Sunday, March 30, 2014

Texas Antique Weekend Spring 2014

I finally made it ~ I went to the first Saturday of the Texas Antique Weekend 
Spring 2014.  The Mecca, the holy grail of antique shows.  I was in my element.
I had my boots, my camera and a wallet full of green backs.  I was ready to 
attack the tents!

Cute, cute chair don't you think?  Where would I put it?  No idea, so I will
keep walking around.

This bed caught my eye.  Love the layers, textures and colors  ...

I think these pillows are so cute.  Pink and green and some blue.  Adorable.

I have a real weakness for bark cloth too.

Love these pink flamingos.   

Lovely armoire ~ whoops someone beat me to it.

Vintage linens.  I have drawers full, but you never know, I might just find something
that I can't live without.  

All varieties of lace trims.

Vintage metal signs.

Love this Dixie Cones tin.

Wonderful old jugs.  I have quite a few from my great grandparents farm up
in Pennsylvania so I really should just keep moving past this table so I am
not tempted.

I have a few pieces of pewter and have often thought about starting a
collection because I am so fond of primitives.

Such a sweet vignette.

I cannot begin to tell you how completely overwhelming this event is.  Miles and miles
of tents and vendors on both sides of the road between Warrenton and Round Top.  
The traffic is bumper to bumper up and down the hills, yet everyone is quite calm and
not pushy at all.  But I must say that even this antique, junk loving gal has her limits.
And when I saw this sign ...

I had a good laugh and knew it was time to call it a day!

I did buy a couple of things that will work out just great in Mom's old 
bedroom that I am in the midst of redecorating.  You will be seeing them later
this week.  And there were a couple of things I regret not buying, but I was too
tired to walk back and get them.  Believe me, there is no driving between vendors.
So maybe I will venture out here again next Saturday.

So that's it for the mini tour of Texas Antique Week.  Time to get a cold drink and jump 
back into the bumper to bumper traffic and head home.

Oh, oh ... what's this???

The Junk Gypsies.  Could be trouble for Miss Susan.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Looks like fun! I'm a little jealous.

  2. Oh, how much fun! I've never been! One day... Can't wait to see what you brought home with you.
    Be a sweetie,

  3. Glad you had fun... LOVE that pewter teapot- wow wow.. thanks for visually taking us along to somewhere I;m never likely to see in real life... so many pretties:))


  4. Oh gosh I love to go to sales like this one! Thank you for taking me with you, looks like a wonderful time :-) When we lived in Crossville, TN we always looked forward to the Hwy 127 yard sale, it is the World's Longest Yardsale ever!! It gooes nearly the entire length of Hwy 127, 690 miles long! here is a link:

    I enjoyed visiting your site, linked to your site from another blog, lovely site you have!
    Michael :-)

  5. I have always wanted to go to this but just never have had time when I'm in Texas visiting family. Thanks for sharing such great photos and I can't wait to see what you got!

  6. Oh my! Texas always does everything on a GRAND scale! How I love the linens and lace and the flamingos! Looks like great fun! Hugs! Show us what you got!

  7. Susan, let me know if you plan to go back next Saturday. Glad you've had the experience. Wonderful, isn't it? '-)

  8. Did you see that yellow chenille bedspread peeking out under the layers on that bed? Lovely! I sure wouldn't mind having that & an opportunity to peruse all those beautiful old linens.

  9. Susan, I just love that show. We are going in the fall. That coffee sign cracked me up! Dianne

  10. Is this Marburger? I don't know that I'm going to make it this time around, so I'm glad to see what I'm missing. Did you buy?

  11. Thanks so much for the tour how I wish I could be there, love the chair and the coffee sign!

  12. Oh looks like such a fun time! I could sure use that armoire. And those bird pillows!!

  13. Susan, wish I could have been there with you. Looks like oodles of fun. Love that armoire and all of the vintage goodies. Thanks for taking us along.

  14. I've been to Brimfield twice, but I'd love to get to Round Top! It looks like so much fun. Can't wait to see what you got.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper


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