Friday, June 14, 2013

Bring On The Vintage Linens

I confess ~ whenever I am in an antique shop I always look for 
the linens.  Hand towels, anything embroidered, table clothes, pillow cases
and more.  I love it all!  It's always a favorite with me.

Happily Joining ~

I have been away quite a bit lately and have missed you all.
It's been extremely hectic around here.  I closed on the house in
Victoria, Texas today, so it if finally ours.  We are so excited 
about this new adventure.  We sold our business too.  That was 
more paperwork than I expected, but it has a new owner now and
we are very happy for him.  

The inspector was over at my Mom's house today, so we are one
step closer to finalizing the sale on her home.  We may have a buyer
for our rental property.  And some even bigger news is that
two different people have approached us who are interested in
buying our house.  We may never even have to put a sign out
front!  I have been holding out on putting my house on the market
because it is so dear to my heart.  But, if either one of these folks
become the owner, I will feel like it will be well loved.

I need to spend some quality time with Bentley.  He has 
been such a good little soldier lately and he deserves to be
spoiled a bit.  

So now that things have calmed down a bit, it's good to be
back in blogworld.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I like your vintage linen collection. I also have quite a few and some that look very much like yours.


  2. All your linens are very pretty.
    Good luck on selling...glad you closed on the house you bought and good luck on selling your mom's house.
    Things do have a way of coming together. :))

  3. Pure joy ... that's what vintage linens make me feel. I love anything with a history. Your linens are divine.

  4. OK, have you been rummaging in my buffet? I have that exact same tablecloth and napkins in the 5th photo! The blue cross stitch with the flower pot and scrolls. I can't believe it -- amazing to see that someone else has it too!! Mine is a bridge table size with luncheon napkins. It was a gift long ago. I love the vintage hand embroidered linens -- yours are beautiful!

  5. Susan, congratulations on your progress so far! Your linens are just beautiful. I love vintage linens and use them so much on my pillows.

    I know you have so much to do. Keep calm - it will all get done.


  6. My mum had a cupboard full of vintage linens and my aunty has twice as much as her but I don't know what has happened to it all, my sister has some but a lot went missing. I hope it went to someone that looks after it I was to young when mum died and wasn't interested, but now I would love to have it.

  7. I love these sweet linens - and have so many myself - but, I really like the way you displayed them here. I also have the Hazel dishes! I love them so much. I can never have enough! I know what you mean about looking for them at antique stores and thrifts. But, they are getting a bit pricey in my area. I feel blessed to have so many already!

  8. WOW - that's amazing news, all of it.....usually it is much more difficult. Yay.

    Hugs Bentley for me and tell him Romeo says "Meow!" (but in a nice dog friendly way.)

  9. What an adventure you are on. Excitement around every corner. I love your linens -- especially with embroidery -- how I love the embroidery. ...what tales they could tell! Hugs to you and Bentley.

  10. I can't believe the 5th photo either- my mother in law in the UK had stitched one just the same!I wonder if it was in a magazine or something? Love vintage linens!

  11. Love that photo with the basket!!! Good luck with everything!

  12. Your linens are real treasure, evocative of beautiful memories. When life are simpler and time was slower. I collect them as well, op shops and garage sales are usually my hunting ground.

    May you have a good week

  13. Oh Susan, I'm so happy for you and your family, it sounds like your plans are coming together nicely!

    I love your linens too!!! I have some similar to yours! Love that "hers" one! I'm going to keep an eye peeled for one of those!

  14. Love old linens. Makes me want to run to the antique store right now. You have been busy! So glad things are settling down for you.

  15. My goodness, i would be so overwhelmed! Congratulations on your new home,will be anxious to see pictures. Your blessed that you were able to sell all your properties too. Love the lines, I have to tell myself no because I have so many family pieces tucked in drawers.

  16. The linens are gorgeous and always a fun find for me also. I am so happy for you and all the changes coming. I've been busy downsizing and packing as I am moving closer to my daughter in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to be nearer that Grandson of mine. I'm going into a MUCH smaller duplex rental so lots of purging. It's hard work but sorta freeing at the same time. Good luck with the sales of your old homes!

  17. Your linens are so beautiful, they flood me with memories of my mother's linens (of which I only have a few). So excited about the progress you're making in selling houses/businesses and praying that your house will sell to one of these caring prospective buyers. Hello to Bentley!


  18. Everything thing sounds like it falling into place for you! I'm so happy! Hug that little fuzzy face and I can't wait for you to get to Texas!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Wow, what great news!! Bentley is a doll and well loved. The linens are so gorgeous, I kept thinking I saw my favorite and then there would be another one and another. I hope you pop on over and share our move! I am so glad things are moving along well for you!


  20. I just love your linens that you found. They are so pretty and look at all the work that went into them. Very happy that your plans are coming together and everything is working.
    Bentley is very happy to have all your attention - such a cute baby.

  21. Wow, what a beautiful collection you have. I like them all! Hopping over to leave some hugs and say Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs Katherine

  22. Linens are my favorite "Vintage"..You have quite a collection..

  23. Hi Susan, I love the linens so much. The work is so lovely. Great treasures to love.

    I am glad your new home is a realty instead of a dream I wish you blessings and happiness in your new location. I hope all the rest falls into place as well. I have been missing in the blog world as well.Sometimes life just takes over for awhile.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Father's Day weekend.
    xo, Jeanne

  24. Hi Susan, so you are very nearly there. Let's hope this is all completed very soon and you can get on and enjoy the fruits of your labours! The linen looks gorgeous! Take care. Chel x

  25. You have been busy - hope all continues to go well with all the changes in your life.
    Lovely linens - I always make a point to check them out when antiquing, and of course when traveling they are always the easiest treasure finds to bring home in the luggage!


  26. You've been awfully busy, Susan! It sounds like everything is falling into place perfectly. I love your linens, I'm a sucker for them, too.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week, my friend.


  27. Such a pretty post! I'm another vintage linen lover! Best of luck with all you have going on.

  28. I am new to your blog and i really enjoy everything about it. I live in Amarillo Texas . I used to live in Yoakum MANY YEARS AGO. . I too have the very same luncheon tablecloth w/napkins as the one pictured in your photo #5. i also have several other pieces you own . i guess that is what drew me to your blog because you also love the same colors i do . my favorite is cobalt blue that i like to mix with other blues.

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