Sunday, July 20, 2014

On A Misty Morn

Every morning I let Bentley outside when it's early and misty.
The high humidity from the night before still lingers in the air
surrounding everything on the porch with a hazy and magical
mist.  All is quiet except for the melodies of the birds.

I love this hour.  The day greets me with the promise of creative

With the promise of enjoying my family and friends.

With the promise of daydreams.

With the promise of fluffing the cottage and homespun pleasures.

With the promise of long walks with Bentley

With the promise of potting a new plant.

Simple pleasures.

And being thankful.

Have a happy and blessed Sunday everyone!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Simple pleasures are the best. It is when people wait for the big ones that they truly miss out in life.

  2. Beautiful photos and beautiful words. We all need to take the time to enjoy those quiet moments!

  3. It is the simple pleasures that are the best ! Wonderful photos I love how soft they are ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.