Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Let's Dish

After spending three days in bed with the flu, the fever has gone down and
I feel like I am living again!  How about a hot cup of coffee and let's dish.
What's new with you?  Are you getting excited about Valentine's Day?  I am
 You don't have to have a sweetheart to love Valentine's Day.  Everyone
has someone they love.  

It's such a good feeling to bring a bit of cheer into someone's life.  Some homemade
cookies.  A little card to let a special someone know you care.  Valentine's Day is 
one of those holidays that everyone can enjoy.  I think I will take some flowers over to
my neighbor.  She is in her 80's and does not get out much anymore.  

I am always on the hunt for cute vintage Valentines.  Now that everyone uses email,
it's just so nice to receive a card via snail mail.  If I don't find any I love, I will
make my own.

I am thinking cheerful thoughts on these frigid January days.  I hope
you are too.

Happily Joining ~

Home Sweet Home
Feathered Nest Friday
Be Inspired
Dear sweet Bentley ~ you deserve some special Valentine's Day
homemade dog biscuits for being a little angel every day!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan,
    I am so glad you are feeling better. I didn't realize you were so sick:( Sending lots of love and wish I could have brought you some chicken soup!
    Bentley. make sure Mama drinks lots of liquids and gets rest!

  2. So sorry that this stinky bug has had you down. Glad you are feeling better.

  3. Glad your feeling better ! Oh these are cute ! Have a good evening !

  4. get well soon and stay warm. love that red ticking heart.

  5. I am glad you are feeling better. This is such a sweet post. I am excited about Valentine's Day. I think Lucas and Lucie might keep grandma company while I have dinner Stan. It's a win win. Everyone is happy. So sweet to bring your neighbor flowers. I love that.

  6. Yay! Sounds like the worst is over! Still, don't do too much too soon:) It's a sweet idea to take your neighbor some treats. I have a sweet older friend who could use a little cheering up too. Thanks for the idea!

  7. Your red and white coffee service is so charming with all the heart accents. So nice of you to think of your neighbor with a Valentine bouquet. I'm certain she will be delighted.


  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better! I caught the flu right after Christmas and it knocked me for a loop. I love your cheery red and white.

  9. Cute Valentine teascape! Iam glad you are getting over your illness. I had mine before Christmas....Christine

  10. Something happened to my comment....:/

    Anyway....I was saying that your adorable vignette with the coffee pot and fluffy ticking heart is making me smile.

    Hugs to Bentley!


  11. Hi Susan, so glad to hear you are better and recovering from the flu. I love the old fashioned valentine's too. I bought quite a few last year after they were marked down. I enjoy sending them out to friends and family. It's nice you are going to visit your neighbor with flowers for valentine's day. It will mean so much to her. Love the vignette with the red, white and pink. The little heart is my favorite. Hope you are all well and feeling better soon.

    The French HUtch

  12. I am so glad that you feel better. I had the flu too and it's not much fun. I agree ~ everyone should be a valentine to someone. We have a neighbour next door and he is alone. His wife passed away a couple of years ago . We have him over for coffee all the time. Thank you for the inspiration to bring him over for valentines dinner and a treat. He is such a sweet heart. Hmmmm Chico what do you want for Valentines. You are wayyy too small for a bone ~ Bentley have Mommy make you a special treat ;-)

  13. You always have the cutest vignettes! Your pretty reds really remind me of Valentine's Day. I don't really decorate, some lacy hearts in the windows and a cute wood door hanger thingy. I have heard of a lot of reproduction valentine's being sold at Michael's and Hobby Lobby and such...I saw some on a few blogs (can't remember). They would be cute to send out to some favorite people. How nice to think of your neighbor.

    I'm glad you're feeling better. Fevers are the worst. And chills. And feeling weak for days after. I haven't caught that kind of flu in awhile. Keep getting stronger, sweetie.


  14. You poor thing--the 'flu is the worst! Glad you're feeling better :-) Very kind of you to take time to brighten the day of the elderly lady--little gestures like that mean the world to the ageing among us.

  15. I can almost taste the cookies and tea when I look at your darling Valentine vignette! What a wonderful thought to take flowers to your neighbor...last year I baked little mini heart pies and tucked them in some friends mailboxes for Valentine's Day, thanks for reminding me to make some others feel special!

  16. Susan,
    What is that cute little tin with the 6 hearts on it? Did you make that? Adorable!....Rita

  17. Your Valentine thoughts are very inspiring, Susan! I love the little heart with buttons and the pretty vignette you created. Good luck with your new computer, I am trying hard with mine :)
    Wishing you a happy day and hope you are feeling better now.
    Helen x

  18. Susan, glad you are feeling better. Your sweetheart of a vignette makes me smile with delight. I love Valentine's Day and all that goes with it!

  19. You are so sweet and thoughtful. I love to think of others and do the little things to make someone feel special. I love your pretty little heart. It's perfect!

  20. Good to hear you are feeling better, Susan!

    I love your sweet Valentine vignette. So very pretty.

  21. I love the mix of red and white prints in your vignette. Well done!

  22. It is wonderful that you are improved now Susan. The Valentine vignette is very sweet.

  23. I love your table. Your heart pillow is super cute and makes me want to add buttons to mine. Stay well!! Looking after our seniors is so important and knowing you do makes my heart smile!

  24. What a pretty Valentine's vignette! The buttoned heart is my favorite. Glad you're feeling better!

  25. Pretty, pretty valentine vignette!
    Mary Alice

  26. Glad you are better. Love your reds.

  27. Whaddya mean you don't have a sweetie??!?!?!! Bentley's a sweetie for sure!!! He's a sweetie AND a cutie patootie! I'm so glad you've come back to join the living (although I hear there are lots of cute vampires and other un-deads out there!). Those 5 days could not have been much fun. I'm really sorry you had to go through that. I think it's beyond sweet that you are going to gift your elderly neighbor for Valentine's Day!!!!!! I used to do that, too. We never know what people have been through in their lives, and the smallest gesture could be the difference between giving that person a great week or a week that just passes them by while they're waiting to die. I don't mean to sound overly dramatic or all gloom and doom, but you know what I mean. There have been times when things were going so awful for me that I just couldn't face the world. But then someone, out of the clear blue sky and without prompting or provocation, just did something kind and caring and life was given new meaning in an instant. We need to pay more attention to the elderly and remember that they were young once, too, and that, by the grace of God, we'll be there someday ourselves. I commend you for your kindness. Have a beautiful weekend, and stay well, please!

  28. I am trying to make it a point to write more letters this year. Like you, I think there is something special about getting a real letter in the mail!! Love your Valentine Vignette, so cute!

  29. Susan,
    I sure hope you are feeling much much better really soon!!
    Take care,

  30. By now I'm sure your feeling better and over the flu! Love your table scape and the red heart is adorable. I love the grain sack looking table runner. I have a similar one from Home Goods. I adore the way red and white look together. Of course, you photography skills really bring out the beauty!

  31. So glad you are feeling better Susan. I adore your little Valentines vignette. I too love Valentines. It always makes me sad when someone says they hate it. I agree, even if they don't have a significant other there is always someone to love. Let's not forget, "love makes the world go round"! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  32. I have been sicker since I started working - not so nice! So glad you're getting better and I love your cheery mug - Love the Valentines vignette - so beautiful - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  33. Hi Susan, I am featuring you on my 'showing a little love' challenge today.


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