Thursday, November 8, 2012

Measure Twice, Cut Once, Remember Always

I am very proud to be the caretaker of the tool box originally owned by my
husband's grandfather and then his father.  It was made by David's grandfather
and I have promised not to paint it or to change it in any way.

I have agree to treasure it ~ and I will!

The coming holidays remind me of those we will miss at the
Thanksgiving table.  My daddy, David's dad and both of our

We are the recipients of little treasures they left behind.  Old tools and
tool boxes, words of wisdom.

My grandfather's old license plate.  I had two of them, but I sent my
cousin the other one.

Little bits of their past that keep them close.

Bits of love.

Measure twice, cut once.  Words told to both David and me by
our dads.

Wonderful memories.  And my grandfather would want more
than one piece of pie!!

Joining ~

Bentley ~ your sire, Mr Rags will be having Thanksgiving
dinner with his family.  Maybe we should invite him to come over
for doggie dessert!

Susan and Bentley


  1. I am sure, in many families, there will be places at the table where they will be missed. BUT STILL LOVED AND REMEMBERED. And even though they are not WITH us, they are not FAR from us.
    Thanksgiving is a glorious time of year.
    I wouldn't want to change anything about that tool box either.

  2. What a wonderful post. Thanksgiving is a time where we reflect on ALL of our blessings and it looks like you and David have many. Blessings of wonderful dads and grandfathers who have left their mark on your lives. Rejoice and be thankful for so many blessings. I did chuckle measure twice and cut once. That is something Mr. Vintage lives by ;-)

  3. Hi Susan, what special mementos you have. I know you treasure them! I still have an Ohio license plate from when we had to leave that state, where all four of our kids were born. I thought of Bentley the other day. I bought some "Bentley" tea from Homegoods. It's a container that has 12 teas of Christmas. They're very good!!

  4. Oh how wonderful to keep that lovely toolbox as is and to keep it in the family ! Papa here bought an old toolbox like that and old hand tools from an antique shop and it all is his favorite out of all the tools and toolboxes he has . It carries it's own story of history and legacy with it and that to us is amazing ! Just thinking of where it has traveled and how many carpenters and woodworkers it has helped to create ! Have a good day !

  5. I love the tool box filled with memories of the dear men that won't be at your Tksgiving table this year and all the other treasures..loving the car plates. I too miss my dad, he loved, loved Tksgiving and my mother's cooking! At least I still have mother around and well. Thank you so much for your sweet and kind comments. Hugs,

  6. What a great way to honor the memories of your loved ones. I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

  7. Susan, Those we have lost are so special and we treasure them always. Even though they are not physically at the table, they are there in spirit and we are happy for the time we had them. Great toolbox and tools to always bring such joy and great memories when you look at it. We have some of those ourselves..Happy Friday..Judy

  8. A special vignette full of memories and tools. Love it. My MIL had a massive stroke and died last Thanksgiving when were visiting. This feels like a bittersweet holiday this year...hugs.

  9. Beautiful post, sweetness! Love that tool box and the awesome vintage items you've stored in them! Hugs ~ Mary

  10. What a lovely post. We too will be missing loved ones this holiday season. My hubbys Mom and a very sweet Aunt are feasting at another table this year. But their absence will be greatly felt.

  11. Great toolbox....

  12. lovely post. lovely toolbox. lovely treasured words and moments.

  13. I loved your post. Every year I think will get a little better, but every year I miss my Dad that much more.

  14. A wonderful tribute filled with great memories.

  15. Any tool box is fun to have, but one that was in the family is a real treasure. I love all the other momentos you've added ~ so special. May your Thanksgiving table be blessed with many happy memories, both old and new.

  16. oh I miss my grandfather too! He also did alot of woodworking....AND was a big pie eater! :) What a beautiful post!

  17. How nice! I'll miss a lot of people at my Thanksgiving dinner too! P.S. I't's nice to know a fellow Cub fan!

  18. Oh Susan, you are the perfect care-taker of that wonderful tool box, and I love that you have filled it with memories. laurie

  19. That toolbox is priceless, Susan. I love things that have been passed on to us by our loved ones. His name etched into the wood of the box is proud and touching. I have some of my grandfather's tools. A hammer or two, and a few other things. I really love them. Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  20. It is a blessing when you are gifted with such family treasures and memories to cherish and maintain for future generations. The toolbox continues to be well-loved! Have a great day! Best wishes, Tammy

  21. Hi Susan, Your wonderful tool box with so much history is a real treasure. This is a blessing That goes on and on. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  22. I love the tool box, the story behind it, and the wonderful way you displayed it. So glad to have found your blog.

  23. I love this Susan! I too think of loved ones that no longer sit at our table. Precious momentos like your toolbox help to keep those memories alive. I always think of the saying "Measure twice, cut once" when I sew. I had to laugh at the name on the bottom. When I was little I use to write my name on everything. Even the underneath of the coffee table. My sisters tease me because they said I would write my name and then say, "I didn't do it". lol! I don't remember, but hey I've always loved to write. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.