Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

I hope y'all had a great Memorial Day weekend.  It was a laid back one for
us.  It has been raining very hard on and off all day today.  I am not
complaining.  We need the rain and it's a blessing.  David had to go into the
office for a few hours this morning, but we have been able to spend a few
hours together this afternoon.  In all of the years we have been married, I 
think there have only been one or two- times that we have been able to
celebrate a three day weekend.  One or the other of us has always been

Poor little Bentley has been running between the raindrops today.  He hops
off the back porch, runs out very quickly and takes care of business.  At one
point this afternoon he just gave in and ran out into the middle of the yard,
got quite wet, ran onto the back porch and just shook himself off for a while.
Then he was smiling and happy as ever.  He's such a jolly little fellow.

I picked up this big premier issue of coast to coast style 
Beach Cottages at my HEB Plus.  This cover shot was styled by
our friend the fabulous Fifi O'Neill.  She is always an inspiration.  I will
be dreaming for weeks about the charming cottages inside this issue.
So that's a weekend update.  Nothing too exciting to report.  Too dark
and cloudy to take any pics inside and frankly I am too lazy to even
attempt any.  So I will put the kettle on, make a cup of tea and get
cozy in a comfy chair with Bentley.  Thinking of y'all and hoping
that everyone had a fun weekend.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Glad you were able to enjoy your weekend even with the rain, sweet friend. Curled up in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and a great magazine sounds wonderful. xo Laura

  2. Hi Susan-

    What a blessing to have rain. My carpet grass is already starting to look a little frazzled. I just need to keep watering.

    It is always nice to visit another Texas blogger.

    Have a great week-

    White Spray Paint


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