Thursday, January 31, 2013

Valentine Vignettes

Tomorrow is the 1st of February and it's time to start thinking about
Valentines.  I made these two from felt scraps and some embroidery floss.

Making Valentines makes me feel like a little girl again.  Such fun!
It has always been my favorite February project.

I found this adorable sachet at a local shop.  An elderly woman
makes them.  Isn't this just the sweetest little sachet?  I cut out a felt
heart and put a lace doily, the heart and the sachet together for 
a little Valentine vignette.

Thank you for all of your prayers for my mom.  She and I were both
so strengthened by this.  Mom visited her doctor this past Tuesday.
While there is no cure for her heart failure, we are taking each day
as it comes and are just so thankful that we have each other.

Happily joining ~

All the snow is melting outside and it is one big sloppy mess in our
yard.  Bentley will have to have a bath tonight.  He won't be too happy
about that!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Your hearts are so beautiful, sweet - love them! So sorry to hear about your mom's heart failure, my prayers are with her and you.

    Hugs, dear friend, Mary

  2. Hi Susan, Glad to hear your Momma and you are taking it one day at a time. I really think the Valetines were so sweet. I just love to say (will you be mine)
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. Those are so dainty and pretty. I have always told myself. that I want to learn to embroidery. Haven't yet.

  4. Susan - So glad to hear that you and your Mom are doing okay. Just take each day as it comes and savor each and every precious moment you have with each other.


  5. These are so sweet. I love them! I'm so glad you and your Mom are having some time together.

  6. Really cute. Pinning!! Stop over:)

  7. Oh these are so pretty ! Glad you and your mum are spending time together just take one day at a time and enjoy each others company ! It was sloppy here to but now it is all frozen again ! Have a good evening !

  8. These are so sweet--now I want to make some!

  9. What sweet little Valentines bits and pieces.
    Time with your mum is precious - snuggle in and enjoy.

  10. Pretty vignettes. I love to make special valentines. Your little felt pieces are delightful. Cherish this time with your mom. Thinking about you!

  11. So sweet!
    Love your felt Valentines.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Ohhh these are so pretty! I LOVE the envelope!!! Such a cute idea!


  13. I am really liking your felt scraps left over pieces.The heart is so cute.
    I love making Valentines also and you gave me some ideas


  14. Your little Valentines are so sweet!...I am keeping you and your mother in my prayers, thank you for the update. xo

  15. Love your Valentines. Adding your Mom and family to prayer list. (())

  16. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. It's tough to have a diagnosis where there's nothing more to do, isn't it? I pray you are indeed both strengthened, for what you each have to endure. God is faithful to hear us and provide. (Amen!)
    I love your valentine vignettes. I can see how you would feel like a little girl again in creating the felt valentines - they're neat. I'm featuring two pages (one theme) from my altered book. It made me feel like a little girl again - just creating and especially the fact there's a paper doll involved in it. Hope you have a chance to stop by.
    Well, you and your mom take care! Oh, I hope Bentley decides a bath is the best thing! (Our dog views the tub now and then like it's the scene of a crime! He's so funny that way.)
    Happy Pink Saturday! Enjoyed my visit, thanks, Jenn

  17. Love your beautiful Valentines! I would like to make some this year as well but, with our 49ers in the Super Bowl this Sunday, I've been distracted elsewhere. Hopefully next week!
    Our little Chloe isn't fond of bath days either. As soon as she sees her towels she crouches down with her tail between her legs and her ears back. You would think it was some form of abuse or something.
    Sending prayers to you and your mom.

  18. These felt treasures are beautiful! Love them.

  19. So very pretty. They made me smile.

  20. Very cute-- will be getting out my Val Day decor today.

  21. Susan they are so cute!! Makes me smile to look at them. I am so sorry about your Mom and I do understand. My Mother also has heart failure and it's a day by day thing. So far so good but at 82 I treasure each day she is still with me!

    Big Hugs,

  22. So pretty! Hugs for you and your Mom :) Found you on A Favorite Thing! I would love to have you share this on The Creative HomeAcre tomorrow :)

  23. I was wondering what's in the sachet ... Have a nice weekend. Regula

  24. Praying for comfort, encouragement, wisdom and peace today. :) And thank you for the lovely PINKS for Valentine's Day. I've been so busy with the grandkids, I totally have not gotten going on Valentine's Day and I should. :) Have a blessed weekend.

  25. Those are so pretty!

    Please come and peek at my PINK.
    Your comment is always a joy to read.

  26. These are adorable! Love the little valentine that looks like an envelope, with be mine! Sorry to hear about your mom. Have a great weekend!


  27. I love the little felt Valentines, especially the envelope. How clever! So happy to find your pretty blog on pink saturday @ How Sweet the Sound. Just lovely!

  28. Your valentines are so sweet, Susan! I'm thinking of you and your mom, sweet friend.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  29. Oh my goodness, so adorable!!! xoxo

  30. So sweet! Always enjoying the lovely pinks wherever I go today! HPS!

  31. Your valentines are so precious, you've got me inspired.

    Thinking of you and your momma and sending lots of hugs. xo

  32. Your felt envelop is just darling. All your valentines are just perfect. Thinking of you and your Mom. Our adopted daughter has a heart condition. I'm sure you both will continue to enjoy each day to the fullest. Extra hugs!

  33. Those felt Valentines are just adorable, Susan! And yes, that little sachet is just lovely. I'm so sorry to hear your mother is unwell. I hope you have one another for a long, long time.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.