Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Newly Painted Red Dining Room

Remember when the dining room was painted a mustard color???
Well I said it was going away and now it has.  The new color is
Sherwin Williams "Stolen Kiss" and here it is ...

The color is a bit more cranberry than it appears in this pic.  Took me most
of the day to finish it.  Now the fun part begins.  I get to push the furniture
back in place and set up the new buffet lamps, hang the mirror and art work
and tweak up a storm.   

Of course at the same time all the tweaking in the dining room is taking
place, Four Seasons Nursery delivered our fresh Christmas tree and here 
it is ...

 at the end of the living room.  It's huge!  An eight foot tree.  Boy am I
glad the guys delivered it for me.  

This is the first live Christmas tree we have had for years.  Back in 
Idaho the climate was so dry that we stopped having real trees 
because they would get so brittle I was afraid to turn on the lights.
But here in our humid gulf coast climate it is easier the keep the
tree moist.  This tree is so big I will be out buying more lights
tonight.  I wonder who will get to string the lights all the way up
to the top ~ me or David???

Bentley had lots of fun barking at the Dyson when I went to 
vacuum up the needles that fell off when the guys brought the tree
inside.  Do your dogs bark at the vacuum too?  Bentley thinks it is
one fun game.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Can't wait to see the finished dining room! That tree is huge! I used to have one like at at The Daisy Inn, every year. So fragrant. I loved them! David will have fun stringing those lights at the top!!!
    Bentley, do you know that you have a new cousin???

  2. The new paint color is beautiful. I love your big tree.

  3. Yay you got the dining room painted! Looks beautiful! And how about that gorgeous Christmas tree?! Can't wait to see it decorated.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  4. Oh Susan, I love the dining room color - it looks terrific. Your tree is great and I can hardly wait to see it all decorated. I know it will be spectacular. No Waldo and Lili don't bark at the Dirt Devil they just go to the other room.
    Have a wonderful evening.

  5. My cats flee from the vacuum as though it was a lifesize t-rex! I got the pictures and they are so lovely! thank you for picking me to win. Besides being the first thing I've won in blogland, they will be a great fit in my house. Thanks! Carla hereintexas.blogspot.com

  6. I adore your new paint color! It's fabulous. And speaking of fabulous . . . that's a wonderful tree. Can't wait to see how you decorate the beauty.

  7. Love, Love, the new paint in the dining room. Your tree is going to be gorgeous ~ just beautiful. Chico runs away from the vacuum cleaner (I think he's afraid he'll get sucked up by the monster).

  8. Love that red in the Dining Room! Your tree is just beautiful - can't wait to see it all decorated. Gorgeous room.


  9. Oooooo, I am SO jealous...I have ALWAYS wanted a cranberry red dining room! Red is supposed to stimulate both the appetite & conversation. I ADORE RED!
    Laughing at Bentley's antics...I smile every time I see his cute little mug in your profile shot.

    Don't kill yourself trying to get everything done, now. Pace yourself (advice I should take to heart myself)
    Happy Holiday Hugs,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.