Monday, April 21, 2014

New Additions

I have some new additions to our cottage.  In an effort to make this formal living
room a little less stiff and a lot more cozy, I searched for and found a couple of
new toile pillows for the antique camelback sofa.  

I wanted to repeat a form of toile in the room to accent the toile Chippendale
chairs on either side of the sofa.  I found these equestrian theme pillows.
You know me ~ any time there is a horse involved, there I am!  Trust me,
if I could find a tack room scented air freshener I would be all over it!

Oh and here is a new Roo for the breakfast room table.  Roos are running
wild in my breakfast room and kitchen.  Good thing they are not real
because you know who would be busy chasing them.

Do you remember when I said I was thinking of having some Audobon prints
framed for either side of the mirror over the sideboard in the dining room?
Well that was before I found these equestrian prints on ebay.   I have not hung
them yet because I want to change out the glass to an non-reflective one.

Can you see the script on the matting?  Love it and the crest down 
at the bottom too.

I was so thrilled to find these and knew they had to find there way
down here to Texas.  

David, Bentley and I spent the weekend in San Antonio.  We left on 
Thursday.   We stayed at the Hotel Contessa right on the river walk.
Our suite had a river view and was pet friendly.  Bentley got a little
bag full of treats and a ball from the management when he arrived.
Needless to say that was a big hit with the pup!  We did lots of 
walking along the miles of pathway along the river.  We ate way too
much delicious food, had lots of fun and returned home refreshed and
renewed.  It was just what we all needed!  I hope y'all had a
wonderful Easter weekend too.  

Metamorphosis Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make It Pretty Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Tweak It Tuesday
Inspire Me
Wow Us Wednesday
What's It Wednesday

When we arrived back home, I let Bentley out in the backyard so
he could explore a bit while we unloaded our luggage.  He
got quite a workout because he found a CAT!!! in the yard.
There was a lot of racing through the tropicals and barking
going on.  But he was successful and came back in with
a big huge smile on his face!  Then he plopped down on the
floor and let out a big sigh.  Mission accomplished!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, glad you and David and Bentley enjoyed your get away to San Antonio. Glad to know of a dog friendly hotel on the River Walk.
    Thanks for the sweet note. Nice to hear from you. Enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. Wonder if that kitty is still up in a tree. Poor Bentley. Such a responsibility! Love those horse and rider prints!

  3. How fun to get away on a trip and San Antonio is great, I loved it several years ago! Bentley is so cute, worrying asbout the cat in your yard, lol! I'm so happy Bentley had a good time in that hotel, you were all lucky to find a dog friendly one too!
    I love equestrian artwork and yours is lovely.
    Have a nice week.

  4. It sounds like the three of you had a wonderful weekend, big toile fan myself. Poor Bentley, but someone has to clear the yard......

  5. I love your pretty touches in this room. I need to make a few changes and tweaks this week, too. I need to make mine look MORE formal! lol We love San Antonio! What a great place to spend time! The riverwalk is magical, isn't it? Hugs!

  6. Stunning! I love toile and especially the chair and couch. I have the same curtains and keep wondering if I should change them out..but your living room gave me a new perspective.

  7. Very pretty Susan! I was in San Antonio once and I loved it, would love to go back.
    Bentley is quite the character and so fun to hear about.

  8. Looking good!! Love the toile pillows. Bentley is certainly protective of his property, isn't he?


  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! The room looks wonderful :)

  10. I love the toile pillows and prints that you found!

  11. Love the toile pillows ~ what a great find. Your equestrian prints are just lovely. so glad Bentley found that bad kitty in his yard ~ I can just see him chasing that poor feline up the tree. I am so glad that you had a getaway. would love to see the pictures ~ it sounds like a great restful place to be and they are pet friendly~!

  12. The equestrian prints are fantastic!!!!!

  13. Those horse prints are yummy! What a great find! Glad you had a good time in San Antonio. Getaways are sometimes just what we need.
    Bentley, glad you got to go on vacation, too!

  14. it looks so lovely. and lucky you for getting away with Bently.

  15. A very pretty space!! I also really like the prints. Sounds like a a very enjoyable vacation. Bentley got his exercise. :D

  16. Love the pillows for the sofa, and how they match the chairs. I have the same sofa, different fabric. I keep pillows there too for a less formal appearance. What a cute new roo for the kitchen, so spring perfect. Wow, what a wonderful getaway, sounds wonderful! Nice you were able to have Bentley with you! Happy Spring..............

  17. This is stunning, that sofa is to die for, your home is everything I dream of, congratulations on such beautiful home.
    I am showing the reveal of my living room this week so hop on over to check it out.

  18. LOVE the prints! So pretty.
    Your comment about a tack room air freshener had me laughing out loud!

    Too funny!

    Glad you had a nice trip. Love SA!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.