Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Favorite Collectibles

I love to hunt for vintage photo frames.  I think they add a touch
of charm to a space and a chance to really showcase a loved one.

These two pics are of Bitterman ~ my very first Yorkie.  He was such a
little gentleman.  He stole my heart.  Then came Binkie and now
Bentley.  Y'all know how much I love him and have loved all three.

Another favorite collectible is the demijohn.  Because of their versatility and
probably because of retailers like Pottery Barn and Ballard Design, they tend
to be pricey.  You have to really hunt to find a good bargain here.

But their rich texture and old world look brings charm to any corner.

We seem to be collecting lizards out in our gardens.
I'm all for it because they eat bugs.  Bentley on the
other hand has no interest in collecting lizards ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I look for demijohns at auctions. I can usually pick them up for a song when I find them. I'm with Bentley. No collecting of lizards for me. xo Laura

  2. Hi Susan. Really pretty frames and your little babies look so cute in them. I have never owned a demijohn but I love the looks of them. Thanks for your kind words about the paint and the dresser I painted. It is a great line of paints and it works well for me. Give Bentley big hugs. We lost our Buddy a few months back and I miss giving hugs..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  3. The frames are lovely.

  4. I don't have a collection of vintage frames like you show, but I do have one. Guess whose photo is displayed within. '-)
    Demijohns can also be found here, but my collection is small and the demijons themselves are small.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love the look of a whole collection of demijohns in different sizes and shapes. You are lucky - our dogs DO collect lizards.

  6. Your pups are so sweet in those frames.

  7. This is wonderful! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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