Friday, October 11, 2013

Featured in Viking Life and iVillage This Week

My little blog does not get much press.  I have not been featured in major publications
like others have.  But I was very excited to learn that someone at Viking Life stumbled
upon my blog and asked if I would like to be featured.  Of course I was happy to 
see that someone had found me and wanted to feature me.  So I said yes.

You can read a recap of my post about loving my Viking stove here.
Thank you Lauren.  You made my week!

And Alesandra from iVillage contacted me and asked if I would allow
my Halloween photo from a couple of years ago to be used in an
article for Over The Top Halloween Decorations.  Check it out.  There
are some great ideas here.  Thank you Alesandra for the shout out.

It's always nice to be recognized isn't it Bentley?

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Congrats Susan! So is that actually YOUR house with all of those pumpkins?! Wow, that's a lot of carved pumpkins! How cool!

  2. No, it's not my house. It is a house in my old neighborhood back in Boise, Idaho. They recreated this every year.

  3. That's wonderful Susan...congrats! Especially nice since you've been so busy with moving and packing and unpacking. Give Bentley a hug.

  4. Your Viking is beautiful and congratulations. When I was in the work force I toured the Viking Range facility - very interesting. Enjoy your new Viking. Bet Bentley is looking forward to some yummy doggie biscuits.

  5. Congratulations!! Your Viking is just gorgeous! I'm sure you can look forward to many more contacts with your new home. Your old cottage was so precious and this home is becoming the same. Go girl!


  6. I am so proud of you!!! Bet that excitement can bring on some major mojo :)

    Hugs~ Mary

  7. OMG my friend...but once you're discovered everyone wants your lovely blog featured and of course, your cutie is very popular among us your blog friends too! I always loved Viking stoves specially and your is great. I love your posts and yes they have good taste in featuring you! Congrats!

  8. Congratulations. Can't think of anyone else more deserving. Your stove is so amazing. xo Laura

  9. Way to go! If I had a Viking Range I might have a picture printed on a t-shirt and wear it around. Just kidding but should be very proud. I adore your house!!

  10. Good for you..Love your house..That's a lot of pumpkins..

  11. Susan, I live your posts! I have gotten wonderful ideas, moved to Texas with you, through your blog and love your Bentley stories!

  12. Congratulations, Susan!! That is so cool that your blog was featured twice recently! I love that photo of the front steps filled with jack-o-lanterns!

  13. Oh, you lucky thing! Do you have the Viking in your new home? I've always wanted one!!


  14. How neat! I went immediately and read the feature. I always wanted a Viking stove but you made it sound even better than what I had previously heard about them. Terrific, now I definitely have stove envy.

  15. Congratulations Susan! Cute story :) and cute towels!

  16. Hi Susan! Oh, how exciting and congratulations on your upcoming features. I love your Viking stove and would love to have one. It's gorgeous. The pun'kins are must marvelous!
    Hope you're having a nice weekend,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.