Friday, May 23, 2014

Miniatures in Pink

Construction on the Texas Rosebud Cottage is moving along despite
glitches in the construction schedule.  My construction manager aka
David ~ my hubby, had to go out of town on business.

I have a lot of furniture that is just waiting to for it's new home.  In fact,
I have to hold off on any new additions until the move in date arrives.
I don't want to have too much furniture and accessories because although
there is another dollhouse kit waiting in the wings, who knows when it
will be completed.

But I did want to take a few minutes to show you how the color pink plays
a big role in the cottage dollhouse and especially to congratulate Beverly for
six years of Pink Saturday!  That is quite a bit of pink, but then for many of
us there is no such thing as too much pink.

And my hubby thinks I have too many full size dishes!

Pink is such an ideal color for a dollhouse.  Everything looks so sweet
in pink.

Thank you Beverly.  Pink Saturday has always provided me with so much
"pinkspiration".  Congratulations on six years and hoping that you will
keep this party going for many years to come!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your little house is so adorable. I wish it was big size and that I could just move right in. xo Laura

  2. Beautiful dolls house furniture. Can't wait to see it in your house.

  3. So sweet. I'd love to know where you buy miniatures from. I've got so many dollhouses and yet I'm always on the hunt for more little touches. I've got a couple of resources that I order online from, but I'm always open to more vendors. Have fun playing!

    1. Thanks Kim. I have purchased many miniatures from and also from New England miniatures. I have found some wonderful items from ebay vendors too. There are many talented miniaturists on ebay too. Cynthia from Cynthia's Cottage Design has wonderful minis but her items sell out immediately on etsy. Cynthia Sperin, Kim Saulter and Moritza Moran have a wonderful new publication called "Miniologie". Check it out for some great ideas. Visit Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage. She is as dollhouse crazy as I am. What I would like to do next is to start making minis. Good luck in the hunt. It is becoming an obsession with me!

  4. I want to live in your dollhouse ;)

  5. Just beautiful ! I posted a mini too. Happy Pink !

  6. I could live there if I was a very little person.

  7. Oh my goodness, everything looks so real. So pretty.
    Happy pinks!

  8. Very cute, Love the wallpaper you chose.

  9. All so very pretty and cute ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  10. I always wanted a dollhouse when I was younger, and they still intrigue me to this day. Pink looks fabulous with this one, and I'm just in awe of all the wonderful furniture and accessories available!!!

    Hello to you and to sweet little Bentley! Have a great holiday weekend!

  11. That hutch is lovely. I build miniature furniture & would love to build one like that. I sent you a pic of my yellow food safe w' screens in the doors. You said I should sell on Etsy. If I ever get enough inventory I'd love to try it out. I don't know if you read all of your hound lamp comments. I left you a compliment on your mixed berry muffins from a previous blog. So maybe if you read this one you can go back & read that one. I can't wait to see your finished cottage. I love the pinks & greens together. So pretty!

  12. Just such a house with all the perfect furnishings is every little (and not so little!|) girl's dream. Now that I have two granddaughters I might need to explore this field!

  13. I agree, there is no such thing as too much pink! Love all your mini's and hope the move in date is soon!

  14. Love your sweet doll house! Thanks for sharing all of the pink with us. The little things on the hutch are amazing, especially the rooster!

  15. Your minis are really coming along - I am so excited for you and can't wait to see them all put together finally!

    Well done, happy pinks to you!

  16. Happy Pink Saturday! Your miniature house is precious. I love all the pretty furnishings to go with it. Enjoy your finished house and all its sweet details.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.