Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Antique Rose Love

I have discovered a wonderful place that sells antique roses.  My Mom and I have
been discussing where to add some rose bushes in the garden.  I don't have a lot of
sun, but I have a few spots where I think roses will do well.  Mom pulled out an
article about roses form the last year's March 2013 issue of Southern Living and
they mentioned the Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, Texas.


I am sure that many of you are already familiar with this place, but for
those of you who are not, you will be delighted by their site.  Isn't this
stone cottage surrounded by kitchen gardens a delight!  Brenham is only
a couple of hours from us.  I have been to Brenham a couple of times
years ago and found it to be a wonderful hill country town.  Now I can
hardly wait to return to visit the emporium.


I have a list of roses we want to purchase.  I am quite partial to shades
of pink and I love bushes, climbers, knockouts, you name it.


I read that we can start planting roses in our area in February which is
just around the corner now.


I am especially fond of this climbing variety called the Peggy Martin Rose.
You can read the wonderful story of this rugged Hurricane Katrina survivor

Let me know which ones you like.  I already have my favorites.

Home and Garden Thursday
Open House Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Home Sweet Home
Show and Tell
Be Inspired
Pink Saturday

There are several roses that have minimal thorns.  Good for little
dogs like Bentley that go dashing about through the garden in
search of critters.  Want to keep him safe!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, those roses are alll just gorgeous and I too, love them in all shades of pink! I'm going to go check out the Antique Rose Emporium! Thank you for sharing! Stay warm!

  2. Susan,
    When I saw the little picture show up in my blog feed, my hear skipped...I recognized that picture as being from ARE.. I had just spent some time looking through the new catalog this afternoon. My husband has been giving me these roses for Valentines Day for years..I have quite a few of their roses and I LOVE them.. Cecile Brunner is my favorite, Heritage, Prosperity are some others..Julia Child, Graham Thomas and the list goes on..Iceberg is spectacular as a climber..I envy you being able to visit there and living so close.. They used to have a place in Georgia near Dahlonega but it is closed now...
    Have fun..great post to read since we are snowed in here in Georgia...
    Love, Mona

  3. we went there many years ago and I would love to go there again. You have chosen wisely!

  4. OH it is very cold and snowy here and so I love them ALL !!! What a welcome, summer-y post !:) I miss roses that smell like roses..the hybrids in the standard garden centers have no scent! I remember digging up wild rose bushes from the roadside out in the country when I was a young married, then transplanting them into my garden, and they were lovely, old-fashioned and smelled heavenly...

  5. I can almost smell them from's -20 here in Ohio today so this post was very warming ...they are all so lovely how could one ever choose...Hugs lil raggedy Angie

  6. I have never been there, but it looks delightful! I love the Texas Hill Country.

  7. I love the smell of antique roses. That looks like a wonderful place. xo Laura

  8. I absolutely adore roses and the smell is heavenly. I especially love the pink shades ~ I can hardly wait to see what you have picked out. I wish I could plant them in February ~ not here ~ brrrrr

  9. I love their roses and my current list is made up and ready to send. You are so lucky to live so close by; I have always wanted to pay them a visit. My personal favorite is a Climbing Pinkie, vigorous and blooms for me here for months. They have so many great choices it makes it difficult to pick.

  10. The roses you shared today are beautiful. Nothing I like better. When in Breham get a free cup of Blue Bell,

  11. Oh, my! Be still my heart! Is that cottage part of there grounds? Wow! Love Abraham Darby (just bought that one last year) and Constance Spry! Oh, I must order a catalog. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this Susan. I am so ready for my roses to bloom! I had to buy some today at the grocery! Couldn't take it anymore!

  12. I love roses and have had different ones over the years. Have you ever had tree roses? They are like topiaries? They sort of look like lollipops - very cute. I once had a front bed full of yellow roses and I think about them often. Enjoy!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sorry-
    too many typos (above)!

    I love roses, and I have been to the Antique Rose Emporium in San Antonio.

    I love the Cecil Brunner because it was a gift from a dear friend.

    So good to find another Texas blogger-
    I live in South Texas.

    Enjoyed visiting, and I am a new follower.

    White Spray Paint

  15. Those are really pretty roses! And the little cabin surrounded by flowers is just amazing to see.

  16. I love the Rose Emporium and its fragrances. I also fell in love with the click click of the windmill there. I had to find a yard-sized one for my house. Be sure to smell the beautiful Puerto Rico rose. Intoxicating!

  17. I love the Rose Emporium and its fragrances. I also fell in love with the click click of the windmill there. I had to find a yard-sized one for my house. Be sure to smell the beautiful Puerto Rico rose. Intoxicating!

  18. You really need to go to the Antique Rose Emporium on your way over to Round Top for their big antique festival the first week in April and October. I get overwhelmed when I am there but it does not stop me from spending $$$$.

  19. I've had several roses from the Rose Emporium. They are such good roses and a great place to visit. I have 2 of the small ones and they are so carefree and pretty.

  20. My grandfather taught me to love roses, and your roses are beautiful! They are especially wonderful to see now while we are in the middle of another snow storm here in Michigan.

  21. Hi Susan, what a fun place to visit! Your photos are stunning. Happy Pink Saturday! Marti

  22. oh they are pretty. I love old fashioned roses.

  23. Love that place. I like the small little climbing roses. they are beautiful The bigger the row the bigger the thorn.:/ I have a friend who has old fashioned ......Stunning. Have a great day.

  24. Oh so pretty, love all those pink roses, love the amount of space outside, so wonderful all the plants , the pictures are sensational, I am making sure I am a followers of yours....come for a visit...

  25. Fairy roses and any ramblers and climbers are among my faves, like the varieties that scramble over Nantucket cottages. LOVE.
    New Dawn in pink and white grows well in my garden. Wishing you a beautiful rose garden...
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  26. Ahhhh, "sweet" roses and PINK lovely your blog post is this week. Thanks for bringing a bit of color to my life. I am looking at snow, snow and more snow everywhere.
    JM Illinois

  27. I love them! Antique roses are the best - I'm sure you'll find the perfect ones for the spots in your garden! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  28. I love roses too and planted a few new ones last year. I love all the David Austin roses and also the old fashioned ones also in shades of pink! The ones you posted look delightful. I ordered them all online and gives me something to do and look forward to during the winter. I'd love to see what you end up getting. take care, Maryann


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