Monday, November 25, 2013

Table Top Tweaking By Mom

Mom has been tweaking some table tops in the living room.  As you may
or may not know, Mom has free reign to decorate the living room
 as she likes.  I happen to like this arrangement and told her to keep
 it this way for a while.  Mom is into nearly daily tweaking.  Trust me,
if you walk into this room today it will change by tomorrow.  She
 tweaks so often that she can't remember where she started.  So I
have decided to create a tweaking scrapbook for her :-)

I love this vase.  The bottom is fluted cranberry glass and above that are
hand painted blossoms.  There are no markings on the bottom so I
have no idea who produced it.  I still love it and don't remember ever
seeing another one like it.

Mom tweaked this table top too.  I have no idea what she is dreaming 
up next because she just walked down the hall towards her bedroom
with a stack of Southern Living back issues in her hands.  I guess
the tweaking gene runs in our family!

Bentley is bored with today's tweaking and is taking a nap.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I was going to say, you and your Mom definitely have the decorating genes! As long as she's having fun, right?! Sorry Bentley is bored, he didn't get the genes :)

  2. Susan ~ I love the vase ~ just beautiful. Your mom's tweaking is really pretty. Looks like that tweaking gene is honestly acquired by you ;-) I think the tweaking scrap book is a wonderful idea ~
    Sorry Bentley, I betcha if grandma tweaked with a treatie you would be interested ~

  3. I'm always tweaking things too. Last night I rearranged some of the shelves in my office. It's a fun way to enjoy the things we have. Tell you mom to have fun. It's all about the process!

  4. Oh I love it and I love that your mom loves to decorate too. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me and I hope you and your family have a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marty

  5. Tell Mom I love the wine decanter table.....I love seeing natural wood, and that reminds me I have a silver tray like that somewhere...the hunt in on. Have a happy Thanksgiving in the new home.

  6. I'm a tweaker as well...Waiting for Thanksgiving to be over..Then it starts...Have a nice Thanksgiving..


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