Thursday, August 22, 2013

Come See The Progress On The Back Porch

I finally found the first of several boxes that contain the dishes 
for my big hutch.  Things are starting to look homier.  We have
set up the back porch a bit.  It's the place where we have our
morning coffee/tea and the place we go to when we become
completely overwhelmed by the stacks and stacks of boxes.

This house has a small front porch, but a fairly large back one.  We
are loving it.  You can't see it in this pic, but there is a ceiling fan.
That fan works overtime to keep us cool!

We put lamps out here and like to sit out in the evening after
the sun goes down.  We are still spraying ourselves with Off.  Have
not called the mosquito mister guy yet, but need to soon because
we are big time porch people.

Can't wait to finish the packing so that we can start playing in
the garden.   

Found the chains to hang the porch swing, so hopefully that will get
done this weekend.  Do I have the hooks?  Don't know yet.

Well, that's it for now.  More later after more unpacking.
Until then, I am relaxing on the back porch.  Come
join me!

Happily Joining ~

Mom and Bentley were so pooped from unpacking
that they took a nap together this afternoon, completely
abandoning me to the never ending stack of boxes.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It takes so long to unpack all the boxes but well worth it in the end.

  2. Looks very beautiful. One just needs a cat and a good book. xoxoxox

  3. Susan, it looks like you are getting a lot done. We are porch people too. You are going to love the mosquito mister system. Oh, how I miss my porch swing. It had to go when we enclosed our porch with permanent doors and windows.

  4. Susan - your porch looks so inviting and cozy! You are making so much progress. Keep up the good work!


  5. Things are looking lovely! What a great space! Thank you for joining HSH!

  6. It is looking wonderful it must be fun setting things up the way you like them.

  7. You have a sink on your!...fabulous for potting! Everything looks so cozy! Looks like you are settling in!...hugs...Debbie

  8. Your porch is fabulous--just love it!

  9. Unpacking is such a huge chore, but your porch is looking fabulous. I would love to join you for some sweet tea on your back porch!


  10. This is so pretty! I could just move in to our back porch!!

  11. Hi Susan- it's lookin GREAT, lady!

    Now - here is my take on using OFF. I truly and sincerely believe these mosquitos have morphed over the years and no longer skedaddle when it's on. I SWEAR I am left alone till I use that stuff.

    The BEST REMEDY I know to keep bugs away - totally organically - is to have one of those scented oil burners and burn REAL ESSENTIAL LAVENDER OIL. It smells great and those skeeders will go elsewhere.

    God knew what He was doing, we just always want to douse ourselves with chemicals when HE gave us the remedy naturally.

    Also plant lavender and it helps too.

    Good luck finding the hooks for your porch swing.


    1. I have not felt good about using Off, but the skeeters love me. I do have essential lavender oil and would so much rather use
      something non toxic. Thanks for the tip!

  12. Susan your porch looks so inviting, I would love to sit with you and have morning coffee ~ ahhh I can just visualize it. I will email you with a new product out of B.C. Canada. I think you can order it for the nasty skeeters. They love me too~ this is totally non toxic and you can put it on Bentley. We use it and put it on chico. (((Hugs))))

  13. That porch is wonderful!!! You are so lucky to have a BIG back porch, too! We have a great front porch, but I'd much rather spend time "in the back". :) Love your hutch!

    HPS!!! Dana

  14. I can't believe that's a back porch! It's lovely. It looks like the perfect place to curl up with a book and a cup of tea.

    Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  15. Glad you are making good progress on your move. I have found wearing a bug clip and candles when on the patio helps a lot.

  16. Lovely, lovely porch!! You have done a wonderful job with it!

  17. Looks like you've been there forever..great job

  18. what a lovely porch! I wish I could come over and sit and have some tea with you. Enjoy! Happy Pink Saturday Grace

  19. Susan, I LOVE your porch!! We have a large screened in back porch and when the weather is not too hot I love to sit out there and watch the birds. I read and drink my tea as a way to relax and enjoy being "outdoors".

    Jocelyn @

  20. I love your porch! How I wish we had a porch instead of a courtyard. Our retirement house will have a porch front and back! Sorry about those mosquitoes. Don't you wish they would invent a monthly flea, tick, and mosquito medication for humans as well as our furry friends? Good luck with your unpacking!
    Have a lovely weekend,


  21. The porch looks very inviting, the cabinet with the sink is fantastic. Love the soft colors.

  22. It looks so cozy
    Happy...Happy...Happy Pink Saturday!
    God bless and strengthen you in all things!

  23. Looks very cute and that sink - I think I see a sink - very handy!! Definitely a lot of progress made!

  24. Your porch looks lovely and inviting. What a great place to spend some quiet time!

  25. Things are progressing nicely! Your back porch looks so inviting, and the porch swing is just going to be the cherry on top! Enjoy!
    Hugs to you and Bentley,

  26. Dear Susan your back porch look fantabulous... can't imagine when you finish it! I'd love to joing you for a relazing cup of tea!!!
    oh my!

  27. Susan:

    That looks like a terrific place to relax. I often wish I had a screened in porch.

    - The Tablescaper

  28. Can't wait to see all you do with your new home. How exciting. I love your porch and the sink out there. That is great to have. Did you ever build your cabin?

  29. I bought my own domain so I lost my blog roll. Had to work to get everyone back on. Now you are there again so I don't miss your posts. Have a good weekend.

  30. Oh, yes, I see your fabulous white birdcage on the back porch coffee table. That birdcage was the inspiration for me to buy one at HomeGoods this past spring. It was a very rustic different color, but with a paint brush and two or three shades of white later, I finally had it looking like yours.

    Your porch is a great place and looking so homey with all your bird houses!



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