Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day and a Dollhouse

Mother's Day is a sad one for me.  My Mom is now gone and I never had
a successful pregnancy so I am not a mom.  I don't want to go anywhere
so I will be at home finally erecting my future Texas Rosebud Cottage.

This sweet little dollhouse kit has been sitting in it's box in my studio
waiting for construction.  I think that today will be a good day to get

Wishing all of you a Happy Mother's Day.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan - I know it will be a hard day for you, but I can still wish you a happy day! Anxious to see how easily that dollhouse goes together. Then, I'll know if I want to start on mine or not!

    Blessings and prayers for you on this day.


  2. I feel the same way, Susan. Keeping you in my prayers today. xo

  3. Susan, we are kindred spirits today. Thinking about you and wish you happiness. Have fun putting the house together. Hope it goes smoothly and easily. Hugs~ Sarah and Sadie

  4. Thinking of you today, Susan. You've been in my thoughts all day as I know you are going through the same emotions that I am - both of us so recently bereft. I'm glad you're working on your dollhouse, my friend.


  5. Susan, I've had you and Claudia on my mind today. Both of you losing your Mother's so recently. I'm hoping that putting the doll house together will give you some joy. Big hugs!


  6. Susan, I know it's hard this Mothers Day just loosing your mother, but she is in heaven with your daddy and she is smiling down on you today and watching over you.
    I think putting the Dollhouse together is a perfect day today.

  7. Your Bentley's mama! I'm not a mother either... In the real sense of the pregnancies never came to be and there was much heartbreak. So we made our fur babies our "kids" so every year we celebrate mothers day and fathers day...this year my husband and "kids" bought me a necklace from Kay jewelers which has the open heart pendants by Jane Seymour...Jane made one with a black paw print with silver hearts and the pawprint is made of black tiny diamonds. I know it is a sad day for you but make it a day of loving rememberence, your mother wouldn't want you to be sad. Remember all the beautiful things about your mother...when my grandmother passed away, I inherited all her cat figurines, I add a new figurine every now and again. Maybe you could take something your mother loved and every mothers day add a piece to it that you think she would like.

  8. Yes, you are Bentley's mommy. Thinking of you. Yeah for working on the doll house.

  9. Cute little dollhouse. I received a kit for one the Christmas right before I lost my Dad. He passed the January after in 1993. I lost all desire to assemble my lovely dollhouse & put it under my bed for almost a year. I shouldn't have grieved that long, but everybody has their own pace for grieving. I am happy for you that you have the spirit to grieve your mother's loss & yet continue to live life. Have fun building that darling little house & know that it would make your mother very happy to see you enjoying doing it. God bless you friend.

  10. Susan, you are in my prayers.

  11. Yes, Susan, Mother's Day is always hard when we lose our own Moms. But you were with yours and helped her til the very end so you can feel very, very good about that.

    Can't wait to see the "new" dollhouse! I'm sure it will be absolutely adorable. Susan

  12. Hi Susan,
    Thinking of you and sending hugs your way.
    I have that very dollhouse kit still in its box too that I still have to construct, some day. With my other three I really don't have any where to put another one right now. It really is a cute one though with great potential! I'm looking forward to seeing the progress.
    Have a great week,

  13. I love that little cottage, and I know you are gonna fix it up so stinkin cute!!! I'm with you today.....I worked in the garden, my mom adored flowers...everywhere!!! Don't feel bad honey, I have children and haven't heard from them going on 8 years now. There are many kinds of heart aches. Blessings to you....xoxoxo

  14. Mother's Day is bitter sweet for me too. My sweet Mom has been gone for 23 long years and I am not a mother either. I try to remember the good times and reflect on the good man who has treated me like a Queen for over 40 years. You will carry on because that is what we all have to do when our love ones pass on. Have fun with your doll house (I've always wanted one too), kiss your sweetheart and hug Bently.

  15. Your little cottage doll's house is so pretty, Susan. I hope you have fun putting it together. It must be a bittersweet day for you, so close to losing your mother.
    Sending love and hugs.
    Helen xox

  16. I built a dollhouse similar to this in my early 20's & loved it. Then life got busy for me & I got rid of it eventually. I'd love to do another one. I hope you'll show pictures of your progress.


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