Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Twas The Night Before Christmas In Texas You Know

T'was the night before Christmas 
in Texas you know.
Way out on the prairie without any snow.

Asleep in their cabin were Bentley and Sue.
A-dreamin' of Christmas like me and like you.

Not stockings, but boots at the foot or their bed.
For this was in Texas,what more can be said.

When all of a sudden from out the still night,
there came such a ruckus, it gave them a fright!

They saw 'cross the prairie like a shot from a gun,
a loaded up buckboard come on a run.

The driver was "geein" and "hawin" with a will.
The horses, not reindeer he drove with such skill.

"Come on there Buck, Pancho and Prince, to the right!
They'll be plenty of travelin' for you all tonight."

The driver in Levis and shirt that was red, 
had a ten-gallon Stetson on top of his head.

As he stepped down from the buckboard, he really was a sight.
With his beard and moustaches so curly and white.

As he burst in the cabin, Bentley and Susan awoke.
And both so astonished that neither one spoke.

And he filled up their boots with such presents galore.
That neither could think of a single thing more.

When Bentley recovered the use of his jaws, 
he barked in a whisper
"Are you Santa Claus?"

Well, what do you think?"
And he smiled as he gave a mysterious wink.

Then he leapt in his buckboard, and called back in his drawl,

"To all children of Texas _

I dedicate this famous Texas Christmas poem to my
dear husband David ~ the REAL Texan in the family!!

Bentley ~ did you know that momma's very first Yorkie
"Bitterman" was a real Texan too?  Yes sir he was!

Joining ~

Big Texas Size Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

PS: I DID NOT write this poem.  I do not know the
author's name, but I learned it when the first Christmas
I lived in Texas and have loved it ever since!


  1. How precious! Love those Texas red boots and that cowboy hat with the red trim. That poem made my day!!


  2. Susan ~ this made me smile from ear to ear (I think it's called a Texan grin). Love this, love the boots too ~ just what I needed to put a smile on my face and a spring in my boot (I mean step)

    Bentley ~ what did Texan Santa leave you? Hope it was special

  3. Very fun, y'all!!!

    Loved this, red boots, 10 gallon hat, and all.

  4. Great boots and wonderful poem.

  5. You're a poet, and this is priceless!

  6. Sarah and Sadie sending big, REAL Texas size hugs back to both of you. This is a wonderful post! ;-)

  7. That was awesome . I really loved it photos and all ! Have a great day !

  8. Hi Y'all!
    What a cute post. I love your version of The Night Before Christmas! Your red boots make the perfect Christmas stockings! I love the tiny little teddy bear popping out of the boot top.
    I hope you have the merriest of Christmases, Susan...and, Bentley, too!

  9. Hi Susan,
    I have caught up on your latest posts and they cheer me up so! Wonderful and inspiring holiday pictures - thanks for sharing all the beautiful red! Have a wonderful holiday!

  10. I've lived in Texas for 12 years (wow!), but I've never heard this. You can bet though, that it will be read on Christmas Eve for my non-Texan family!! My granddaughter (the only real Texan in the bunch) will love it....as do I!

  11. That was pretty cute, and I loved all the red bits and pieces!

  12. So cute! It put a smile on my face.

    Amy Jo

  13. I laughed all the way through your post! I don't have cowboy boots by the fireplace -- still hanging stockings! :D :D Hugs to you and Bentley.

  14. That is soooo cute! I need me some red boots!!

  15. I am a Texas girl, not born here, but have lived here forever. I love this post!! The pictures are adorable too. Gotta get out my red boots!

  16. How cleaver this all is. I love the poem and using the western theme is great!

  17. Cute poem. Here is one we pass out to our patrons each year. It was written back in 1998 by "Jessica" who was a Baker County High School (Baker County Florida) volunteer. She gave us this poem for Christmas one year. Sweet. Hope you like it.


    ‘Twas the night before Christmas
    When up the library stairs,
    Snuck Santa, quite jolly, with Christmas Eve care.
    He crept in the door, sneaking slowly by the shelves,
    And not far behind followed five merry elves.
    Santa rounded the corner with his comrades in tow
    And thru the dark halls they gently tip-toed.
    By the red glowing light of Rudolph’s bright nose,
    They scoured the shelves, for a book, I suppose.
    And finally found one that Santa could read
    In a nice warm bath with a cup of herbal tea.
    On the library desk, he left a short note.
    And, just so you know, this is what Santa wrote:

    “Dear Library Ladies,
    I’ve borrowed a book! I hope you don’t mind.
    There’s only one that I took.
    Since I only come ‘round in the cool winter time,
    I’ve borrowed a summer book to keep winter off my mind.
    And for the same cold reason, I’m sad to relate,
    That this library book may be returned quite late.
    So, please forgive me, I will pay the fees.
    Just leave me a note on the Desk if you please.
    Now I’ll make one request, just one last appeal,
    Please reserve for St. Nick the new Danielle Steel.
    I must go now, to spread cheer cross the land,
    Put love in every heart and a book in each hand.”

    He then signed the letter,
    “Love, Jolly St. Nick”
    And he and his elves hustled to the sleigh quick.
    And he exclaimed through the night as his jingle bells shook
    “Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good book!”


    ~Diane, The Library Lady~

  18. Well, sweetie, I'm a Texan, too and never have seen this before. I adore the poem but it's your photos and subjects that take it OVER THE TOP....:)

  19. Just precious, Susan! I have lived in Texas for almost 30 years and have never heard that cute poem. Your display is so perfect! Smooches to Bentley,
    xo, Andrea

  20. I just love the red cowboy boots!! That poem is so cute! It so fits a Texas Christmas!! I have never heard it before, but of course I am from Kentucky originally via Buffalo via South Carolina!! Enjoyed your post and I am your newest follower.

  21. Adorable! Love the boots! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and have a Merry Christmas!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.