more!

I am joining Yvonne.  Trust me, she and her crew will
have some great recipes for you.  At the moment I am in my
pre -Thanksgiving chef down time.  Grilling a flank steak, tossing
 a salad and picking up some  ready made pizza from Whole Foods 
 Market is as creative as I get!

Wasn't that good pizza Bentley?  Did momma tell you that she
also bought some pie while she was there?  It's a surprise for
your daddy after dinner, so don't breathe a word.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Brilliant way to create a meal, and I enjoy shopping at Whole Foods; I went there today after church and bought lamb for Thanksgiving dinner, which I froze until Wednesday.

  2. you supper sounds wonderful from the apps to the dessert. What kind of pie was it?

    Happy Thanskgiving!


    BTW We are having a giveaway so pop on by if you have the time!

  3. I love whole foods. We don't have one near us but when David was in the hospital when I need a walk I would walk to whole foods and grab a bite. Not the cheapest place but really good.
    Happy thanksgiving

  4. You did pretty good. Usually I come out of there with $50 worth of weird things that we may or may not end up eating! Mimi

  5. Hi Susan,
    Just popped in to wish you and Bentley a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. I plan to just put up my feet and maybe eat a little pizza and pie. This chick is pooped!!!!

  6. I would have probably just had the pizza and a glass of wine for dinner. Have not been to WF in some time - it is out of my way and a pain to get in and out of, as on a really busy street.
    Have a great week.


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