Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Weeknight Dinner in the Kitchen

Recently David and I have started to eat our weeknight dinners at
the breakfast bar in the kitchen.  I am not sure what prompted this but
we are enjoying it.  We sit face to face and discuss our day.

We have a breakfast room, but hardly ever eat there anymore if it is
just the two of us.  Now Bentley is a bit confused by this because before
we started eating dinner at the breakfast bar it is where David would
sit and have a drink before dinner while I was cooking.  Bentley 
would sit by David's stool and David would toss Bentley a peanut
or an almond or two.  I know ~ sounds strange, but Bentley loves
to eat nuts!  They both would watch me cook and then we would
move to the table or maybe to TV trays in the family room.

Then one evening I served dinner right here and we have been doing it
ever since.  Now that the weather is consistently warm and not yet too
hot we will start eating out on the patio.  But for  last night, it was right here.
Of course Bentley will have to move his nightly dinner show performance
from the kitchen to the patio.  It's the cutest thing.  Every night
at dinner Bentley grabs a toy and tosses it over and over into the air and
entertains us.  Of course we repeatedly applaud and tell him how cute 
he is and he is so happy and pleased with himself.

Last night I served BBQ chicken breasts, and southern style  green beans 
and potatoes.  I used Emeril's recipe which you can read here.  I 
substituted Yukon Gold potatoes for the new ones, but otherwise it
is the same recipe.  

And I served corn muffins and sweet tea too.  I must tell you that my
eating habits have changed a bit since I moved back to Texas.   I 
have even started drinking diet Dr Pepper! 

Well Bentley ~ I think we are going to have to place a special
basket of "outdoor toys" for you on the patio so that you
will have equipment for your nightly "dinner show".

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Isn't it just amazing at how smart dogs are? I am constantly in awe at some of the things Bella does. Looks like a cozy place to eat when it's just you two. I'm sure you'll enjoy eating outside also.

    Have a great day.


    1. I tell Bentley everyday that he is the cutest, sweetest, smartest, most creative and inventive dog in the world. Well, at least he is to me. I think he believes it because he is quite full of himself and oh how I love him for it!

  2. Hi Susan! How nice to enjoy each others company and little Bentley too. I can just see his tossing his toys in the air for y'all! Now, you're taking right down my alley! I love me some diet Dr. Pepper, diet Cherry Dr. Pepper is so good!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. The next time I am at HEB I will pick up a bottle of diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. Last Saturday when I was there I almost picked up a bottle of Cherry but did not. Now I know that I will. Thanks for the tip Shelia!

  3. Susan, we eat most of our meals out in the sunroom now that it is so pretty and cool. We open the doors and let in the fresh air. As you are aware, these lovely Texas spring days will end all too soon. ;-)
    Enjoy your new dining spot. It looks charming!

    1. I am going to take advantage of each moment I can to enjoy this lovely weather even though I know it will be short lived. We hope to get up to Austin one of these days. When we do I will let you know beforehand. Maybe we can go out for lunch together.

  4. I always hated Dr. Pepper until I lived in Dallas, TX for 2 years and all-of-a-sudden started to like it. When I left Texas to return to New York State I went back to hating it. Must be that Texas air!

    1. That's so funny! Maybe it is the Texas air. I'll let you know if it changes the next time I go to another state ;-)

  5. We sit at the kitchen bar every night since we have become empty nesters some time ago. We have a little tv in the kitchen so we watch the news while I cook. When the nice warm weather comes if it ever does we will sit on our amazing screened porch.
    we have no pets right now we are still missing our kitty who was 20 when she passed away. We haven't had a dog in several years we wanted our kitty's last years be without the stress of getting use to a dog. We will wait until the time feels right to the both of us and then we will add a pet. Your Bently sounds darling.


    1. I am sorry about the loss of your kitty. Pets become family members and are deeply missed when they are gone. Do get another pet. They enrich our lives in so many ways as you well know. I envy your screened porch. We may have to screen ours in since south Texas is bug central!

  6. Yay for Dr. Pepper and sweet tea!! Your dinner sounds wonderful and quite familiar. :)

    Eating at the bar is a good idea, especially when the entertainment is right there.

    Are you glad to be back in Texas? June 1st will be our 2 year anniversary for being back. It was a harder adjustment than I expected because we lived in Oklahoma for 23 years. Now though, it just feels right. :)

  7. I am glad to be back in Texas. I am quite content here. The fact that we still own property in Idaho has helped make this move a bit easier. We have a lot up in the beautiful mountains there and will build our dream cabin there. So now we have the best of both worlds. But I must say, once a Texan ~ always a Texan!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  8. Dan and I always eat in our recliners, usually at different times, as he gets home so late. I love your eat in kitchen. Wish I had room for that, but that darn Flair takes up half the kitchen! lol
    xoxo Bentley!

  9. Your dinner looks so yummy! We tend to eat at our breakfast bar a lot too, especially during the week. Sounds like Bentley likes his captive audience at dinnertime ~ too cute!

  10. Your dinner location is a cozy place to catch up on the days events... I think a good choice as opposed to the more formal dinner "table".

    1. We used to eat in front of the TV quite a bit. This way is so much better because we really talk. Sometimes life gets so busy we forget how just sitting and talking without lots of outside distraction is really relaxing and a good way to catch up with each other.

  11. Don't do much eating in the kitchen these days, maybe soon this project will be over! But we do love eating out on the screened porch, however it's covered in pollen and I'm waiting a while longer before cleaning it again...too much work to have it covered again over night! Sweet Bentley...aren't they the BEST!

    1. The pollen is covering everything on my porch too. Can't wait for it to be over!

  12. I like the idea of face-to-face dining and what a convenient place to eat. However, when you move outside, Bentley should be thrilled, especially with a few new toys!

    1. While Bentley enjoys getting a new toy, he has to "break it in" first. He has some old ones that he dearly loves that are broken or torn. I don't have the heart to get rid of them because they are his favorites.

    2. what a cozy spot to enjoy dinner with David and Bentley. I love the idea of sitting face to face and discussing the days events. You don't have to sit at a table to enjoy delights from the kitchen. Dinner looked yummy and the corn muffins - yum - Once the weather warms a bit and you sit outside it will be glorious, but for now this little nook looks quite comfy ;-)

  13. Sometimes it's good to change things up. Eating outdoors is my favorite, and it sounds like you are headed that way soon!


  14. I have a stool in the kitchen and my husband sits there and watches me cook dinner every night. The Yorkies always bring their toys in and entertain him until they tire out and then he holds them in his lap so they can have a front row seat too. I don't know what they would do if we changed the routine, might just have to try something new?!?!?! LOL....Your Bentley sounds like such a sweetie :o)

    1. Awww ~ your Yorkies are entertainers too. They just love to have a routine don't they? Bentley likes everything to be the same every day. His routine starts early in the morning when he greats me with about a million kisses. I just adore that little guy!

  15. Sounds delicious! I think have dining entertainment like Bentley would be fabulous! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. One of these days you are going to have to video The Bentley Show for us. It sounds like the very best kind of entertainment. We have a counter that hubby snacks at a lot. I would love to as well but the stools I bought are too hard for my back. Your dinner looks yummy, and I love the knobby iced tea goblets.

  17. Love the summery checks! It looks marvelous - I think eating at the breakfast bar looks quite cozy and intimate! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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