Monday, June 30, 2014

Table Top Vignette Elements

At one end of our living room there is a tea table and two 
Chippendale arm chairs.  This grouping is right next to a large
window and it is a delightful place to sit and look at a magazine
because this north facing spot is bright but not too sunny.

Right now this spot looks bare, but not for long.  Let's add some
cozy elements.

There is quite a bit of red in this room so I added a Chinese tea box filled
with a floral arrangement.  This arrangement both brightens and softens
the top of the table.

I love to add books to arrangements because I love the texture, but also
because I love to read.

This quail figurine belonged to my Mom.  She bought it when my parents
used to live in Scottsdale, Arizona because there were flocks of quail that
gathered on their property each day.  I always like to add elements that
have special meaning.  It personalizes a space.  I cringe every time I hear a
designer on TV tell the audience not to personalize their space.  This may
be of importance when selling a home, but if you are staying in your home
I say personalize it.  It's your home ~ your nest.  Make it your own!

Y'all know that pillows soften a design and this girl loves them.

Add a couple of tea cups and a tea strainer.  It is a tea table after all.

Don't forget to invite a friend to share a couple of hours with you.  The best
design is wasted if it can't be shared with the ones you love.

I could even bring Bentley's fancy water dish in here with
a little treat for him.  He hates to be excluded :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Thank you. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Susan, How I wish I could stop by for a cup of tea and a visit with you and Bentley. Bring in his bowl and a treat ~ Perfect ;-)

  3. Gorgeous furniture to start with, right up my alley! The table vignette is as beautiful as the table top and what a lovely spot for Reading and relaxing. I love to do anything around a table. ! Love it all!
    Happy 4th. of July.

  4. I love this beautiful setting! It is so inviting along with great style. ♥

  5. Susan, it looks beautiful! I agree 100% about making your home your own! I do not like a sterile looking home! I'd be happy to join you for a cup of tea! My favorite is Twinings English Breakfast tea! ;)

  6. This looks like a lovely place to sit down and catch up with a friend. Your table is gorgeous!

  7. I love your sitting area... I have one quite similar with almost the same chairs next to two large windows where we like to sit and read. How funny that they are so similar. Love your blog... Cathy

  8. Dear Susan and Bentley...I do love your pretty table and chairs. I am glad you are enjoying your new home.

  9. Oh, Susan, you are so right...the best designs ARE wasted if not shared! That's the beauty of blogging if, like me, you create on a whim and find yourself with no one around to immediately enjoy!

    Very pretty and peaceful, and I'm sure the quail figurine gives you a little joy with each glance.

  10. Susan,
    Thanks so much for visiting!!

    I so agree with making your house , your home! I can not imagine not personalizing my home! I hate when I read about people doing things so it will be more marketable when they sell their homes. I plan on living here as long as I physically can so I want it to look like how I want it to look.
    When I am ready to sell, we will strip the house of all my Victorian touches to sell it but then and only then , will that happen!!



Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.