Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Antique Andirons and Fender for the Fireplace

I spent some time recently hunting for some antique andirons and a fender
for our living room fireplace.  It took me a while to find just the right pair
because the opening of the firebox is fairly wide.  I thought I would have
to buy these pieces separately, but I was lucky enough to find the three 
pieces sold by one dealer.

The set is solid brass and was made in Britain.  Rather formal by today's
standards, but then the living room is rather formal and is decorated with much
of my Mom's furniture and accessories.  She is a cashmere and pearls kind
of lady and although I am a Wellies and jeans kind of girl, we both love

This little fire pot has been in the family for a very long time.

So has this brass hod.  Look at all that soot!
Now I just need to find a chimney sweep.
I should hunt for a screen too I suppose.

It's been fun hunting for new additions to the old ones.  That crystal bowl was hand
carried on the plane after purchasing it in Athens, Greece.  And the crystal handled
vases belonged to my great grandmother.

I have been making more changes in the kitchen.  Adding country kitchen touches
and planning some bigger changes.  Soon I will be pulling out the existing cooktop
and replacing it with my Viking.  I can hardly wait for that.  It will mean cutting into
the stone counter top, but then that will have to be done to put in the farmhouse
sink too.  I would love to get all of this done before the holidays.  Do you
think I will make it???

BTW ~ Bentley has discovered the little lizards that live in our 
yard.  Move over squirrels, you are second on the list now.
Brenda of Cozy Little House warned me this would happen.
The lizards drove Charlie and Abi crazy when Brenda lived
in Texas!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan ~ your Texas Cottage is shaping up quite nicely. Everything is just beautiful. You must be having such fun decorating and fluffing. Bentley ~ get those little lizards ;-)

  2. I am completely confident that you will be ready for the holidays!! At the rate you are going, you'll probably ready to host Thanksgiving dinner! You're doing a great job!

    Bentley - what are those strange little critters?


  3. Love the new fireplace pieces. The fender makes the fireplace center medallion pop. Poor Bentley I can just hear his little head....
    here lizard...lizard....lizard. Why don't the 2 of you stop by for my Rednesday Wednesday?

  4. Everything looks beautiful, I love the fireplace and with your design it all looks so welcoming...you will be ready for it all.Phyllis

  5. These are wonderful! I love the more formal look and it suits the fireplace surround. Very nice.

  6. Your fireplace looks quite dapper! I love your Grandmother's vases. Just beautiful. Dianne

  7. Love those pieces and it is nice to see a bit of brass back in favor again. It is formal but I love it. I like formal areas, and informal areas, in a house. Leaping Lizards will have a whole new meaning in your world- xo Diana

  8. The fireplace accessories are a wonderful find. I had the chimney sweep here this afternoon. Now I don't have to worry when I light a fire - I have a great fear of chimney fires!

  9. Wish I had known you were looking..My sister has "the families set and is moving here with no fireplace..She'll have to sell them..She also has a brass bedwarmer..??Interested?? I always had it leaning in the corner of the fireplace..I think she still has the brass coal bucket as well..

  10. Oh, you have some lovely antique pieces! They look all the better for the fine fender and andirons in front of the fireplace.

  11. Very pretty, I'm glad you found just the right ones. The andirons are really fancy and oh how I love fancy!
    Have a great day!

  12. You seem to be settling in nicely to your new home, Susan. Love your new pieces and I think it is wonderful that you and your mom are able to combine your things the way you are. xo Laura

  13. Yep, I knew Bentley was going to go to war with those little green lizards.

  14. Be careful with the lizards, my dogs get sick when they catch them but maybe yours are different in Texas than CA. Don't want Bentley getting sick. I just love the fireplace and mantle. What a great find and it looks so good with the antiques. I am sure you will be ready for Thanksgiving.

  15. You are so fortunate to have found such gorgeous andirons and fender. They suit your home just perfectly, which is coming along beautifully I might add. Make sure Bentley doesn't bite into those lizards. My cat loves to chase them and bring them to me as gifts! What a loving little girl!
    Big hugs,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.