Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Please Pray For Daisy

This is Daisy.  She belongs to a friend of mine who is an antique dealer back
in Idaho.  Daisy is a dear, sweet and very loving dog who was recently
diagnosed with cancer.  Her prognosis according to the vet is not very good.
I believe in the power of prayer and I know that many of you do as well.
Therefore, I am asking for prayers for this dear little dog.  I will be forever
grateful if you remember her.

Thank You From,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Poor sweet Daisy, I will pray for her!

  2. Thank you Mary! I really appreciate your prayers. Daisy's human mom is a dear friend of mine.

  3. We will definitely pray for Daisy and her mom. Two years ago we lost both of our Goldens within 6 mos. of one another. One from old age at 17 years and the other at the age of 14 years from cancer. Maggie was diagnosed with untreatable fast spreading cancer and passed 6 mos. later. Scout the old golden lived until March of the following year and just went to sleep one day and didn't wake up. Neither passing was easy for us. We had been their human parents since they were 6 wks. old. We never thought we would get another dog but our hearts were lonely for the love we had lost and the house was empty without their sweet spirits. Our new girl Flossie, a springer spaniel has made us laugh again and is so loving and such a blessing. We will always have a place in our hearts for Scout and Maggie and we do miss them everyday.

    1. I know just how you feel. I had Bitterman and Binkie before Bentley. All Yorkies. I miss Bitterman and Binkie every day. I too had a Golden named Charlie. He was everything one could ever want in a dog. I loved him so. I miss every dog I have ever had since my very first one who was a Scottie named Bonnie. Dogs enrich our lives. I will never be without one. Thank you for your prayers. My friend Glenda lost her mother just this past September. I don't want her to lose Daisy too.

  4. LIttle Daisy is so pretty and I will say a pray for her. Bless her little heart.
    Shelia :)

    1. Thank you so much Shelia! She is a pretty girl and so sweet too.

  5. Prayers going up for precious little Daisy. She is a doll. Hope for good news.


  6. What a sweet little dog. Her name is my favorite flower, the daisy. I will say a prayer for Daisy as I pray also for the victims & their loved ones of the recent landslide in Oso. I am about 60 miles away from this tragedy. Pray for them also as you pray for little Daisy. God hears every prayer.

    1. Yes I will pray for the victims and loved ones of the recent landslide. What a terrible event. Having lived in Idaho I know how treacherous those mountain slides can be. There is no way to out run it.

  7. Prayers for Daisy--what a sweet girl!

  8. Such a sweet girl. I will say a prayer for Daisy! It's so hard when I our furry one's are sick!

    1. If Bentley was sick I would ask to take on the illness myself. None of us ever want our little darlings to feel poorly. Thanks for your support. Daisy is a sweetheart and Glenda's baby girl.

  9. Said a special prayer for precious Daisy.
    Erin and Bentley

  10. Bless Her .... prayers and healing white light headed Daisy's way..
    hugs from me and my girls to you and bentley

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  13. Praying for Daisy and God's healing

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  15. What a darling she is, Susan. I will pray for her. xo Laura

  16. "Dear Lord - PLEASE place your healing touch on sweet fur-baby Daisy. Gather us all together in the power of our prayers and supplications to You, O Lord. Give her family extra strength for positive energy. You precious creatures are our hearts and the hearts-of-our families. AMEN" Love Georgie (Twinkle Terrior) and family oxoxo

  17. I, too, have a Daisy, a cairn terrier. Our prayers are with that sweet little doggy.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.