Sunday, December 22, 2013

Back Porch All Aglow for Christmas

It's the night of the winter solstice and our back porch is all aglow.
Look at Bentley ~ do you see him looking at the seat of that
wicker chair on the right?  He is hunting for lizards.  They like to
lounge on the porch furniture.  It's late and it's pretty cool out so
they are nestled in a safe place somewhere, but Bentley does 
not know that.  He is still on the prowl.

We put some snowflake lights above the potting bench.  It gives the 
back porch a fairy land look at night.

It is so still and cool out here.  It's the third night before Christmas.
We are so happy and cozy in our sweet home.  Mom turned in early and
David has fallen asleep in front of the telly.  I am just enjoying the 
calm with Bentley.  We are having quality time.

I think I will slip back inside and fill up the tub with bubble bath, soak for a
while and then get into flannel pj's and watch a Christmas movie.
Don't you just love this time of the year?  Everything is so magical.

Goodnight everyone!

Okay Bentley ~ that's enough lizard hunting for tonight.
Tomorrow is another day.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Cozy by fire here. Happy Holidays to you and Bentley………Sarah

  2. Your pretty little fluffy white tree looks great with the white wicker furniture! Love the white snowflake lights, I think I will look for some of those--either after Christmas or next year. Bentley is so cute. Maybe Santa will bring him a Christmas lizard!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Your porch looks wonderful - and I am with you on "feeling magical!"

    Hope you enjoyed your bubbles and nice relaxing soak. Live is good and we have much to be thankful for.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. Hope you enjoyed a nice long soak in the tub ~ sounds just wonderful. Flannel PJ's also sound so cozy. Love the back porch. It is SUCH a magical time of year.

  5. Don't you just love those quiet moments, all snuggled in? I SO enjoy the early mornings, when I'm the first one up, snuggled on the couch under a cozy throw, with a cup of tea and the Christmas tree lights twinkling. Heaven! Wishing you a VERY Merry Christmas!
    (btw, will we get to see pics of you all dressed up for your formal event?)

  6. What a lovely porch!! Love all the white. Enjoy your cozy evening!


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