Monday, October 21, 2013

Mystical DIY Curtain Tie Backs

A few years ago I purchased four curtain panels made from a dotted 
Swiss fabric at a consignment shop.  At the time I really did not
have any use for the curtains, but I loved the fabric and since the
price was really fair, I bought them.  I contemplated cutting up the
panels for other uses but never did.  Now I am so happy that I 
did not because these four panels perfectly soften the look of the 
shutters in my new studio.  

I love the shutters and did not want to interfere with being able to open
them up completely when I wanted to.  I found these swing arm curtain
holders at Country Curtains  and knew it would be the perfect 
solution for the look I wanted.

So now the windows are softened but not at the expense of light and

Now this is where this blog post becomes a bit mystical.  Ever since
I moved into this house I have discovered that things I purchased at
random back in Idaho without a real purpose in mind have fit
perfectly into this house.  There were things that I just knew I 
should have not spent money on because they seemingly had no
purpose at the time, but a little voice in my head kept saying to
buy them anyway.  Just like these four panels which are the 
perfect length for these windows and four is exactly the number
I needed.  

Now I could say that this is coincidental, but it has happened so
many time since we moved into this house that now I am really
beginning to wonder if it is really a mystical, cosmic interference.

A few weeks ago we were at a party at our friend's house and were
introduced to a woman who attends Bible study with the previous
owners of our house.  This woman told me that the previous owners
were very uncertain about whether or not they should sell their
house that had been in the same family for sixty five years.  They
loved the house, but their life was changing a bit and they were
trying to decide if they should sell it to build a new home to 
accomodate their newly widowed mother.  So they prayed with
their Bible study group.  Stay or sell.  They decided to wait a
bit longer and keep their house on the market.

Meanwhile, David had decided we needed to accept this
new job opportunity in Texas.  So I went on the internet
and looked for a possible house for us in Victoria.  This
house was one of the first houses I saw and loved it from
the photos.  And when we came down here for a visit and
saw the house in person, we knew right away it would be
perfect for us.  It is as though Divine Providence stepped
in and cleared the path of decision for both families.


So six months later we are happily living in a house that seems to have
been predestined for us and the previous owners are happy as well.
And I am making DIY tie backs from jumbo rick rack accented with
vintage buttons given to me months ago by my Mom.

Always be open to new possibilities and trust that things often
work out for the best.

Bentley thinks that lizards are mystical too.
They can slip away into the smallest of cracks!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I think that is a wonderful story and I have no doubt whatsoever that you have been blessed !:) And every time I see your studio I love it more ! :)

  2. Susan- Don't you love it when things like that happen in life? I'd say you have some divine intervention all along the way! LOVE that material, too- xo Diana

  3. So you have been preparing to live here for a long time.

  4. sooo sweet looking! what a darling space!


  5. Pretty! I haven't seen dotted swiss in forever, so sweet in pink!

  6. Love the sweet, delicate look the curtains give. Also the dear tie-backs! Great job!


  7. Adorable curtains and tie backs! I love sewing notions...and using them in unique ways!!!

  8. The curtains are very very pretty and look so good. I do believe that things happen for a reason and it sounds like everything that has happen is meant to be. Poor Bentley looking for his friends - they sure a quick to make an exit.
    Have a great week.

  9. Love your sweet curtains! The rick rack, and big buttons are just adorable. The cabinet looks fantastic!

  10. I love that room! You decorated it beautifully. Maybe it is divine intervention. And I bet Bentley never in his sweet little life thought he'd be chasing little green slithery things either!

  11. Susan ~ Our heavenly father wants the best for us, always. We don't always get what we want, when we want it. It's HIS plan ~ not ours. When we finally arrive at the point where he WANTS us to be......we KNOW in our heart that we are happy, content and then things happen and we are mere mortals BELIEVE. He wants us to be happy, to have the things that make our hearts SING. You my friend are there ~ So happy for you
    PS the curtains are just PERFECT ;-)
    me xo

  12. I am in love with the fabric of the curtains, hadn't seen anything like it in years, just gorgeous! Love the stories of things you bought that you can use now, and how the former owners prayed, kept it on the market, and you bought it. Your craft room is absolutely gorgeous!

    Hugs ~ Mary

  13. I love the curtains. My bridesmaids wore pink dotted swiss dresses.
    It is some kind of divine sign that you bought those things not knowing what you would do with them and voila. I think it is all about God's plan for you. It is something that you look back on and think how it all came together. Sorry my words are so scrambled, dealing with a migraine and need to take my meds. Love that you are settling in and liking your new home.

  14. Oh it sounds like the perfect blessing for you. I love this room, everything is so beautiful and your curtains are stunning. I wish you many years of happiness here. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  15. Dotted Swiss fabric is like a blast from the past. I had not seen or heard of it in at least thirty or so years. It is so perfect and so sweet for your studio. Just lovely!! It was meant to be..... Candy


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