Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Turkey Day Countdown

One week until Thanksgiving. I love it!  I  love everything about it.
Family, friends, wonderful aroma's coming from the kitchen that fill the
house with such cozy joy!  

Polishing the silver.

Ironing the linens.  Pulling out treasured serving pieces.

Setting up the bar.  Cocktails for most of us and sherry for Mom.

Roasting chestnuts.  

Making whole berry cranberry sauce.

Should I make some Cranberry-Orange Chutney for leftover turkey
sandwiches this year too???

And the pie.  Pumpkin of course and a pecan for my sweet
southern hubby.

Oh yes ~ let's hear it for pie!!!

Joining ~

Bentley is of course very fond of Thanksgiving.  Momma makes
giblet gravy and saves some of the giblets just for him.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Your Thanksgiving sounds very special, I love your excitement. Very pretty vignettes, too! It's so hard to believe it's a week away!


  2. Pretty post. Love your blue transfer-ware and the singing pie bird. I don't have one of those. So cute. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. Ours is behind us now and it is time to think Christmas. Deb

  3. You really captured the excitement in advance of the big day. Dianne

  4. Enjoy your thanksgiving. So much to be thankful for. Your mom, David and ofcourse, Bentley (didn't mean to list you last ;-)
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Susan, enjoy and savour EVERY moment ~ Such a wondeful time of the year. We already had Thanksgiving....such memorable times ~ Love your pie bird ~ Have a cocktail for me

  5. What do you use to polish your silver???
    Sounds like you put a lot of love into your Thanksgiving dinner. It is my FAVORITE holiday (that, and the SUPER BOWL....ha ha ha)
    I'll take a piece of each of those pies thankyou.

  6. Sounds delicious. It's so great to have family to share Thanksgiving with.


  7. It is a wonderful time of year for gathering with friends & family...that's what makes Thanksgiving and Christmas even more special!!!
    Love your little chick...too cute!
    Hope you and Bentley are have a GREAT week!

  8. Susan,
    What a beautiful post! It's so charming and warm that it makes me wish that I lived next door to you! Happy Thanksgiving!


  9. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, too! I love the pies and the cranberry sauce.. Yum! And I love that you will be using beautiful BLUE willow dishes on the table.

  10. Sweet Sister, we do love our holidays, don't we? Now we just need to put our hair up in a french twist, pumps and apron and we are all set!

  11. Let's hear it double-time for the pie!!! I would like to start my meal with pie if I wasn't setting such a bad example for the little kids! :-) I'm glad to see how much enjoyment you pull from the preparation part of Thanksgiving. I think that's all a great part of the day...the lead up to it! It fills the air with even greater anticipation. I love it! It looks like you are going to have one filled with lots of beautiful items, great food, fun and laughter. Enjoy!!!

  12. Enjoy your nice turkey day. Nicely decorated waiting for family and friends to drop by. I am told mine may be out in the country on paper plates.

  13. I have been having fun getting ready too. Don't you just love freshly press napkins? We are trying an new receipe for apple cranberry chutney this year. Oh and in our house we add a bluebery and apple pie to the mix. We cut the slices very small so everyone and sample multiple types. LOL. Not so great for the waist line, thank goodness their is only one Thanksgiving a year.

  14. We are having a quiet Thanksgiving this year, but I am looking forward to it. Your's sounds wonderful.


  15. Susan, your Thanksgiving plans sound wonderful! We have already celebrated so I'm working on Christmas now. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!


  16. Susan I want to come to your house for Thanksgiving! Everything sounds wonderful and very traditional, just the way I like. My year to not cook so I'm jumping into Christmas decorating. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy Pink too.........

    The French Hutch

  17. Hi Susan...oh I just love your Thanksgiving sweetness!!!
    Cranberry Orange Chutney sounds pretty darn good for those left over turkey sandwiches.
    Happy Pink Saturday & have a lovely Thanksgiving..xo Tami

  18. What a sweet pie bird ! Love all your vignettes too. What time is dinner? (())

  19. What a nice post...I love the photos!

  20. It looks as you are going to have a very festive Thanksgiving. It all sounds delicious!

  21. So very perfect!!! I have the same blue willow . I love it . My grandchildren call it Nana's plates!!
    Happy Thankgiving

  22. So funny but that's the second pie bird I've seen today! Cranberry Orange Chutney sounds great! I have to have cranberry sauce and stuffing on my leftover turkey sandwiches.

  23. Love your photos and the anticipation of Thanksgiving and all the trimmings is part of the fun! I love your cute pie bird. Please, tell me the name of the silver flatware for I love the pistol handle knife. Your Thanksgiving will be great with the cranberry orange chutney! We are celebrating with my mother and son, his first nonworking holiday in years! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and many turkey sandwiches!

  24. Bentley must have his head tilted and his eyes watering just thinking about that treat he gets on Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Joyce M

  25. Hello Susan I really enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous photos in this post! How lovely to see some of the delightful things you will be using and making for that special turkey day!
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Helen x


    Loved your post...I think it sums up Thansgiving anticipation for all of us! :)

  27. A very inspiring intro to Thanksgiving. I love it all ~ but especially the adorable pie bird.

  28. Cranberry and orange chutney sounds divine. Everyone that I celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with when the kids were little have all moved away so our holidays are very quiet these days. Wishing you and yours all the blessings of the season. Tammy

  29. Yes, please make some chutney and send it on to me, okay? It sounds heavenly and I love chutney. And pie, of course! No turkey in this veggie household but we'll do just fine with all the side dishes!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  30. I think there is a law that one must have cranberry sauce with turkey sandwiches? and homemade, be still this girl from Massachusetts' heart!

    Hi Bentley,
    Karen & Krumpet

  31. I love this post. I wanted to let you know I am going to feature your blog in my Blue Monday post on Mon. I am featuring three blogs that are either Blue or have Blue in their name. I'll link to this post since you even have blue plates. Come by Monday and see my post. And I am having a give a way come by and leave a comment on the giveaway post.
    Have a Blessed Thanksging,

  32. Hi Susan: Great post. It sets the tone for a perfect Thanksgiving Day. Hope you have a wonderful time with your family. Buddy says Bentley is a lucky dog. He dosen't think he will get any giblets..Happy Weekend..Judy

  33. Wonderful post! I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!


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