Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We Are About To Be Tweaked!

Our address is about to change and in a couple of months you
will find us here ~

Our trip down to Texas was not just a vacation, but it was a visit to 
see if we wanted to accept a job opportunity down there and make the 
big move back to the Lone Star State.

It was a tough decision to make.  We have lived very happily in our cozy
little cottage for almost 20 years.  But the time was coming when I knew
that things must change.  My Mom's diminishing eye sight due to
macular degeneration is making it hard for her to live alone.  And I have
been running two households for the past several years which is hard on me
too.  We have been looking for the ideal house that we would be perfect
for all of us to move into.  Yet no matter how hard we have looked here in Idaho,
we have found nothing that would happily suit all of us.

We even thought of building a house that would perfectly suit our needs,
but then another door opened for us and we contemplated ~

Is this the right move for us?

So I spent quite a bit of time here, praying, reflecting and asking for guidance.
There would be so much to do.  Pick up and move three adults and one little
dog 1,800 miles away.  Sell our business which would effect other families, not
just our own.  People who were not only employees but also friends.  What to
do about a little rental house we just purchased last year and how will it
effect our tenant who has been the most perfect tenant one could ask for?

I just kept praying for guidance and wisdom to make the right decision.
I did my best to be open to new possibilities and TRUST that I would
be shown the right path.

And I also kept researching this little city.  I fell in love with it's history and
beautiful historic neighborhoods.  It is not too big and not too little ~ it's
just the right size for us.  You can explore some of it's history here ~

and here for a historic home tour ~

Our good friends Clayton and Myra introduced us to their favorite
realtor, Luann O'Connor who held our hands and walked us through 
finding the right house for us now in what is a very tight housing market.
Thank you Luann for being a delightful and very professional aid to us!
If you ever decide to move to Victoria look no further than Luann:

I so wanted to find a historic home in Victoria like we have here
in Boise.  Unfortunately, finding a historic home with a bed and bath
on the first floor for my Mom was not possible.  In fact, everything that
I had looked at in the historic neighborhoods had sold.  So we looked
at lots of other possibilities.  There was one that backed up to the Victoria
Country Club.  David was hopeful on this one because golf is his passion
  I liked the pool and spa in the backyard.  Although not historic, it might
 be a possibility.  But, no first floor bedroom and bath.

However, I came back to this house I had looked at on
the internet before we arrived in Texas

It is a midcentury traditional home in the College Park neighborhood.
It's a rambling one story surrounded by huge old live oaks.
The floor plan is split bedrooms, so Mom will have some privacy
and we will too.  Her bedroom has French doors that open out onto
the large and lush garden.  I think she will love it.  

With Luann's help we wrote up an offer which the seller's have
accepted and we close on June 14th.  

I am also pleased that our new house was on the Victoria Historical
Home Tour just last month.  Our new house was built in 1948 so it's 
now an antique!  Love it and can't wait to get involved in Victoria's
effort to preserve and promote it's historical treasures.  And of course there
will be some tweaking, but just think of all the fun I will have sharing
that with you.  You can read about the historic home tour here ~

Mom's house will be going on the market and my cottage will as well.
It will be sad to say goodbye, but we are excited about our new lives
in Texas.  We are looking forward to sharing this adventure with us
and hope you will too.  

Happily Joining ~

Bentley ~ you will have your guard dog duties in Victoria too.
The last time I went to visit our new house, the neighbor's cat
was on the roof of our garage.  There are cats and squirrels in
Texas too so you will be very busy indeed!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Wow Susan...it sounds like you are in for a real life adventure. wishing you many good things coming out of all this change. can't wait to go along with you on this journey....I love your new house..what a fun time for you...amidst all the work...
    Love, Mona

  2. Congrats to you all- what a big deal!

    Your faith has proven true, once again.

    This will be nice once all the hassles are behind you. Best wishes and God's blessings to you all!

  3. Sending the very best of wishes to you Susan, it looks like a grand old house, one I'm sure you'll enjoy making your own style.
    Being closer to your mum, surely speaks volumes about your character, a caring and dedicated family.
    Blessings to you all.

  4. That is a huge step, but you've gone to the right place for guidance. We have God's promise that He freely gives wisdom to those who ask. What an exciting time. I hope your new home will prove to be a joy to you! - and to Bentley. :-)

  5. Susan & Bentley - How exciting!! Even at my age, I would love the challenge of moving and a new place to redo! And to have your Mother right there with you will be wonderful. You'll never regret the time and effort you put in spending time with her - trust me, I know. I practically gave up my profession, etc. to help with my Mom and I'm so glad that I did. I have no regrets and truly remember all of the fun and memorable times with her.

    Plus, you'll be closer!!



  6. Let me be among the first to welcome you to Texas! I think you will find your new neighbors to be friendly and warm. Your new home looks wonderful -- what fabulous trees!

  7. Best of wishes to you Susan and your family, Texas is a nice place to live my sister live in Katy ,Houston and I loved your new home is beautiful with those trees are from loved

  8. Wow, that is a huge decision and move. It clearly looks like you've given it a lot of thought and prayer. Your Mom is very lucky to have you. It sounds like your new house is the perfect compromise. I can't wait to see what you do with it. One thing, before your leave Idaho, be sure to give us a big 'ole house tour of your Idaho home.

    Good luck and sending prayers your way.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  9. Right in the middle of a very transitional year for our family too, so I do understand. Where Providence leads, Providence keeps.
    Many blessing in your new home.

  10. You sure have alot on your plate. I am glad you found a new place to call home..and where Bentley can stay on guard. We will be anxiously waiting to hear about your new adventures!

  11. Let me add a big welcome to Texas. A new adventure with possibilities of many blog posts...Idaho home tour, moving details, Victoria befores and afters, garden outside your mom's french doors, ....

    Looking forward to reading everyone of them...


  12. What a wonderful time you have ahead! Blessings on your new life in Texas!

  13. Exciting news. It is always difficult making moving decisions. I think you will love Victoria and you aren't far from Houston! Enjoy this adventure and I'm sure Bentley will enjoy the squirrels! :D

  14. Sounds perfect! I'll be praying as you prepare to move. Hugs ~ Mary (P.S. I've been praying for you daily for a while, anyway...)

  15. It looks like everything is coming together for your exciting move! Praying for quick sales on your other properties and a smooth move, too!

  16. I love moving into a new house only their is a lot of work involved, hope all goes well.

  17. Oh Susan you have an adventure awaiting and you are a wonderful daughter and God is honoring that :)

  18. Your new house in Victoria-Texas sounds great! I'd be happy to move all together and with your mom too; I think it'll be easier for you to have her near you, in the same home. May God bless you both this Mother's Day.

  19. Your new home looks and sounds lovely ! Sometimes ya just have to do what ya have to do ! Lots of new and exciting stuff for you all to do and look forward to , an adventure for sure. Looking forward to reading all about it here ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  20. What a fabulous new home, sounds perfect. I can't wait to see more. Hugs, Marty

  21. Congratulations~! The new home sounds just perfect for your needs. The Lord is good, he provides everything when we wait and hear him speak.
    I look forward to sharing this new adventure with you. Bentley, you will have all new critters to chase away ~

  22. This will be a great fresh start for you and your family. It will be hard to leave but things happen for a reason. The new house sounds great for everyone. Good luck and prayers sent your way.


  23. Exciting news...except for the packing up part......I checked house on Zillow....Looks very nice. I am sure the whole family will be happy together. Looking forward to your photos.

  24. I'm so happy for your whole family! God does send us messages and makes all things possible. I love Texas and so will you! Your new home looks wonderful. More adventures ahead for sure!

  25. Susan,

    Good luck with everything! You have an exciting and creative road ahead; how lucky you are! Your new home looks lovely and it's waiting for its new family to warm it up!


  26. I am so happy for all of you, Susan. xo Laura


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