Thursday, May 15, 2014

A New Found Treasure

Since my Mom passed away, I have been going through boxes of 
things that belonged to her.  I found a few things that were marked 
for me that came from my grandmother and great grandmother.
One of the items was this little vase.  I don't believe it would have
much value to anyone else, but it does for me.  It is meaningful
not just because it is part of a family history, but also because of
what I discovered inside.

A tiny piece of yellowed newsprint folded up so carefully.  
Something that was meaningful to her.

This is especially meaningful to me now as well.  The house we live in
is fairly new to us and I think that it is fitting that this little vase was 
passed on to us and that we dedicate our house to the glory of God.
That's what makes this vase and the little bit of newsprint found 
inside so special.  A family treasure.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. How very sweet ... and so very comforting to find such a special gift from your mother. May your home be blessed with peace and prosperity.

  2. A treasure for sure, Sister!
    xo to you too, Bentley

  3. I love that. I know it must make you feel more at home.

    1. You are so right ~ it does make me feel more at home.

  4. A real treasure! And a surprise treasure at that! Wonderful ....was meant to be in your new home. Hugs to you and to Bentley.

  5. How lovely. You should frame it and put it in a very special place.

    1. That's a wonderful idea. I am going to do just that!

  6. It was wonderful just to see the vase, but when you found that note? What a treasure!!!

  7. How wonderful a surprise for you....a treasured treasure for sure!

  8. How special to find this additional surprise tucked inside. I'm going to pin this so I can remember these words. Smiling at the thought of your happiness at discovering this little treasure.

    1. I am glad those words have meaning for you too. We all need to keep our homes dedicated to God and live as He wants us to with kindness in our hearts for others.

  9. Such precious treasures ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

    1. My pleasure and so glad I can share them with you!

  10. Oh, Susan that is a precious heirloom! What a fabulous message from the past to treasure.
    Big hugs,

    1. It is a treasure worth more to me than money can buy. But then the really good things are the simple heartfelt ones.

  11. What an absolute TREASURE. You know my sweet sister, this means that God is looking after you to comfort you and he will not leave you ~ even in your darkest days. Psalm 23

    1. I know He is. Sometimes we mere mortals need a bit of a reminder!

  12. how very sweet! a meaningful treasure. :)

    thanks for stopping in today!

    1. You are so welcome. I really enjoyed my visit!

  13. That's wonderful! I'm so glad you found it! I've been praying for you ever since your mom passed.

    1. Oh thank you! I know that your prayers have carried me through this difficult time. It's getting better. I know that my Mom is in Heaven with my Daddy and it would be selfish of me not to be happy about that. They were so close. I greatly appreciate your prayers.

  14. Just lovely! What a joy for you to not only have that treasure of a vase, but to think that your mother placed that piece of paper in there for you to find, and then to see the goodness of God add He gave it to you just at the right moment. Special indeed!
    May your home be graced with the love of God, for all who enter in.
    I have enjoyed my visit here.
    Be blessed, Debbie

  15. Little subtle symbols to let us know they really are still with us. I remember the 1st Christmas after my dad had passed. I was blue contemplating Christmas without him even though I was an adult. The child in me was selfishly thinking there'd be no present from my daddy that year. Then I walked outside & in the middle of the street there was a swan planter. My dad loved swans & the 1st Father's Day after he passed I went to spend it w' my sister in Massachusetts. As we were walking along her beach talking about our beloved dad we noticed a single swan was swimming steadily along in the ocean close to us. It was looking at us as it swam. Cheryl told me that swans never swim solo in the ocean, they're always w' their mate. Well we both knew at that moment that our dad was with us. So I received a gift from my dad after all. Later on the planter was stolen sadly, but the gift it gave could never be taken. You have been blessed by that little piece of paper in a little vase just as I was blessed by a mysterious swan planter. Blessing abound my friend.

    1. Yes I do believe that your dad was letting you know that he is always with you. What a comforting message! I have a similar one to share with you. Shortly after Mom died, one of my dearest friends told me about how Cardinals are felt to visit grieving loved ones. Right after I read her message, a little Cardinal couple began to visit our house. They live in one of our big old oaks. The first time I saw the male he was on our patio and when I noticed him he looked right back at me and stayed for a while. I was so comforted. Now I see them everyday on our patio and back porch. Our own little Cardinal couple. I think it's my Mom and Daddy.

  16. How wonderful! Precious beyond imagining.


  17. What a lovely post! I treasure things that have been passed down to me and I hope my daughters do as well. Family. What a wonderful thing to have.

  18. Susan,
    What a wonderful treasure!! Love it!!

    Thanks so much for your visit and kind words about my tribute to my Mom. Not all Mom's and Daughter always get along with each other but that does not mean they do not love each other. And you only have one Mother. I know your Mom passed away a short time ago and you are still feeling much hurt. That will pass eventually and you will be able to remember your beautiful Mom with a smile and not tears.....

    Many Hugs,

  19. Such a precious treasure! Indeed that note was meant for you and your loving home. Mom and Grandma are smiling down from heaven I am sure! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. That is such a sweet find! Thanks for sharing!


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