Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Little Cottage in Idaho Has Sold

Our dear little cottage in Idaho has a new owner.  It's sale is
bittersweet.  We loved it and it housed so many happy memories 
for us.  But there is a very happy ending to this tale.

My neighbor Amy has a father who was widowed a few years ago.
He had been living in the home where he and his wife raised their
three daughters.  Their children grew up and moved away.
His wife passed away and Don was living all alone in a big house
in Illinois filled with memories but far from family.

Don was retiring from his lifelong calling as a Lutheran Pastor.
It was time for a change.  

When we told Amy that we were moving to Texas, she
knew that our sweet cottage would be the perfect spot for
her dad's new beginning.

And her dad agreed.  

So today it became official.  Don became it's new owner.
I am happy because it's the perfect solution for us all.

So the tears I shed today are ones of joy.  Our dear little cottage
will be loved by someone new and our friend Amy will have her
dad living close by.

Sometimes tales do have happy endings.
Right Bentley?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I am so happy that your friends father purchased the house. It is so hard to leave a home that you love,but when someone who will love it - it makes it so much easier to leave.
    Have a great Texas weekend.

  2. Happy ending of your lovely cottage and for your friends it is hard to leave a home you loved so much I been there went we move to California the good thing was we rent our home we never put the house for sale thank God, so 2 year later we move back home.
    I'm happy for you and lovely dog

  3. Don't you just love happy endings . I am so happy for you all ! Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  4. thats wonderful for all of you..

    I too love a happy ending and beginning.

  5. Oh Susan, when you first posted this solution and probability, I thought ~ my what a perfect solution. I did send prayers your way as it just seemed like it was so perfect for everyone involved. I am so glad that this all worked out. Everyone is perfectly situated now.


    there's something to be said about prayer ~ don't you think? Now you must feel so much better that your little cottage has a brand new owner who will cherish the place as you did and his daughter is nearby <3

  6. This is the perfect solution. I'm all for happy endings.
    Hope you are enjoying the rain we are having today. It's been wonderful!

  7. Oh yes Sarah. The rain is a gift from heaven and we are loving each blessed drop!
    Hugs to My Fellow Texan,

  8. What a beautiful ending to your home selling !!!
    Ours is on the market right now :(

  9. I'm so glad it won't be a stranger in your cottage. That would have been very difficult indeed to accept. It's a dream answer to everyone's situation.

  10. A good result for everyone.

  11. Oh, that is lovely in so many ways. Funny how structures, filled with love and memories, can make us shed tears at the thought of them, isn't it?

  12. It must be so nice to think that someone you know and will appreciate it will be living in your house. What a nice ending.

  13. What a sweet story. I love that someone you know somewhat will live in your little cottage.

  14. Such a nice ending to a bittersweet story!

  15. Susan,

    I'm so glad for you and your friend, Amy and her father. Perhaps when you visit friend back in Idaho, this connection will allow you to visit your beloved little cottage, too! Love the photo of the steps and wet, fallen leaves!

    Happy Fall!


  16. What a wonderful ending to the story of your little cottage, Susan. So happy it has gone to someone special. xo Laura

  17. Oh Susan..How perfect..Everybody's happy..

  18. What a lovely story, and so good to know that your former cottage will be loved and cared for.

  19. Susan . . . I know how emotional it is to sell a home that holds decades of family memories . . . we just moved after 40 years in the same house. Our house sold to a couple with little children and we are so happy to have it filled with "life" again! Your house sale sounds like the perfect solution for so many people!!!! I hope Pastor Don enjoys many healthy years in your cottage, closer to family.

  20. What a wonderful story! I hope he lives a happy life in "your" cottage :)

  21. Great news, so happy it all is working out so well for you all.

    And, well, because Amy is your friend, and her father bought it......if you get back there for visits you can pop in to see the ole is this a bad plan? : - )

    Now you can totally concentrate on the future.

    Happy decorating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.