Saturday, June 22, 2013

I'll Miss Paula Deen and Other Chit Chat

I have been watching Paula Deen since she first appeared on 
the Food Network back in 2002 I think it was.  Being a 
southern girl at heart, I instantly fell in love with her "down home"
charm.  No, I did not make all of her recipes because most are
quite fattening, but I did make some which were quite tasty.
I watched her because she made me feel happy and when
she moved into her new house I fell in love with her kitchen!

I love the dark beams on the ceiling, the extensive use of antique
brick and the gleaming copper pots.  My kitchen in my cottage is
no where near as large as Paulas, but I have the beams, vintage brick
and lots of copper pots too.

While I don't know Paula personally, she had never impressed me as
one to be cruel.  She always appeared so warm and welcoming to
everyone and humble too.  The Food Network has cancelled her
show and it's hard to know what the future will hold for Paula.
I for one will miss her and if she has said she is sorry and has
learned from her mistake, then I have forgiven her.

Things are starting to settle down a bit more for me now and I am
looking forward to spending more time with you all.  I have so many
things to share with you and am so anxious to learn what you all
have been up to lately.  Expect me to be visiting you all again
and filling you in on Bentley's antics too.   I hope that when you do
come to visit me, that I make you feel as warm and welcome as
Paula once did for me.

Once Again, Happily Joining ~

Seasonal Sundays

Bentley ~ mama is making burgers tonight.  You love them!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. So happy to hear that things are settling down for you. Always love to hear from you.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  2. Hi Susan and Bentley,
    Just thought I'd stop in and say hi. Have a wonderful summer!!

  3. I'm busy getting ready for my move next week. Lots to do and oh the packing! I'll keep trying to visit as I can also.


  4. Stopped in to say hello to you and Bentley and wishing you a happy summer!

    The French Hutch

  5. Lovely to see you pop up. I hope you and Bentley have a great summer.

  6. Glad you are settling down, and I feel the same about Paula. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". I have watched the Food Network go down hill the past few years, new shows/hosts are kind of boring and do not hold my interest. It is a shame they turned their back on one of their own, before the court case is heard. I will no longer be watching nor buying from their sponsors. Lots of other options and things to do. xo

  7. I'm so sorry about Paula! I really like her and her shows! I met her once and don't think she would ever intentionally do anything to hurt anyone.

    Know you are anxious to get on with the move! Take care.


  8. I can't help thinking that there's more to the Paula Deen story than they're telling us. I truly think there's some other issue and they're using this to get rid of her. There's something very fishy about this.

  9. Did I miss your move to Texas??

    I read your FB post on Paula and I so feel the same way. Let it go. If the Food Network doesn't want her anymore, I hope she goes on to bigger and better things. I have always championed her because she had such a rough life, overcoming her incredible anxiety and agoraphobia that paralyzed her mentally and physically for 20 years...I take anti-anxiety meds so I really look up to her. I think she will be fine, she has a good heart.


  10. I think the Food Network is being too "PC" - to hold something over someone that was said in the South, in the 60's is absurd & because she wanted to be historically accurate for a plantation wedding, well words escape me! Paula doesn't have a mean one in her body - ash the Neeley's! I'm sorry to see her go!

    Looking forward to your news!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think that they were looking for something to get rid of her for since she kept her diabetes to herself which was her prerogative to so. I too will miss Paula and hopefully she will land on her feet somewhere else.

    Came by from

  12. Your kitchen is gorgeous Susan! Burgers for dinner sound good too! Was totally shocked that the Food Network dropped Paula SO fast. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. The world is such full of those who find fault with others as if they have done no wrong. Glad to have you back!

  13. I sometime watch Paula, but it made me mad what happened..she got in trouble for telling the truth. She has not had a good year. I hope someone else picks her up and gives her TV show someplace to land. Can't wait to hear all your news.

  14. I think it was wrong of the Food Network to fire, Deen. You cannot judge someone's past behaviour from today's point of view. If a man had pointed a gun at my head I might be tempted to use some colorful language as well!

  15. I can't even imagine the Food Network dropping her for something old and in the past like that. In my mind she's the best part of Food Network. I surely don't choose to watch all those reality shows. I'm with others, I hope she has a bigger better future.

  16. Wishing you and Bentley a wonderful carefree summer, my friend. xo Laura

  17. Hi there , I share in the Paula Dean Sorrow as well. She really worked hard from the start when she started with food she had no cash flow she made brown bag lunches and her boys would deliver and sell them. She has worked very hard for where she is today. I am thinking another network will sign her on if she wishes. She just may retire. We will just have to wait and see. Happy Blogging! Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  18. Hope you are getting settled in-I am a Texas Gal too- have been for ever now-you know it is such a warm and welcoming state-I know you will find your niche right here!
    I am going to miss Paula too-there isn't one soul on this earth who hasn't said or done something that they wish they hadn't. She is a great talent and lady, I just feel certain there are still great things in store for her!
    Happy Hugs,


  19. Hi Happy to see the beams. Here in India in olden days they built house with the beams on the ceiling.They use the Burma Teak you don"t find anything as such.Pretty post and your kitchen looks beautiful....:):)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.