Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ash Tree Cottage Tour 1 and New Movie

Here is the first of the tours before we pack up and move to 
Victoria, Texas.  Come on in and take a look around the room
where we like to hang out.  

I hope that you have a cup of tea or coffee for this tour because
it's a long one.

This room reflects my personality (and hubby's too).  It's vintage, a bit English county
cottage and a bit old movie themed too.  Lots of horse prints, books, and of
course slipcovers because you know who is allowed on all of the furniture because
he is family!

See what I mean?  Here he is now curled up in a chair just watching 
me take pics.  When he is not chasing squirrels, Bentley follows
me from room to room.  He's my darling shadow.  Notice he
needs a haircut.  No worries, Tina our groomer is coming over

Notice one of Bentley's toys on the carpet?  Everywhere in
the cottage you will run across a dog toy or two.

In case you have not noticed, I have a passion for vintage
lamps.  They remind me of old 1940's movies.

Okay, that concludes our first tour.  Bentley ~ would you like to 
say goodbye to everyone until the next time?

Bentley says "bye~bye".  He had to run, an urgent date
with a squirrel.

Don't forget to check out our new video ~

Thanks for your visit.  I have more tours planned.

Happily Joining ~

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Just beautiful! I love all the soft colors you've blended together. Everything is just right.

  2. I love your house. It reminds me a lot of our old house. I love all things vintage, but our new home just doesn't breathe vintage. So I will take in your lovely setting.

    Jocelyn @

  3. Lovely house Bentley is a cute little fellow.

  4. Susan, it will be nice to have these posts to look back to once you are moved to TX. Lovely cottage!

  5. So beautiful Susan. I just know your new home will be just as beautiful. My mother gave me a rack....hat clothes, like yours. It had belonged to my great grand parents. it has white knobs on it. Some are missing but that's okay.
    Tell Bentley that Izzy needs a haircut too. Wish someone would come here to do it.

  6. So pretty! Give Bentley a little pat...sooo cute!

  7. cozy and comfortable, and yes, very English Country with the pillows, florals, and I just love that hat rack!!

  8. Susan~ I could sit right down with you and have a cup of tea. How lovely, it reminds me of our house (slipcovers). You have made this a beautiful home. Your house in Texas will be just as lovely. Remember that ~ I am so looking forward to how you will make your Texas house a home. I can't wait. Bentley - tell Mommy ~ don't get rid of the slipcovers. I need to curl up on the couch~!

  9. I love this room! It looks very homey.

    Amy Jo

  10. It is so lovely and so you! Glad you are doing a tour!

  11. Love getting to see all your treasured things, Susan. So pretty. I loved the tour!!!
    Arf, Bentley!

  12. Thanks for sharing..I can only imagine how hard it is to leave..It's darling..

  13. I love your home, Susan and can't wait to see what you do with your new one. xo Laura

  14. Hi Susan and Bentley,
    Thank you for sharing and giving us a tour of your beautiful room. Such a lovely warm and inviting space with the look of treasured items that have been collected over time - my favorite type of decorating. I love that it is a room where your husband is comfortable along with precious Bentley

    Best Wishes and Blessings on your move. Can't wait to see your new home.
    Erin and Bentley sends a tail wag to Bentley,

  15. Such a warm, inviting, cozy retreat - I could live in there!


  16. Everything is gorgeous especially Bentley!

  17. What a charming, inviting cottage!! I know it must be hard to leave but I know your new home will be just as beautiful. Is Bentley adjusting to the idea of moving?

    Love all of your hats!


  18. Beautiful is the word! Lovely all those soft colours here.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  19. Such a charming room and Bentley makes it perfect. I know my Yorkie Lucy also love a good couch snuggle.

  20. Oh, such a charming room and cute little Bentley just adds to the fun! I love vintage lamps too, and last week saw a couple that a lady had and now I am obsessed with finding one for myself....too bad I don't have a clue what they are called, but I keep looking! Happy VTT

  21. Your home is truly lovely, Susan. I know you'll have lots of fun and great adventure in your new home - it is fun making a house a home - and making it yours. Bentley is just too precious! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  22. Such a lovely home Susan! I love the red work quilt! And, of course, Bentley! My Mom had a Yorkie, Little Bit, whom I loved so much.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Your home looks lovely and I'm sure your new one will too. It will take a little time but I'm sure you can do it. Great color blue on your walls. What color is that?

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  25. Visiting you from Sweet Nothings - I love the combo of soft blue and vibrant red in that room! So cozy!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.