Sunday, December 8, 2013

Bye Bye Mustard

When we moved into our house we inherited mustard colored walls in the dining
room.  The mustard was both above and below the chair rail. The consensus of the
family was ~ the mustard must go (although I still love it on hot dogs).  So ...
bye bye mustard.

In it's place will be a color called "Stolen Kiss" from Sherwin Williams.
Could make for a very romantic dining room ;-)

It took me all afternoon "cutting in" the red around the built in hutches, and 
moldings while David looked for a Corvette on the internet ( a mid life
crisis thing for sure) and while Mom took a nap and Bentley ran in and out
of the house patrolling for stray cats (no not the band).  I just popped in my
ipod and listened to Mel Torme Christmas songs and some Chopin Nocturnes.
If I have more done by tomorrow afternoon I will post pics.  If not, well maybe
I can get Bentley to entertain you.  Not much coxing is necessary, Bentley is
quite the little ham!

Bentley ~ I think that you and I are going to be on a road trip to Houston
so your Daddy can look at a Corvette.  If your daddy buys one, let's grab the
keys and claim it!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

PS:  Trust me ~ this room is far from being finished.  That space over
the sideboard looks very bare ~ but not for long.


  1. "I like the new color better than mustard and I think it will look really good.

  2. Susan and Bentley,

    I've dropped in twice to say Thank You for visiting, and for joining, LAWN TEA. I appreciate BOTH, and hope you'll come by often.

    In the process of ins and outs, I missed my place, and so managed to read all three---The Ravishing Red of your dining room, those gorgeous chairs (cue major toile-envy) and your charming, welcoming tablescape. (did you know that the spell-check thingie STILL underlines "tablescape" as an unknown or misspelled word. You think they'd know by NOW.

    Such a treat to see your beautiful home and all your goings-on. Looking forward to the holidays and New Year with you two and all your adventures.


    PS my photo gallery does not show a picture for you, and it's still sitting on 100 as it was last week.

  3. Red is supposed to be a wonderful color for a dining room, so dramatic and warm. I had a red frontroom once and I loved it. I hope you will share the finished project with us.

  4. Love that red!!! Very appetizing in the dining room!!! Great backdrop for the blue and white........Just in time for Christmas!!!

  5. Love the red! Also love those new chairs. Mimi

  6. Love the new color. It is similar to what we have in our dining room, except ours is only under the chair rail. '-)
    Sounds like there will be wheels under the Christmas tree. '-)

  7. What a gorgeous colour,can't wait to see the finished room. I am so in love with the built ins,they are gorgeous.

  8. You are going with red?! I'm so jealous! We had a red dining room in Oklahoma and I loved it. No matter what you do decoratively in the room it looks pretty with red walls.

  9. Your red is going to be awesome with the white trim! Can't wait to see it finished. Re:the Corvette, yes I think you and Bentley should claim it, I can already picture the two of you flying down the road :)

    Hugs ~ Mary

  10. Stolen kiss looks just wonderful ~ even if it is in a Corvette ;-)

  11. Hi Susan. Love the red, great choice! So exciting to have a new house to decorate. We've lived in our house for a year now. But with my beloved grandma's passing and kids moving out...and back home, lol. We still have so much to do!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.