Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sharing A Few Pinterest Pretties

I am taking a quick break from my moving chores.  Wow, moving two
households is a monumental task.  How do I cope with the stress?
I have three methods ~ a cup of hot tea, yoga and Pinterest.

There is something so therapeutic about pinning pics to Pinterest.
For me it is my in-house, go to therapist to calm my nerves.
For 30 minutes (and believe me I have to set a timer or I would be
pinning for hours) I can escape into the friendly world of pretty images.

I wonder if the creators of Pinterest  had any idea that their creation would
have this effect on it's users?

I am going to stop talking now and just let you soak in all of the
calming effects.

Of course sometimes the therapy leads one into a new direction.
Judging from the pics I decided to share with you, apparently what
I really needed this therapy session was energy and not a calming effect.
All of these reds have left me happy and ready to get back to work.
How do they make you feel?

Bentley is just happy that I am about to stop posting for the moment.  For him,
there is always the hope of some serious playtime!

For more therapy, visit my Pinterest Boards.

Happily Joining ~
Cottage Style Party

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. All so lovely and pretty ! Oh I will miss your posts but one has to do what they feel they have to do ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good week !

    1. Oh no no no ~ I am not going to stop writing my blog. I just have to curtail my blogging time right now until after the movers have arrived, packed up my mom's house and mine and we head down to Texas. Once I get settled in Texas I will be a full time blogger. Of course, that is when I am not cooking, baking, thrifting, refurbishing, decorating and more. Just think of all the blog post material I am going to have!

  2. I should set a timer, because I am on there for hours. You and I like the same things. So we often follow one another across the front Pinterest page. I couldn't care less about Twitter or Facebook, but LOVE Pinterest.

    1. You and Judy are going to have to come down and visit me in Victoria! We could have some serious fun!!!

  3. I love pinning too and I find it relaxing as well. Love everything that you pinned, very cheery!!
    Tell Bentley to have a blast playing!!


  4. I also like Pinning and blog reading. Red is my fav color and use a lot of it in my home. It makes me happy.
    Happy packing and play with Bentley - he is so cute. Don't work to hard.

  5. So so beautiful! Hope all is well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Hi Susan ~ Hope you are coping well. I just love stopping by ~ it gives me a boost as well. Take care my friend ~ give Bentley a hug


  7. Love this post!!!
    Love all the "red" eye candy!
    Beautiful pic's.
    Always enjoy visiting.
    Have a great week!

  8. Such wonderful Reds. Love it all!!
    Happy color. Love the embroidery and always love checks or gingham. Homey and sweet. Just finished painting our cottage kitchen cabinets red.
    Ruthie from: http://www.ladybstimefortea.blogspot.com

  9. As a fellow pinaholic I am loving all of these. If you are looking for me, I'll be pinning some of these. xo Laura


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.